as a pressie for a friend (ie im too lazy to take them to finishing stages myself!) iv thrown together some hypothetical Yak 15 derivatives ...
twin engined type (BMW. 003 unit from an AR.234)
record breaking racer type, with rear mounted canopy, cropped wings and butterfly tail (based upon Me. P1106)
turboprop carrier version, ducted spinner, V frame hook and folding wings, loosly based on the German 021 turboprop
a fourth model is underway of a delta design which looks surprisingly 'normal'
cheers, Joe :wacko:
some more snaps ...
iv compiled a few of the other Yak designs i found when browsing on the site which might be of further interest ...
one of 'tojo 633's ongoing series of Yak.15 models ...,13650.0/highlight,yak.html
'stargazer 2006's forward mounted cockpit Yak 23 derivative 'Yak Fistful' ...,26120.msg392866/highlight,yak15.html#msg392866
'PR19 kit's 'zwilling type' 'Yak 15Db' article and modelling pages ...,23828.0/highlight,yak+15.html,23822.0/highlight,yak+15.html
Git!, spoiling all my modelling fun that I cannot get round too. lol only kidding
Which kit did you use to start off that bunch of Yakovlev mayhem please?
Joe was talking to me the other night, starting point - 2 equally deranged minds talking about a possible subject or I think that can be called "Brainstorming!". lol
Behold my other yaks in alternative colours, more to follow. when I can get around to sanding and painting them. Ah the Festering season will soon be on us...modelling time maybe.
Pic is from the Perth 2010 show.
Some of them by nation or project.
British 2 of evaluation aircraft, USA captured evaluation aircraft, Soviet Seaplane racer (1953 Schneider Trophy race).
Soviet Ivan Khozedub? Czech, Korean (soviet flown), Chinese, Iran,Egypt, Finland, Polish (WIP) White one is on skiis and will be in Soviet colours. Numerous other ideas and nations under consideration so watch this space.
hiyas Kit, they're from the PM/Pioneer kit, pretty basic but a nice little model (btw. i added a link to your 'zwilling' build, a really neat model)
cheers, Joe
ps. Sandy, i'll drop them off next time i brave the frozen northern wastes, ill build them to 'ready to paint condition, so youv no excuse, hehehe !
These are all great builds, and the twin BMW003 is just inspired. So incredibly ugly that it just has to be real!
Now I have a good use for the 2 or 3 PM Yak-15s I have in the closet. The worst part of the kit (by far) is the canopy. The A-Model version is more detailed, but the fit is far worse.
Brilliant stuff Joe,
Really interesting deviations from the original.
Right, I thought they may have been the PM one, and thanks for the link to my twinned Yak 15 too.
I quite liked that kit, apart from the strength of the plastic. I think they must have used titanium in the mix somewhere, it's THAT strong!
Or, er...Bologna, actually.
This whif was made from a Yak-17 (15?) with two Me-262 jets added to the wings, and the Jumo 004 "starter" added to the center jet for commonality. Of course Italians liked tri-motors, so this one was a "natural".
Astounding as it may seem, a "reputable" Spanish publishing company produced a book on jet aircraft of WW II and boldly stated that this "Bologna" was a REAL Italian turbojet project, and had the (my) photo to prove it!! They credited me with the photo, but never contacted me for either permission to use the photo or verification of my sources for the aircraft---they just accepted it as a genuine Italian project. WHAT A HOOT!! :party:
... thats the fun, and for researchers and writers, 'dangerous' :blink: part of whiffing, yours is part of a growing list, including Kit's infamous Meteor PR.19 which has seen its share of comments in 'non fiction' sources :wacko:
now that i remember, i did build an RAF'46 version of the YAK-15. in my back history it was build under licence by Hawker, and was designated Feather Mk.1,24849.0/
Oh yes, I LOVE the Bologna! :thumbsup:
Join the 'I spoofed the World' club. ;D
For a kit that was roundly condemned as 'inaccurate' and 'crude' by the modelling press when it came out umpteen years ago, that little PM thingie had given us lot LOADS of fun, hasn't it?
Joe: great models - I like the turboprop one too. :thumbsup:
Tojo - hell fire! Anyone would think you liked the things......;) Awesome collection! :thumbsup:
I've got a PM one in the stash, but it's destined to donate it's nose bits to a Spanish He-100 development... :wacko:
The Yak-15 is a real world What-if. The Russians slapped a Jumo 004 in place of the engine in a Yak-3, called in SovietskiToolSlinger to slap on some putty and do some PSR and voila, a jet fighter! It should be our mascot airplane.
Weaver: >...a Spanish He-100 development... <
OK *NOW* ya got my attention! ANY He-100 derivative sparks my interest. The He-100 was SUCH a little aircraft, seems there wouldn't be room for a jet in the nose. Maybe a single-engined "He-162 upside-down" kind of thing, with a spindly (think Shinden) nosewheel?
Whatever...DO IT! :lol:
FWIW, my "Bologna" did not use the PM injection-mold (WAAAAAY before that time), but a cheap Soviet vac-form. And lest the wording of my prior post leave a misunderstanding, I used an Me-262 wing with the German jet engines, not the Yak wing. Two more photos:
Yak.15 derived delta ...
Quote from: TsrJoe on December 02, 2010, 09:33:52 AM
Yak.15 derived delta ...
Hehehe, whatever next? ;D
A Yak 15 canard? A Yak 15 exec jet?
i just had the four kits to hand but if i find a couple more ill have a go at Polikarpov/Nitkin like biplane and jet autogyro versions :wacko:
How does anyone JUST have four PM Yak15s 'to hand'?
hehhe, a colleague not to far away from here has a dozen built and same unbuilt in the stash, the ones iv put together here over the past few days i'll pass along to him (im sure he enjoys the beatings he gets from swmbo, hehehe!) ... and i thought my TSR.2 stockpile was excessive ! :blink:
I've kept my A Model example to complete sometime in the future as a 'proper' example :wacko:
Some silly fool got a deal on 18 of the PM kits (ebay trader did me a deal including postage price was just under £3 a piece), so has a moderate stock to build so a few went to Joe. So long as he finishes them, don't think its fair if he starts them then passes them on to me to finish off.
The Yak 15 is actually an ok plane to fly, as simulated in the world of IL2 1946. Yes I attempt to fly planes on the PC.
just to clarify why or how this interest or need I say obsession began, a few random thoughts I am sure with Joe posed a question, Whatif the Mig 15 didn't enter service? The Yak family of jets would have been the obvious successor, allowing for the limitations of the aircraft. So we projected what countries or scenarios could have used the aircraft, and now we are looking into hypothetical design developments to the aircraft.
Food for thought butI have some alternative nationalitities in the pipeline.
Quote from: Tojo633 on December 04, 2010, 04:13:06 AM
just to clarify why or how this interest or need I say obsession began, a few random thoughts I am sure with Joe posed a question, Whatif the Mig 15 didn't enter service? The Yak family of jets would have been the obvious successor, allowing for the limitations of the aircraft. So we projected what countries or scenarios could have used the aircraft, and now we are looking into hypothetical design developments to the aircraft.
The real life alternative to the MiG15 was the La15:
It was actually considered the better dogfighter of the two aircraft and procured in limited numbers but the MiG15 was cheaper to build apparently so it was adopted in greater numbers.
Burkina Faso ?
Remember this is Whatif and not real life, thats not to say we did not consider the La15, but anything goes. Another reality is that the Yak 15 is more readily availble to model while the La15 isn't.
The A Model Yak-15 is more detailed than the PM model, but the fit is mediocre to very poor in places. Wing roots are particularly bad, at least on my copy.
Cooperativa had a La-150 kit. It's in an odd black styrene. They clearly tried to make it as detailed as possible with their low pressure molding machines. The fit is OK; the flash is probably the worst part of the kit. It's so think in parts you almost think you're building a vacuform.
That twin engined version looks extremely ugly and threatening!
good stuff though.
Quote from: frank2056 on December 05, 2010, 12:36:40 PM
Cooperativa had a La-150 kit. It's in an odd black styrene. They clearly tried to make it as detailed as possible with their low pressure molding machines. The fit is OK; the flash is probably the worst part of the kit. It's so think in parts you almost think you're building a vacuform.
I think that's the La-15 I've got (can't read the Russian). Mine's black plastic to, but not that bad on the flash, although the surface is grainy in places.
Maquette do an La-176 in 1/72nd, the 176 being the VK-1 engined version of the Derwent-engined La-15.
'frank2056's conversion build thread, 'stargazer's 'fistful' from a Yak.23, really neat work :thumbsup:,30560.0/topicseen.html
Frank 2056
Agreed that the Amodel better in places , but for ease of build and availability the Pm kit won through. The Co-Operativa La15 can be built but its thin ont he ground, I have a few examples to build which soat me a few quid each but I have seen one of these go in excess of £20 on Evilbay??? Yip shocking, I also have some of the other Lavotchkin kits now available under the Maquette but again we felt the PM/Pioneer2 Yak was more available. The Amodel kit I have few of and will build them dare I say it "Normally" lol
Quote from: Tojo633 on December 06, 2010, 12:19:21 PM
Agreed that the Amodel better in places , but for ease of build and availability the Pm kit won through.
The only issue I have with the PM kit is the canopy. it has a less than stellar fit and it is very thick along the centerline - it's almost a small plastic magnifying lens! The AModel kit is better detailed at the cost of a poor fit.
I'm slowly working on my Cooperativa La-15. Its one of those kits that deserves some effort to build right. For years, it was a pretty common sight, both in stores and online - and cheap!
'arc3371's swept wing Yak.23M in Korean War markings, again something different from the normal airframe :blink:,17429.405/topicseen.html
Visited Sandy up in the frozen north at New Year and passed along the 4 alternate Yaks for his collection, 'unfortunately' whilst there was foisted with a few more unbuilt ones (which part of thinning my stash ...! hehehe :drink:)
sooo next up ...
Yak 15 biplane (gull and inverse gull winged)
Yak 15 swept wing (DFS.346 shape)
Yak 15 saucer wing
Yak 15 jet gyrocopter :blink:
it was impressive seeing his completed Yak 15 lineup in its display case, i noted over a dozen of them sitting there completed plus a few others awaiting final finishing :wacko: heres hoping Sandy posts up some individual snaps of them for the thread ...
hoping he wont mind but iv taken the liberty of noting the ones shown in the photos he posted previously
Sandy's Yakovlev Yak.15 model listing ...
Luftwaffe ww.2 (Rechlin) green/yellow trim
RAF. ww.2 green/grey camouflage
RAF. post war silver
USAF. (T2) silver
Finnish green/black camouflage
Eqyptian sand/green camouflage
Iraqi sand/brown camouflage
Korean silver/red trim
Chinese dk. green
Czech silver/red trim
Polish silver
USSR. ww.2 (Kozedub 27) grey/grey camouflage
USSR. flying boat red
cheers, Joe
He begged me for more for him to deviate, I think the liquid glue fumes have finally affected him, lol.
Will get pics up as soon as I can, a few concepts of my own in the pipeline, amzing where the inspiration comes Joe? (Classified info mind, they need to come to Perth) Hopefully I can get some finished for then. Will update when I can.
QuoteRAF. ww.2 green/grey camouflage
Looking forward to seeing this one!
For Greg
For those not familiar with these, some more.
and theres more
Wicked! :thumbsup:
Tojo - nice images - I see a certain theme developing - thanks for the pics
so come on wheres the rest of them ? hehe! :wacko:
Very interesting versions of this little jet .
Now , I want to made one !
Quote from: dumaniac on January 13, 2011, 11:31:42 PM
Tojo - nice images - I see a certain theme developing - thanks for the pics
Theres more to come, watch this space, not all by my hand but I will be finishing them.
is that weird Yak#2 steam-powered ? - I see a chimney :blink: ;D
Quote from: raafif on January 15, 2011, 04:42:31 PM
is that weird Yak#2 steam-powered ? - I see a chimney :blink: ;D
Or an autogyro and that's the rotor mast.
Quote from: Ed S on January 15, 2011, 06:35:03 PM
Quote from: raafif on January 15, 2011, 04:42:31 PM
is that weird Yak#2 steam-powered ? - I see a chimney :blink: ;D
Or an autogyro and that's the rotor mast.
Upturned wingtips, large mast? I'd also suggest an autogyro. A fighter Rotodyne?
Quote from: raafif on January 15, 2011, 04:42:31 PM
is that weird Yak#2 steam-powered ? - I see a chimney :blink: ;D
An Autogyro is one option but I am not sure? other ideas were under consideration so wait and see. Some more concepts started, Joe really needs to stop sniffing that liquid glue lol
That ''x-wing'' Yak is brilliant :thumbsup:
The X-wing kinda reminds me of something from Crimson Skies.
not forgetting Sandy's own MiG.15 winged Yak 15 underway ...
What, no VG Yak, ala Bell X-5???
Quote from: jynx on January 16, 2011, 02:41:06 PM
The X-wing kinda reminds me of something from Crimson Skies.
Strange you say that, need to dig "Crimson Skies" out and try to finish playing it one day.
threw together another one over lunch today, a bit more pedestrian this time, standard kit with some bits added to make a 'tankbuster' with added vertical fins on the tailplane and a few bumps to cover the breech :blink:
hmm, a vg. X.5 equivialent sounds a fun idea, especially with swinging wings, poss a MiG.9 as a basis? or a Yak.23? :wacko:
very interesting
i fancy sourcing another 3 Yak 15 kits for another 'little' idea, be somat different for the whiff tables, not sure itd fit in Sandy's display cases tho :wacko:
meanwhile, this batch are now in primer and awaiting delivery to their client ;D
I will dig you out another 3..........................
cheers :wacko:
looking forward to seeing your expanding lineup at the jock nationals if OGL lets you have a space of course ;) :cheers:
Quote from: TsrJoe on January 22, 2011, 10:04:14 AM
cheers :wacko:
looking forward to seeing your expanding lineup at the jock nationals if OGL lets you have a space of course :cheers:
Whats it worth? ;)
just built 3 more Yak.15's from the PM. kits, thanks Sandy for passing them along via swmbo, this time they're 'wheels up' and as yet pretty much straight from the box (with some little high strength magnets hidden on the fuselage inner walls !) a few little modifications stil to do tho before they'll be ready for handover
any thoughts as to what this batch will be ? :wacko:
Slowly getting them finished, should have some pics posted by the weekend.
looking forward to seeing your latest batch all painted and decalled
On the bench (or should i say under it as its at work!) iv a Special Hobby Yak.17 on the go (along with their MiG.9) which i intend to complete as something a little different from the norm :wacko: could fit in either with Project Cancelled or Whiff SIG. themes too ! (and no theyre not Finnish, altho methinks the types would look good in Ilmavoimat colours too, hint anyone ?)
cheers, Joe
Just in case anyone was feeling a lack of inspiration, Mr. G's latest article covers the early Yak jets. There's even a couple of types in there I hadn't seen before:
Quote from: TsrJoe on January 22, 2011, 10:04:14 AM
cheers :wacko:
looking forward to seeing your expanding lineup at the jock nationals if OGL lets you have a space of course ;) :cheers:
OK hopefully I can post some pics of the few finished models for Perth.