
Whiffie Nominations are Closed

Started by philp, January 08, 2009, 07:17:08 PM

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Ok, think your model, profile, story, etc is the best?

Or it there a profile (or 5) or model, etc someone else did that you love.

Go to this thread in the Whiffies and post them up and see if you can sway the nominations.

I already have put a few (maybe even some of my favs) to get it rolling.

Remember, Nominations close Jan 15th.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Somemore great items posted up. 

But still not that many official nominees.   :banghead:
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies

Daryl J.

Thanks Philip for what you are doing.   This first go around is pretty daunting.

Daryl J.


Well, here it is, the 13th.  I have 6 out of 22 categories with no nominations, none, zip, zippo, nada.

Several people have asked for an extension but the tux is already rented, TV coverage has been planned, the red carpet is being washed.  What to do, what to do?

OK, if people will actually take a little time and send some nominations in, I guess we can extend the nominations one more week.  So, Midnight, January 22nd (Mountain Standard Time), the nominations will be closed so that I have time to compile all the votes and find out which will be on the ballot for the final vote. 

Remember, the top 5 nominees in each category will be placed on the ballot.

Wonder if I can get my deposit back...
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Are you doing the time warp? November 22nd????


No idea what you are talking about Greg.[whistles]

OK, fixed it.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Quote from: cthulhu77 on January 13, 2009, 06:34:36 AM
Are you doing the time warp? November 22nd????

Hey, i become an adult that day!


Now remember, just because you have another week doesn't mean you can wait 6 days and then start looking.

One of the issues I keep hearing is that there is so much stuff to look through.  Yes, many of you are very prolific making it harder for the rest of us.  However, I know that there were builds out there that when I saw them I said "AWESOME" right off the bat.  Those are the ones I will be nominating.  Maybe some of the categories you will only remember 1-2 like that and need to research a little to find some others.  Remember to use the Gallery.  Several builders and profilers have put a lot of their stuff in there (Mav, your killing me).  And since all were put in during 2008 (except anything from 2009) they are all eligible even if some were done before.
The 2008 GB repository has links to all the GB winners (think they should be worthy of a nomination or 2).  Included during 2008 was the Armor GB (lots of tracked and sci fi like vehicles), Profile GB (not only good models but good profiles), Styrene Junkyard GB (kitbashed, scratchbuilt, non plastic medium...) and Piston Perfection (Aircraft with propellers).
There are the Profiles topics, Alt History topics, Camoflage topics and the Aircraft/Armor/Ships topics to gather profiles, camoflages, alternate countries, alternate histories, etc.

I only have nominations from 5 people (yep, 5 out of 731) and none of them have yet nominated in each category let alone submitted 5 noms per categories.  I know its daunting but, pick a category, find 5 good ones and send it in.  Then pick the next category and do it again.  I don't care how many PMs I get (uh, is there a limit?), heck, send them one at a time (there's a good one, I'll send it to Phil  :thumbsup:).  Sandy contacted me saying he is ready to create the awards certificates and I still have 6 categories with no nominations at all.

Remember, the top 5 nominations in each category will be put out to the Forum for the final vote.  But if they are not nominated, they don't have a chance to win.

It's up to you all.

Ok, I am stepping off my soapbox and going home to rest.  Hope to hear from you all soon.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Phil, I've been working on my list and I gotta tell you I'm exhausted!  On the other hand, it's made me go back and see a bunch of freakin' cool stuff I had forgotten about, stuff that is so cool I didn't think it was possible to forget, but apparently I'm gettin' closer to not knowin' my own name than I care to admit.  :rolleyes:  I'll send you the bulk of my choices tomorrow.

Your going to have your work cut out for you trying to get this stuff organized!  :blink:
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


Thanks Jeff,
Looking forward to your nominations.
There sure is a bunch of talent out there from the last year and 2009 is already shaping up to be another great year for whiffers.  Already some great builds, profiles and stories. Time to mark a few so this isn't so hard next year (if I do this again).
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


'...please, tell me where to put it..?'

'do nothing except that which is necessary or beautiful' (Marcus Aurelius)..well I've got the 'do nothing' bit sorted...


Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Sorry I haven't time to do this meaningfully



well thanks for that

I pm ed a few but forgot to use links

managed two nominations from the gallery in two hours

i have others, but don't know how to collect links whilst Im searching through page after page to then insert into pm..

too much like being at work stress
'...please, tell me where to put it..?'

'do nothing except that which is necessary or beautiful' (Marcus Aurelius)..well I've got the 'do nothing' bit sorted...


Not a problem.  Having the links makes it a lot easier for me to find them as I want to post the links with the final vote.  But, If you give me an idea of what and where, I usually can find them.  Just takes me a little longer.
I appreciate you taking the time.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies