Commerades, I know I promised you a small car, and that WILL happen, however, rummaging through the people's stash last night I suddenly was struck by this idea and had to act for the mother land!
Basically an Italeri F-100 Super Sabre fitted with the wings from an old Academy MiG-21 and various other modifications. As it's chief designer put it "Decadent western engineers failed to reach full design potential through failure to appreciate importance of enourmous spinal bulge to all aircrafts."
I'm not sure what to call it yet (Was thinking Lavochkin, or possibly a revived Polikarpov may have been called in to copy - er - reverse engineer it) but it's NATO reporting name is certainly Furball. It has that totally ridiculous yet subtly insulting quality of all early NATO names.
And here, for the mother land are pictures!
Sticky-tape mockup. What, you are telling me decadent western planes are not built with stickytape? You suprise me commerades!
Beginings of cockpit. Cockpit mostly direct copy of decadant west, but built by glorious soviet workers!
Za Rodina!
Da, was meant to be.
You are planning to insert radar cone, yes?
Of course. Decadent western North American company not understanding vital importance of long cone on fron of plane which looks sharp and designed for to ram. This key to thier failure to produce aircrafts which could take on glorious soviet designs.
Nice start! :thumbsup:
Is beautiful aircraft Comrade :wub: :thumbsup:
Commerades! Glorious people's fighter porgresses steadily towards proving superiority of mother land over decadent westerners!
Allow me to demonstrate with glorious pictures taken using digital camera from Minsk Tractor Factory (is based on decadent japanese model - demand for tractors low so factory branches out! Of course camera is size of small tractor, but factory has not the small sized tooling capacities.)
Her is cockpit with latest soviet avionics technologies! Many interesting dials and switches for pilot to play with!
Here is fuselage stuck together with glue from St. Petersburg Glue Collective (is copy of decadent western Revell brand!)
Here is other view showing glorious spinal bulge fitted. Western engineers do not understand importance of spinal bulge!
Here is what plane look like with wings and fins temporarliy in place. Much sanding to be done. Also putty. And much repeting of both.
Note shortened intake with bigger mouth, allow greater airflow to more powerful soviet engines. Will have radome spike (also good for ramming ground crew with) in middle.
Now I must sleep, but remember commerades, the Motherland never sleeps! Za Rodina!
A small fighter with tiny wings is cool, but a large fighter with tiny wings is even cooler! :wub:
PS: The GB does not start until Febuary 1st, so better put down work :thumbsup:
Ahhhh, Motherland!
(from THIS VIDEO (
Looking very cool right there! :thumbsup: Love the commentary! :lol: Especially the tractor-sized camera! (
Am not conerened if is not eligible for GB due to accidental early start. Have other project lined up for GB.
Also have more pictures of glorious people's fighter!
Observe glrious new pride of mother land!
Is having big thing stick out of underside like MiG!
Is have landing gears now. Wheels is from ww2 surplus F-4 corsair bought through shady bulgarian arms merchant in exchange for vodka. (I dropped one of the F-100 wheels and lost it... only to find it while looking for something else, but having already glued these on...)
Am thinking to be fitting wing tip hard points for glorious soviet improved version of capitalist pig-dog sidewinder missile along with wing hardpoint as in such machine as MiG-21. Will double payload and make for to look like later model Sukhoi type.
Looks even better with the twin seat version :thumbsup:
Only had twin seat version plans due to slight *ahem*ineffciency*ahem* in glorious people's KGB espionage and plan-stealing team...
What a beauty.....very cool indeed ! Another great idea.....
Today is a glorious day for our ever resurgent workers paradise! Yesterday, our hold on the capitalist west was strenghtened, and TODAY! Today, our glorious people reveal to us what they have fought for years after years to build!
As the state representative of the Democratic German Republic, i congratulate the workers of Puddingwrestler OKB, by sending them a vodka tanker!
Um... holy crap!!! Comrade Anatoly is actually speechless on this one.
Too much vodka.... yeah... that's it....
GLORIOUS job so far, comrade puddingwrestler!!
Comrade Lt. Colonel Anatoly Isosef Pakizorich, Naval Aviation Bureau
Za Rodina!
As we speak commerades, glorious Minsk Aircraft painting collective is applying camoflage to Furball! Da comerades, even without knowing from which OKB it comes or it's model numbers, we are readying it for combat - that will confuse the decadent running dog capitalist west no end!
First, commerade spray-painter Taimyavich applies olive drab:
Next are applied coats of desert yellow:
This followed by red brown:
And here commerades, photographic comparison between glorious new people's fighter and frontline of decadent western fighter design*
*Frontline fo decadent western pirate fighter design from fictional tales of 'Scarlett Sloth and Alberto, wonder boy aviator' from 1935. Is inferior copy of 'Red Flagg and Artur; Wonder boy worker!' inspirational tales as read by generations of soviet youth.
Veil of secrecy lifts commerades! Now revealed Furball is work of newly founded 'Komorov' OKB founded by Vladimir Komorov. Komorov hiden as deep cover agent by glorious KGB inside North American company, stole plans for F-100 Super Sabre and returned to mother land. Immediately founding new OKB in Minsk for to be building improved version of stolen plans. Plane is designated Komorov Kom-3 Акула (Shark). Decadent western North American OKB gnash many teeths due to superiority of Russian version.
Glorious camouflage Comrade, and a great job :mellow:
Glorious indeed comrade :wub: :thumbsup:Sure to inspire fear in capitalist running dogs. :mellow:
Running dog capitalists shiver with fear as Komorov Kom-3 rolls off porduction line! Seen here is clean new shiny paint!
Not staying clean for long commerades! The motherland is harsh mistress, Kom-3 soon become dirty and weathered.
:thumbsup: Very good! Comrade ChernayaAkula very pleased aircraft named Akula too!
Commerades! Pleased to present operational Komorov Kom-3 'Furball' fighter! Is powerful machine which cause large laundry bills to many western pilots! Observe glorious pinicle of Communist technology! Za Rodina!
That just looks so right! :wub: Congratulations Comrade :thumbsup:
And such a fast build - you've done a complete build in the time it normally takes the workers at OKB McGreig to cut the parts off the sprue :blink:
Awesome ! You made a believer outr of me.....where do I sign up ?
Love all the dirt, really makes her look used. Great stuff !
Ya know what? Kinda looks "normal" :wacko: :thumbsup: :tornado:
Love the combination of Hun body and Mig wings. The camo looks very Soviet.
Good one.
PW, that is Glorious.
Looks like a MiG-21 on steroids, truthfully. Oversized MiG-21, with a whole lot more guts on it.
Looks very "right", PW. Very convincing! And I'm stunned at the speed of your build. You've finished an entry even before the official start date!
Glorious excellence :wub: :thumbsup: :bow:
Thats what I'm talkin about!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:
This is exactly what I had in mind when I proposed this build :cheers:
Awesome inspired stuff mate! :bow:
Much congratulations to you on your depiction of superior Socialist production! The front appears as an extra large mouth suitable for consumption of much vodka. :drink:
Commissar Iosef R.
Quote from: pyro-manic on January 24, 2009, 01:22:11 PM
Looks very "right", PW. Very convincing! And I'm stunned at the speed of your build. You've finished an entry even before the official start date!
Being on holidays still helps Pyro. There will be an appreciable decline in my build speed next week when school starts again.
Looks damn good PW! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Think mine will be the "Fresco" to your "Fishbed"........
Commerades! Foolish decadent westerners attempt to reverse-reverse engineer Komorov Kom-3!
On Internet Modeler (
Of course is not as good as glorious Komorov machine. Has not the spinal bulge.