Well it's not finished but she's coming along nicely. The past two weeks I made some good headway, had to order a new seat(kit seat sucks) got some rockets for her, got her body together and got the wings together and folded.
More to come and thanks for looking,
Steven L :thumbsup:
Darn you!!!! You beat me too it! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: Its all good though, mine will be a two seater :mellow:
She still looks good man. What era/camo/squadron are you going to depict or do you know yet? Whose kit are you using, it looks 1/48?
Thanks Cliffy :thumbsup:
It's the 1/48 scale Academy kit and she will look something like this...
Steven L :wub:
Oooooooooooooooo purdy! :wub: Can't wait!
This is gunna be good *rubs hands in glee*
Quote from: Cliffy B on July 18, 2010, 05:33:34 PM
Darn you!!!! You beat me too it! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: Its all good though, mine will be a two seater :mellow:
She still looks good man. What era/camo/squadron are you going to depict or do you know yet? Whose kit are you using, it looks 1/48?
Mine, presently in the works is a trial version for the _real_ one, I will build in the future. Its a 1/72 Airfix one. I've also cut my wings along the ribs, rather than across them, a'la FJ-3 Fury's wing fold. ;)
Simon, I got the Twiglets, you get the beer, he's at it again !
now thats going to look smart!.....look forward to seeing the end result :thumbsup:
looks great, cant wait to it finished :wub:
Holeeeeeeeee Shhhhh..... (https://www.whatifmodellers.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi107.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fm309%2FChernayaAkula%2FEmoticons%2Fukliam2.gif&hash=7b67f0c42d5bdec767ded71bc80749c9459dd6ad)
When you first announced you'd do this profile, I wasn't too sure about how it'd look, with just one colour overall. Didn't know you were going to add folding wings, though. How awesome is that? :bow:
This is gonna be another masterpiece! :bow:
Quote from: Ian the Hunter-Gatherer on July 19, 2010, 01:36:01 AM
Simon, I got the Twiglets, you get the beer, he's at it again !
Bleh, Twiglets! Make it pork pies & your in!!! Otherwise I'll have to bring the evily strong tasting but suprisingly weak French dumpy bottle beer....
After the Mudhens, with all their pods and sensors, chaff dispensers and assorted gew gaws, it must be a relief to be building a relatively simple jet. Looks good so far.
Greg.......... That Knitting school you were joining, is there still some places?? ;D
Looking forward to seeing this one when its done. :thumbsup:
Quote from: chrisonord on July 19, 2010, 10:36:52 AM
Greg.......... That Knitting school you were joining, is there still some places?? ;D
No, no, no, be inspired, not intimidated :thumbsup:
Quote from: Mossie on July 19, 2010, 09:02:54 AM
Bleh, Twiglets! Make it pork pies & your in!!! Otherwise I'll have to bring the evily strong tasting but suprisingly weak French dumpy bottle beer....
OK, I can do Pork Pies, we have an outstanding bakery in the village which produces simply the best Pork Pies in the universe.... but ditch the
bierre francais and bring me some of that Belgian rocket fuel, you know the 11% proof stuff.
Mmmmmm pork pies, beer and Hunter models....... :cheers:
Many thanks guys! :thumbsup:
QuoteAfter the Mudhens, with all their pods and sensors, chaff dispensers and assorted gew gaws, it must be a relief to be building a relatively simple jet.
Ah man to that brother! It's just a tube with wings! :party:
QuoteNo, no, no, be inspired, not intimidated :thumbsup:
Just to piggyback on what Ian posted, the main reason I post any of my work anywhere is to inspire others. My creativity feeds off of others and what others are doing and it gets me thinking. So I hope my work will inspire you to built something or at least, get you thinking.
Until later,
Steven L :cheers:
Quote from: Ian the Hunter-Gatherer on July 19, 2010, 11:12:06 AM
QuoteBleh, Twiglets! Make it pork pies & your in!!! Otherwise I'll have to bring the evily strong tasting but suprisingly weak French dumpy bottle beer....
OK, I can do Pork Pies, we have an outstanding bakery in the village which produces simply the best Pork Pies in the universe.... but ditch the bierre francais and bring me some of that Belgian rocket fuel, you know the 11% proof stuff.
Mmmmmm pork pies, beer and Hunter models....... :cheers:
Deal! Got some Trappist beers in the fridge.... Probably won't make it to the end though!!! :drink: :drink: :drink:
hmm, very nice idea indeed. :cheers:
is this a fully navalised hunter something that wasn't considered by hawker?
For sure she looks good with the wings folded up like that....nice !
With the curved wingtips, that really has the look of the F3H Demon with the wings folded. Very brave, Steven. :thumbsup:
Looks familiar:
Yaaay! :wub:
It's like USMC fever is going around. I love this idea. The Hunter's such a good looking bird anyway, she deserves to be seen in proper USMC livery. :tank:
question: for a naval version, should we not raise the nose landing gear ?
Quote from: oliv30330 on July 31, 2010, 02:17:37 AM
question: for a naval version, should we not raise the nose landing gear ?
Raise the nose, lowers the tail, making rotation more difficult.
yes sure... but a navy version... :wacko:
Nice idea!
Fresh out of the paintshop...TADA!!!!!
A lot has happen in the pass few months but all is well now.
More to come!
Steven L :party:
Awesome, cool, I love this idea, Sydney Camm would be proud to see it in reality. :thumbsup: :cheers: :bow:
that is really cool
Alvis Pi
I love that scheme :wub: :thumbsup: this model will look very good
Ooooooooh purdy.... :thumbsup:
NICE. Looking forward to seeing this one finished.
Oh yeah!
D*mn !! - at work so cannot see the pics till I get home !! :banghead: - Great to see you back, Mr Lewis :thumbsup:.
Oh yeah, that's really coming on! :thumbsup:
Tada indeed. Looks excellent so far. :thumbsup:
If it looks that good now, just how fantastic will it be when it's finished? :thumbsup:
That paint scheme is :bow:
Another masterpiece in the works.
Wow....now that is simply gorgeous ! What colour is the overall coat ?
Thanks everybody :thumbsup:
QuoteWhat colour is the overall coat ?
I used Testor Model Master Dark sea blue FS 15042, Model Master Flat white FS 37925 and Testor flat enamel 1171 for the green. The blue in the profile is way lighter to show highlights and shadows.
Thanks again guys,
Steven L :cheers:
The paint job here is impressive. Can't wait to see this finished...it could still be in the 2011 Whiffies!!
Thanks again guys :thumbsup:
Here's a small midweek update. She got her leading edges painted chrome, her drop tanks painted and fitted (not glued into place yet) and I put the seat in the cockpit. Next up is weapons and landing gear.
Until later,
Steven L :party:
That is some sharp masking! excellent paint :thumbsup:
Quote from: rickshaw on July 31, 2010, 03:29:46 AM
Quote from: oliv30330 on July 31, 2010, 02:17:37 AM
question: for a naval version, should we not raise the nose landing gear ?
Raise the nose, lowers the tail, making rotation more difficult.
Quote from: oliv30330 on July 31, 2010, 05:55:09 AM
yes sure... but a navy version... :wacko:
Some navalised land-based aircraft use longer oleo struts all-round, which are extended & retracted hydraulically, allowing the landing gear bays to remain relatively unchanged (except for some extra hydraulic piping) whilst allowing extra clearance & impact absorption on landing. In some cases this feature can also be utilised to give them better hangar clearance below deck, by releasing hydraulic pressure & allowing the aircraft to drop lower on its undercarriage.
PS:- Yep, this is a bl**dy awesome build! :bow:
Details, details, details.... :blink:
Here's a few details I'd like to share with you. I have always liked the holes in the dive flaps of the SBD Dauntless and wanted to add some of that flavor to my USMC Hunter. So I drill out some hole in the flaps.
I needed some launch rails for my 5in rockets. So I found some Maverick rails in my stash and here's what I came up with.
Last but not least, the drop tanks. The kit's tanks has a huge rectangular recess in it where the hardpoint attaches to it, which would take a ton of putty to fill. Well, I did not like that idea and didn't want to do it twice. I did fill it with a mixture of proweld and cut up sprue. It's like liquid styrene and it is when it dries(overnight). After sanding, I rescribed a few lines and molded it then cast two tanks. The new hardpoint is an AN/AAG-14 rack from Hasagawa weapon set D cut to the wings profile.
Until later,
Steven L :cheers:
(insert favorite superlatives here because they all work)
That's real 'model engineering', despite what the live steam guys would have us believe!
So nice pait scheme, great work!! :thumbsup:
Thanks again guy for your continued support! :thumbsup:
Speaking about the paint scheme, this morning I was looking at it and wanted to break up the over all dark sea blue. So I mixed up some Future, dark sea blue and a few drops of flat black to darken a few panels. Two hours of masking for less then 5 minutes of airbrushing!
Darker and glossy panels. I'm pleased with the results. Hoping it will tone down a bit when I give her a gloss coat.
I also darken a few panels on the bottom. Note... Guns painted and girlie got a tailhook! :wub:
Until later,
Steven L :drink:
A man, his airbrush and some masking-tape in total synch ! :thumbsup:
Good work, true to your design. It´s a awesome plane. :thumbsup: :cheers:
Your modeling skills are truly impressive. :thumbsup: :bow:
Just for fun recent pics posted on Hyperscale of a Hunter landing at Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station on the island of Oahu.
The USN use them for threat training against ships, they usually mimic cruise missiles.
Oh wow! I thought this was photomanipulation at first, but it appears that's for real after all! I never heard of those U.S. Hunters before... Why do they keep civilian regs?
Quote from: Stargazer2006 on October 31, 2011, 03:42:40 AM
Oh wow! I thought this was photomanipulation at first, but it appears that's for real after all! I never heard of those U.S. Hunters before... Why do they keep civilian regs?
Because they are operated by civilian contractors, not the military.
I wonder why they felt the need to put a US flag on the fin...
This build just keeps getting better :thumbsup:
I have been thinking of building one of my Hunters in in the ATAC scheme, they operate 2 of them if I recall along with some Skyhawks and Kfirs.
Quote from: rickshaw on October 31, 2011, 05:53:47 AM
I wonder why they felt the need to put a US flag on the fin...
It seems to be an american fetish, everything has a flag or "USA" whacked on it (preferably in HUGE sizes). Maybe they have really short short term memories and cant remember what their flag looks like (eg their president always seems to need at least two flags with him whatever he does - maybe if he doesnt have these he will think hes president of cuba or something), or perhaps they are afraid the russians will steal everything if its not bolted down and they wont be able to get it back :wacko:. A mate came back from a trip to the US with the absolute ridiculous extreme of this - a bog roll with each sheet labelled "GO USA" and the stars and stripes on it - lasted about 20 minutes and it wasnt the softest either!
I would go for a less exotic explanation myself: since these are used by an official service, they MUST carry some sort of national identification. The U.S. Customs, Coast Guard and other non-strictly military entities put flags on their aircraft to acknowledge that official use.
Although the USCG, etc are ultimately civilian organisations, they are paramilitary in nature which is why I suspect they use the flag (along with the 'star & bar' for CG aircraft). This other type is purely civilian, although a 'contractor' so I'd lean towards MM's explanation. Just a case of 'flying the flag' (quite literally) rather than an official requirement.
Excellent build btw. Coming along very nicely.
True enough, Mav. I'm just reminded of the Flight Systems Inc. and their leasing some F-100 aircraft to the military. These carried no flags or "national" markings of any kind, so indeed, the "flying the flag" explanation must be the right one.
ATAC operates their Hunter not just in the US. I'm sure they also flew (still fly?) them in Japan as well. Maybe that's why they felt the need to put a flag on the tail (although I suppose it isn't actually necessary).
Quote from: FAR148 on October 30, 2011, 12:52:48 PM
Two hours of masking for less then 5 minutes of airbrushing!
Thats how you know you are doing it right! :thumbsup:
That little cutting gizmo with the razorblade, a couple pages back, I have thought about getting something like that myself, what are your opinions on it?
Quote from: Taiidantomcat on November 02, 2011, 07:58:17 AM
Quote from: FAR148 on October 30, 2011, 12:52:48 PM
Two hours of masking for less then 5 minutes of airbrushing!
Thats how you know you are doing it right! :thumbsup:
That little cutting gizmo with the razorblade, a couple pages back, I have thought about getting something like that myself, what are your opinions on it?
It's the Chopper! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csSGPwyfN4M&feature=related) I love mine :wub: I think anybody who scratchbuilds should have one. You can pick one up at Sprue brothers
The Chopper I Cutter http://store.spruebrothers.com/nwsl-the-chopper-styrene-and-wood-length-cutter-49-p4817.aspx
The Chopper II Cutter http://store.spruebrothers.com/nwsl-the-chopper-ii-styrene-and-wood-length-cutter-69-p4815.aspx
The Chopper III Cutter http://store.spruebrothers.com/nwsl-the-chopper-iii-styrene-and-wood-length-cutter-59-p4816.aspx
Until Later,
Steven L :thumbsup:
Holly s......
Has been a while I didn't show up here and then THIS!!!!! :banghead:
FAR, This is :party:
Very much looking fwd to see it finished! Great job (as always...!)
Here's a small update. I haven't had alot time to work on her due to working a ton of overtime at work. One day last week I did manage to get her gloss on. I tried something new, I used a lacquer based gloss coat and not Future. Well it..... Orange peeled :banghead: So this morning I wet sanded her with some 3M mircofine sanding pads. After her sanding, I then had to give her a bath to wash off the sanding residue. Hopefully I can start decaling her sometime this weekend.
Until later,
Steven L :drink:
great model,I was thinking of a USAF hunter to use the decals from my RAF HUSTLER but seeing this i am thinking that i should do a USAF BAE Lightning instead ?
I live near marine air station Miramar and i thought i saw a hunter last summer, perhaps it was one of the civilian missile training aircraft.
Still looks great! Glad you were able to save all of this excellent work. :cheers:
Thanks Guys :thumbsup:
Decaling has started along with my next project.....(https://www.whatifmodellers.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fv61%2Ffar148%2Fwhistle.gif&hash=d66ccc880b1fab7f2d148a52e9651ac9db786086)
Still more to come,
Steven L :party:
What a tidy workplace! :blink:
That Hunter is a thing of beauty! :wub: Err, wait, of course it is. All Hunters are! But this one even more so....
Canadian Spey-engined Phantom, but with a six-shooter or Weasel nose? :o
Awwww, not a Rafale then :-\ - Great work on that Hunter, Steven. I'm working on a real world one just now aswell as the Ta183. Love that workspace, I have a similar layout ('L' shaped - really efficient way to model :thumbsup:).
Steven, that Hunter is amazing. The scheme looks just right on it.
QuoteWhat a tidy workplace!
That Hunter is a thing of beauty! Err, wait, of course it is. All Hunters are! But this one even more so....
Canadian Spey-engined Phantom, but with a six-shooter or Weasel nose?
Thanks Moritz,
I like to keep my workspace fairly clean. In the past, I had a messing workplace and had one too many spills, lost parts.... :banghead: It was a real killjoy. About the Canadian Spey powered Phantom, it's going to have a weasel nose. A buddy of mine at work with thinning his stash and I got a F-4G! The paint scheme will be based on one Gekko_1's Canadian FGR.2 (http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,14124.135.html) :wub:
QuoteAwwww, not a Rafale then - Great work on that Hunter, Steven. I'm working on a real world one just now aswell as the Ta183. Love that workspace, I have a similar layout ('L' shaped - really efficient way to model
Yeah.... I know I have started and stopped a few projects but after moving, getting settled in, I just didn't feel like playing with that masking. I'll come back to them. I have always wanted a workspace like this, just never had the room or the money. Your right, it is great for modeling :thumbsup:.
QuoteSteven, that Hunter is amazing. The scheme looks just right on it.
Thanks James. Here's another shot of her. Decaling is almost finish.
Until later,
Steven L :drink:
Beautiful! I don't know what else to say.
Thanks Zac :thumbsup:
Well here's another small update, hadn't have time to work on her due to a $hit ton of overtime at work. I did manage to wash to panel line on her top side, paint the flap area and finished up her rockets. Thinking about adding two new hardpoints :-\ , as of now just glued in place with some white glue.
until next time,
Steven L :cheers:
Lovely work and really enjoying the updates. :thumbsup:
Just to add to your comment about the new hard points and I don`t doubt you already know this, but what ever goes on them wil have to be well forward to avoid the u/c. Rocket pods perhaps?
Thanks tc2324 :thumbsup:
I was thinking about putting a 250 pounder on them, a 500 looks too big.
Steven :cheers:
Agreed Steven, 250 pounders would make more sense, as 8 HVAR's and a pair of 230 gallon drop-tanks weigh a fair bit... looking at a mile-and-a-half stomp down the runway to get airborne... however there's NOTHING to stop you attaching a couple of RATO bottles from a passing Tamiya F-84 :wacko:
I'll leave that with you ;)
I was wondering what happened to this build. My God she's a beaut!!!! Heads will surely turn when she's done; can't wait! :thumbsup:
Just as long as this gets finished by the 31st December........,
..... I have my finger on a whiffie nomination on standby.... :thumbsup:
An authentic dream. I wait to see it on the Carrier desk. :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
The End is Near......Two more parts, two more decals than she will be finished!
Until later,
Steven L :wub:
Quote from: FAR148 on December 06, 2011, 03:17:47 PM
Thinking about adding two new hardpoints :-\ , as of now just glued in place with some white glue.
Is the hardpoints in the above picture the same hardpoints in the recent picture below that have been used for the fuel tanks.
Quote from: FAR148 on December 26, 2011, 01:45:43 PM
If so you better move them as the main undercarriage will not rectact into the wheel wells with the tanks in the way :blink:
QuoteIs the hardpoints in the above picture the same hardpoints in the recent picture below that have been used for the fuel tanks.
Nope, the drop tanks are good and the gear will rectact into the wheel wells.
Steven L :thumbsup:
Quote from: FAR148 on December 26, 2011, 02:57:52 PM
Nope, the drop tanks are good and the gear will rectact into the wheel wells.
I didnt think you had made such a basic mistake as that but the photograph was very dark in that area so it was difficult to make out where the tanks were fitted.
Great looking model and one hell of a great level of workmanship.
Quote from: FAR148 on December 26, 2011, 01:45:43 PM
The End is Near......Two more parts, two more decals than she will be finished!
Until later,
Steven L :wub:
Now that is one hell of a model. built by one hell of a modeler :)
Still one of the sweetest builds I have ever seen! :wub:
Not only is it well done, it's plausible enough that it reaches inside ya' and makes ya' wish that had actually happened.
Great Job!
Daryl J.
Great looking model, really well done. :thumbsup:
Well it only took 535 days from the start to finish (1 year, 5 months and 17 days or 12,840 hours). This was another enjoyable build. I will put together a list later of all the things I did to her. Enough talking, What-if 2nd Lieutenant Frank E. Peterson Jr (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_E._Petersen) flew with VMFT-20 during the Korean War and What-if VMFT-20 flew Hawker Hunters... Ta-Da!!!
Steven L :wub:
Superb Job & Really Well Done :thumbsup: :thumbsup: You did a Great Job on the Hunter, Why do i get the Feeling You'd Fool a Ton JMNs with this Model ;D Keep up the Great Work! :cheers: :cheers: Dan
Wow !! That's a pretty nice plane, very nicely done :thumbsup:
This is already a legend and an all time favourite.
Breath-Taking whiffing, master FAR, you have build!
:bow: :party:
I really don't understand what this model is doing in this Forum. :unsure:
This, after all, is a place where we present models of things that don't really exist and Peterson's Hunter surely MUST have existed............. ;D
Very nice indeed!
You have not disappointed us. This is even better than what I expected... You set a new standard for excellence, and if this doesn't win a Whiffie this year, I'm leaving this forum!!!
Stunning model :bow: :bow:
PERFECTION wright from the start to the finish!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :bow: :blink:
We need a jaw-dropping emoticon & a speachless one. :o :bow: :bow: :wub:
Well, that blows the last chance the Boulton-Paul/Westland Defender ever had of even placing! ;)
Thanks Guys for all wonderful comments and support :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I hope my work inspires you guys and not intimidated.
Steven L :drink:
Pretty nice what if plane :cheers:
Definitely Whiffie potential. :thumbsup:
LOVE the blue on blue paint. And the graffiti on the bombs are PERFECT>
Absolutely Brilliant :bow: :bow: Quite the best looking Hunter I've seen for ages :cheers:
Quote from: FAR148 on December 29, 2011, 08:08:29 AM
I hope my work inspires you guys and not intimidated.
Steven L :drink:
And if I am honest work at that level is somewhat intimidating, it is however also inspiring,
So here's to more of your 'inspiring work' :drink:
Keith(still Gobsmacked at finish, attention to detail etc etc)
Ew - Rahhhhhhhhhhh!
Love that shiny jet. :wub:
Fantastic!. Good idea, beautiful scheme; better finished. :thumbsup:
As inspirational as ever... Perfect, Steven, simply perfect.
Beaut plane, wish I was that good!
Paul Harrison
Words cannot express the amount of awesomeness displayed here!!! :bow: :bow: :bow:
Great idea and magnificent modelling! I am lost in admiration. :thumbsup:
An excellent model!
I quit! Who wants to buy my stash?
Quote from: pyro-manic on January 01, 2012, 02:33:19 PM
Who wants to buy my stash?
I'll buy that for a Dollar! ;D
Thanks again. You guys are Great :thumbsup:
Steven L :party:
That build is SENSATIONAL......
Truly excellent!
I cant get my jaw off the ground. :bow: :o :thumbsup: it is so beautiful.
Gorgeous work Steven, well done! :wub: :wub: :wub:
Wonderful! That is something to be proud of. :wub:
Simply gorgeous. Nothing more to say really!
The greatest thing since airfoils were invented! :wub: <---- X 1,000
:bow: :bow: :bow:
Thanks again for your continued kind words :thumbsup:
As promised, here's a list of all the things I've done to her. Man, that doesn't ever sound right? :blink:
Academy 1/48 scale Hawker Hunter F6
Ejection seat from True Detail resin
Cut and folded the wings at dog tooth
added strip styrene to wing fold for detail
wing fold supports brass are rectangular rod cut & bend
drop tanks are resin copies of the kit, look here for why I did that http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,29145.msg532234.html#msg532234t
The new hardpoints for drop tank are Hasagawa AN/AAG-14 rack cut to the wings profile
drilled holes in flaps to look more like dive flaps of a SBD Dauntless
made the rocket rails from monograms maverick rails and strip styrene
tail hook is aluminum tube flatten and filed to shape
brass rod use to connect main and nose gear to gear doors
anti-sway braces on weapon stations no# 2 and 3 are from Monograms 1/48 A-10
250lbs bombs from Monograms F9F Panther(I think?)
5in rockets was given to me from a fellow online modeler
graffiti on the bombs done with a sharp white Prismacolor color pencil
drop tank glued into place with a mixture of white glue and Testor Model Master acryl dark sea blue to hide the seam.
stripes on pitot tube painted with red and white Testor paint
panel line wash with transparent black Medea Com-art colour paint
windscreen and canopy dripped in future
Pilot, Moto-tug and tow bar from Tamiya's WWII USN Pilots w/Moto Tug set
Tow bar alter with half round styrene rod.
Tow bar pin is brass rod
chain on back of moto-tug is fashion chain from a arts & craft store
paint job overall Dark sea blue with white stripes and green accents
Testor Model Master Dark sea blue
Testor Model Master Flat white
Testor flat emamel green
some panels darken with Testor Model Master acryl dark sea blue mixed with transparent black Medea Com-art colour paint and Future.
Testor Model Master gloss clear lacquer
final gloss coat done with future
Decals from Eagle Strike production(F9F-5 Panther 48115),Super Scale(USN 60 deg letters and numbers white), Icarus Decals Hellenic Daggers(marking on rockets) and roundels from Aero Master's USAF Korean war Sabres
I think that's it....
Steven L :cheers:
:bow: :bow: :bow: awesome bird you got, congrats !
Superb piece of work there - it's just stunning! :bow: :bow: :bow:
Thanks guys :thumbsup:
Steven L :cheers:
A marterpiece!!! :thumbsup:
:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
This is one of the most amazing Whiff builds I have EVER seen. Superb work, Steven.
Quote from: FAR148 on December 28, 2011, 06:50:25 PM
Well it only took 535 days from the start to finish (1 year, 5 months and 17 days or 12,840 hours).
doesn't matter at all - good things comes to those who are prepared to wait. Great build , superb :thumbsup: