JASDF F-3 Shinden II (and VF-19e Excalibur)

Started by CammNut, August 18, 2013, 07:10:16 PM

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I had too many projects started, and stalled. So, like any upstanding modeller, I started another one. Not one already in my stash - of course not! So off to my local hobby store(s) I went, one Sunday while my wife was safely out of the country.

I found what I was looking for in the shape of Hasegawa's (pricey) ASF-X Shinden II in 1/72, from the Ace Combat video game. I reckoned it was guaranteed to go together smoothly and quickly, and I that could whif this whif by finishing it in the colours of a Japan Air Self-Defense Force Mitsubishi F-2. So, simple to make, not very original, but...finished!

It's a bit of an odd bird, the ASF-X. Three inlets feeding two engines mounted one atop the other and feeding two-dimensional thrust-vectoring nozzles, one atop the other. The kit, I think, is of the STOVL version - the nozzles can be posed vectored downward and the tails rotate down, presumably to act as lift-improvement devices in STOVL mode. I am guessing there is a balancing lift fan up front. Optional downturned outer wing panels are labeled "STOVL mode", and would give the aircraft a Klingon Bird of Prey look.

I put my propulsion-purist reservations aside and got on with construction. As expected, it went to together very well - just a tiny bit of putty needed to fill a gap around one of the "hump" inserts for the F-35-style diverterless inlets (probably because I didn't fit it right).

The colours are not accurate, but the closest to the unique JASDF F-2 two-tone blue scheme that I could find in the rattle-can rainbow - Tamiya's spray-can navy and intermediate blues (AS-8 and -19). The door-edge outlines are from the kit decals. The markings and stencils are from a sheet of sharp, but somewhat fragile JASDF F-2 decals from DXM Decals.

Both decal sheets came in doubly useful because, after painting the ASF-X (now F-3), I decided I liked the scheme so much that I used it on one of those started-but-stalled projects I mentioned earlier - a Hasegawa Eggplane version of the YF-19 "Advanced Variable Fighter" from the Macross anime series. But that's another story...

Old Wombat

I'm guessing here but I have a feeling that the panels where the (stand slot?) is are supposed to open for the forward vertical thrust nozzle. They're a bit far back, a more appropriate place would be where those vent slots are, but, hey, it's anime! ;D

Very nice build. Looks natural in those colours & markings! :thumbsup:


Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Looks pretty good to me! :thumbsup: I need to get a couple of these, but I'm waiting 'til HLJ or someone has a sale...
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<


Quote from: pyro-manic on August 18, 2013, 07:49:43 PM
Looks pretty good to me! :thumbsup: I need to get a couple of these, but I'm waiting 'til HLJ or someone has a sale...
Try lucky model too Alun
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!


I'm gearing up to build mine as it's starting to cool down and I can get into my workroom again. Couple of things, one, that is a very nice work of art in the paint job. My other thing is this, any thing in the assembly that we should be aware of? either than the are that needs putty that is. As for the stand slot, there is a blanking plate that goes there if the stand is not used, I'm thinking of putting a centerline rack from an F/A-18 along with a tank. I have the JASDF weapons pack so I can make a custom ordnance load for it.  I still don't know how I'll paint it but I found some good ideas here...

http://bagera3005.deviantart.com/art/ASF-X-Shinden-II-65th-Aggressor-Squadron-329597770 , http://bagera3005.deviantart.com/art/ASF-X-Shinden-II-ghost-gray-326010689 , http://bagera3005.deviantart.com/art/ASF-X-Shinden-II-Israeli-Air-Force-326381802

The guy has a lot of artwork for concept birds and such as well as a few other pints for the Shinden. My problem is I have these great ideas running through my head but no time to ever pull them together. Anyway I found this to go with the bird....


That should go well with the yellow gear and figures I have in my stash.


Nice work on the Shinden.  :thumbsup:

I also have that kit in my stash - I considered an F-2 livery, too, but mine will probably become a German Luftwaffe aircraft, in one of the experimental paint schemes tested on several F-4Fs in the 80ies.


Nice one! And the paint job looks really great.  :thumbsup:
The carpet monster took it!


Thanks folks

As for the build, no real issues. It is well engineered so, for example, you can paint the inner and outer surfaces of the inlets separately before assembly to get a nice sharp definition on the colour that wraps round the lip (which is moulded in). The same with the nozzle flaps.

The only places extra care would have helped are in fitting the upper inlet to the fuselage - you can see a step on mine - and fitting your chosen set of wing tips. It is hard to get a precise join. It takes a bit of care, too, to fit the rotating fins into their hinges.

Also, those "probes" on the wing tips are a real nuisance during building - I am truly amazed they did not break...they got bent inadvertently often enough. The support struts on both main gear, meanwhile, are so fragile they both broke during removal from the sprue.

But, overall, a smooth build. It makes up into quite a big model - more F-22 than F-35 size. I left the stand slot open as I may yet install a pilot. I may also arm it externally - the kit comes with six clipped-fin Amraams, but I have some ASM-2 anti-ship missiles from an F-2 kit that I think will work.

But first I have a couple of other whifs I want to do in that colour scheme...


I was looking at the wing tip "probes" and thought that I will most likely remove them and install a LAU-7 with an AIM-9X or other next gen AA missile. Thanks for the comments on the thankfully few problem areas, that bit of knowledge usually pays off in other builds. I still have to decide what paint I want to do, it looks like a modified Israeli paint or an Aggressor, Japanese or American is not important just so it looks cool. Failing all those, what if Mithril from Full Metal Panic had these in their bag of tricks? I could just cop out and paint it Gunship and SAC Euro grey like the AV-8s in the anime. I wouldn't even need markings other than a number and the maintenance stencils. :wacko: