For Sale 5 Very large AMT Boeings (1/72)

Started by Bungle, January 29, 2017, 08:30:41 AM

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"Kits I'll never make".... words I seem to be saying more and more.  I have these 5 AMT/Ertl kits which I'm not going to make especially as I have a couple more still as loft insulation.

These kits are huge ! Too big for me to display even if I had the space so maybe there's a better home for them somewhere.

I'm asking £50 each for them including postage with in the UK only. I have to restrict this to UK because their size / weight takes them over the Royal Mail limit.

10% off if you by more than one. First come first served, paypal preferred but cheques and loose women accepted. I'm also on the look out for a Mach 2 B-45 Tornado if anyone is interested.

Thinking of AMT kits I'm sure I've got a Valkyie somewhere, I'll have to dig it out for a photograph. Big big kit £50 again for those wth money to burn.


 Weird isn't it ?

Looked for the Valkyrie and unearthed two of them ! Add to that two more B-52s (1 AMT, 1 Monogram), an Esci and an Italeri KC-135, a B-35 flying wing, a B-36 Peacemaker, a B-47  , 5 x Tu-22's , 4 x Shackletons, 3 x  B-17s and a Magna VC-10 !  All in boxes I thought contained finished kits ready for dumping !

Suddenly got an impressive collection of even more kits I'll never make !

Worst thing is I can't even remember buying the damn things !

Anyway ebay watchers lookout these will be going out there in the coming weeks (actually 1 Valkyrie and the ESCI KC-135 are already on there).


Oh and I should say the wife's moaning because they are taking up too much room in the bedroom.  Well she wanted the attic cleared, no pleasing some people !


Quote from: Bungle on February 09, 2017, 08:15:40 AM

Worst thing is I can't even remember buying the damn things !

The story of our lives..............  ;D ;D
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)


Old Wombat

Quote from: Bungle on February 09, 2017, 08:18:23 AM
Oh and I should say the wife's moaning because they are taking up too much room in the bedroom.  Well she wanted the attic cleared, no pleasing some people !

What Kit said. ;D ;D
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Quote from: Bungle on February 09, 2017, 08:18:23 AM
Oh and I should say the wife's moaning because they are taking up too much room in the bedroom.  Well she wanted the attic cleared, no pleasing some people !

Lucky people! I'm in a ground floor flat ( albeit large, pleasant and all that) so NO  ATTIC!!  Fortunately, we rent a garage which accommodates the Rheged family model  stash (mine and younger son's)  and Madame's stash: oil  painting stuff and a couple of pieces of furniture she want to restore. Currently, her stuff takes up slightly more room than mine so no domestic discord....................yet.
"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you....."
It  means that you read  the instruction sheet


I have 1/4 of the basement to build and display so no problems there. Shortage here is time and mojo.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Clearly, I'm still playing in the junior league, because I've managed to avoid buying any heavies in The Stash for fear of not being to display them anywhere...

Fortunately, I'm safe from this temptation as I live outside the UK. ;D

Though, if there is again a stash sale on the local forum, I might not be as safe - at some point the cheap price will become too irresistible. :banghead:

Runway ? ...

Hey, I find myself without a B52 in my stash. I'll take anything early looking and while you're at it add something else to the value of £100. Surprise me  :).

Anything to get SWMBO off your back :)


Unfortunately I seem to have set up residence in the dog house. Looks like my only way out of this is to sell as many kits as possible and buy her more shoes !

I have PM'd you a list of all I the recent discoveries - let me know what you want and if it's not on the list its probably because I'm to lazy to list it !

B-52G reserved.


There's a Magna VC10 on eBay at the moment, I take it that it isn't yours.
The B-52 is very tempting and at that price is a bargain. I've got a E-3A and KC-135 spare parts that I'm converting into a Condor AEW.
I even had a B-35 flying wing at one stage.
I'm going to have to pass up this opportunity.


No that VC-10 isn't me but thanks for the heads up I'll keep an eye on it and maybe you will see mine on there.

Mind you it will be a struggle to let it go.

Sorry I can't tempt you.

Found one of the B-52 pretty beat up I must have put the wings together and thought 'Nah no way too big'. So if any one is interested in a Monogram B-52 part made, no decals and a nasty box (and no guarantee its all there) then make me an offer.


Oh and add to that a pair of Frog 1/72nd Lancaster missing 7 of the props and spinners.

Not really sure what I used those parts on but as usual kept the kits 'just in case'. Spares fodder anyone ?


If it's part built and you can find it £30.


I assume you mean the B-52 McColm.... if so £30 including postage. Done deal. PM me your address and I'll get it off to you this weekend.
