Kawasaki Ki-61 IV Hien

Started by Bungle, June 08, 2018, 05:11:57 AM

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I'm going into Nihon'46 territory with an upgraded Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien - the mark IV.

Got a donor kit ready but hopefully not too much surgery / puttying.



Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


The Hien II was twice more beautiful than the Hien, I hope the Hien IV will be twice more beautiful then the Hien II... ;)
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Well this hasn't started very well. I wasn't a boy scout therefore 'Be prepared' meant sitting down last night and opening the boxes of the two kits. One is beautifully wrapped in it's cellophane and whispering 'Make me, make' (as they do), the other is ..... empty. Or not so much empty but as a box full of part cut decal sheets. So disappointment and joy in one go. Anyway replacement kit coming from KingKit hopefully quickly otherwise I'm not going to get this done and will have to resort to plan B - just a paint and decal change. Bum.


Ok Kingkit to the rescue. Order placed before lunch yesterday arrived after lunch today.

Pictures will follow but here is the idea, the Kawasaki Ki-61 IV Hien....

I'm using the RS Models me-309 V1 model as a base with a Hasegawa Ki-61-1 as a donor. The Hase kit is donating the tail and the nose (just where it dips to the prop). I may also use the wings if it doesn't need too much surgery.


You have piqued my interest sir  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


A Hien with a nose wheel? That sounds sexy!


Hopefully mating the 309 to a pair of Hien wings tonight plus hopefully getting the tail to stick.

The 309 is a bit wider in the nose but the original Hiens nose dipped to the pointy spinner. I'm hoping to emulate this by chopping off the last two mm of the Hasegawa donor.

Could all go horribly wrong !

Should say I bought a couple of cheap Revell Hiens from KingKit in case the Hase one went pear shaped. Now I have an RS me-609 but do I have enough time  :wub:


An interesting mix of kits  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Ok Pictures....

The RS me-309 sprues....

The me-609 I have is actually two lots of the above plus an additional sprue for the central wing.

The donor Hasegawa boxing...


Started work on the cockpit and wheel wells - nothing fancy here...

I also glued the Hasegawa Hien fuselage together pre surgery.

Surgery completed. The width of the tail matches up very well with that of the 309, but I cut it over size and then started to sand it down to a good fit.


Meanwhile the 309 fuselage is glued (and its not the most prefect fit.

Which is unlike the wigs which are almost perfect !

Nose is on as well.


Added a couple of tabs to help secure the tail....

and Roberts your mothers Brother....

she be stuck.

Finally a bit of putty on the joins and other places. One thing you can't see (cos I never took a picture) is that the wings don't quite match up to the fuselage due to the 309's air intake. I have put the 309 part in place plus considerable filler but it may get removed unless it convinces me it should stay (or I run out of time).


Last night it was sanding time and afterwards a bit more putty. So here are the latest pics....

First look after the first sanding, pretty please with how it's all gone together

Though not as happy with the air intake underneath (but then who's going to be looking at her belly....

I don't like the look of the front wheel well so I'm changing how it looks and may not use the kits front under carriage anyway.

The nose looks ok though.

Going to need more putty on the undersides though.