This is my first attempt at one of these small scale kits. This IS a what-if, as far as I know JG 301 did not have a Fw 190A-8 marked ''black one'', I was forced to use these markings because its all I could scrounge up. The fuselage was airbrushed freehanded while I masked off the camo pattern on the wings and tail plane. Next 1/144 scale model I paint I will need to use my 100G airbrush and thin the paint a little more before trying to paint such small mottling.
Here is the 1/144 scale Eduard Fw 190 next to a 1/48 scale Monogram Fw 190A. Both models should be finished by next weekend.
All I need to do to this model is paint the tail wheel, paint the pitot tube, weather it, flat coat it and add the canopy.
Hiya Matrix,i feel i must warn you that 1/144 can be addictive!,like many others i used to pass them off as cheap entertainment for the kids, then i was given one to build more as a dare than anything else. and was amazed at how much fun it was,so now i have found them to be the perfect fix for those wet weekends or if in a modeling slump great for getting the mojo back. if you dont know about them allready keep your eyes open for PLATZ and SWEET kits they are real works of art. i assume the 190 is the EDUARD kit. great work as usual Matrix :thumbsup:
1/144?? :blink:
Making fighters in that scale is a real challenge, the quality of this is a testament to your skills. I could've sworn it was 1/72.
What Nev said!!! Doing such fine work in this tiny scale is an impressive feat indeed, Matrixone!!! Awesome!!!!
Brian da Basher
Thanks very much bluntie, nev, and Brian!
Sorry I did not mention who made this is the one from Eduard. Its not a bad kit for being so tiny, the worst thing about it is the oddly shaped tailwheel strut and the main gear legs being too long (which I shortened).
Yes I could see how these small scale models could be addictive! I have 1/144 scale kits of the Ju 52 and a couple Me 262s as well as one more Fw 190A, these were purchased with the intention of building them for use as props in the background of my photobase pics but I found I really enjoyed working on the Fw 190 and painting it was a challange that I want to try again and see if I can do better.
What I would REALLY like to see in 1/144 scale are kits of Me 264, Ta 400, Ju 390, and some of the other large multi-engined German project aircraft, they would be too large in 1/72 scale but reasonable in 1/144 scale.
Knowing that the image on my screen is at least twice the size of the actual model, makes it that much more impressive! Well Done Sir Matrix :thumbsup:
Thanks Jeff!
Painting the canopy frame will be a challange, its almost too small to see it!
Matrix, a friend showed me a neat trick to painting 1/144 canopys,use some powdered graphite [the lubricant type] on a Q-tip and wipe over the canopy frames ,let the graphite build up on the frames then with a tissue gently wipe off, you will then be left with a guide for the took me a couple of goes to get it right but now i do it all the time on all scales. an added bonus with this idea is that with a little practice you can get an extreamly fine line of graphite between the frame and the clear plastic, or plexiglass as it were, so it passes nicely for the rubber seal typicaly found in that area, also if it doesnt look good just wipe off and try again.
of course the more defined the frames are the better it works
So there you go ,give it a whirl and see what you think.
That's a great tip.
Thanks...I have a TBF to do in 1/144th B)
Thanks for the suggestion bluntie!
After reading your reply I looked at the Fw 190 canopy and it has no framework at all, its smooth plastic. :(
However the Eduard 1/144 scale Ju 52 and Me 262 kits do have some visable framework on the clear parts so I will try the graphite trick on them and see if I can get it to work.
Outstanding work! Is this going to be for one of your " W.I.historical" recreation photos?
Thanks Eddie!
Yes this little Wulf will be in the background of quite a few upcoming what-if pics, I also want to do a 1/144 size hanger to go along with this model but my plans seldom match the amount of time I have available for building models!