With the centenary of 85 Sqn coming up in August, I thought it would be fitting to do a "what if 85 were still operational, special scheme"?
Not normally my thing, as I hate ceremonial paint jobs, but 85 hold a special place in my heart. So, the obvious choice for a mount for them, were they still flying, would be the Tiffie.
Next job, design and paint a special scheme. I have, like many Typhoon schemes, kept it mostly to the tail.
First job was to assemble the fuselage and give the fin a coat of white, as a base, followed by red.
(https://www.whatifmodellers.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi766.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fxx301%2Fpaulsmanta%2FBuilds%2F85%2520sqn%2F20170507_190002_zpscjs8oove.jpg&hash=d495571cd88a593dcf7e8caa2ac013d7db3f5503) (http://s766.photobucket.com/user/paulsmanta/media/Builds/85%20sqn/20170507_190002_zpscjs8oove.jpg.html)
I then ummed and ahhed for ages as to how to best do the chequerboard design. I decided on a 2 stage approach. First, mask off for one set of squares....
(https://www.whatifmodellers.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi766.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fxx301%2Fpaulsmanta%2FBuilds%2F85%2520sqn%2F20170508_061320_zpslqhcrko9.jpg&hash=61fbbffe26af2cf7746b59dfba84665511fde6de) (http://s766.photobucket.com/user/paulsmanta/media/Builds/85%20sqn/20170508_061320_zpslqhcrko9.jpg.html)
And paint black....unmask...
(https://www.whatifmodellers.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi766.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fxx301%2Fpaulsmanta%2FBuilds%2F85%2520sqn%2F20170508_215351_zps2vaozdlz.jpg&hash=5ee8850ae1009353d5355290fbd0d500d5bb33c3) (http://s766.photobucket.com/user/paulsmanta/media/Builds/85%20sqn/20170508_215351_zps2vaozdlz.jpg.html)
next job is to remask and paint the infill squares....
Sweeeeeeeeeet.... that's some choice masking work! I'll have to remember that pattern!
Impressive masking job :thumbsup:
That's looking good already !
On with the show.....
I remasked and painted the remaining squares, to end up with this....
(https://www.whatifmodellers.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi766.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fxx301%2Fpaulsmanta%2FBuilds%2F85%2520sqn%2F20170509_194357_zps2ikzsewf.jpg&hash=b7895996c16e8c002a7e0ed8ba69cc0609eab24e) (http://s766.photobucket.com/user/paulsmanta/media/Builds/85%20sqn/20170509_194357_zps2ikzsewf.jpg.html)
Now the observant amongst you may have noticed this....
(https://www.whatifmodellers.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi766.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fxx301%2Fpaulsmanta%2FBuilds%2F85%2520sqn%2F20170509_194357_zps2ikzsewf_edit_1494397284263_zpsrkusfkmn.jpg&hash=285353bff4f7f55f9a037bc26862d2d65fb674a5) (http://s766.photobucket.com/user/paulsmanta/media/Builds/85%20sqn/20170509_194357_zps2ikzsewf_edit_1494397284263_zpsrkusfkmn.jpg.html)
Which is actually a bit of masking I did prior to the red and black, which when removed, reveals....
(https://www.whatifmodellers.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi766.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fxx301%2Fpaulsmanta%2FBuilds%2F85%2520sqn%2F20170509_195336_zpscdsory93.jpg&hash=a06b41ab90f6cd8af0554f1e2e060af9a56d7008) (http://s766.photobucket.com/user/paulsmanta/media/Builds/85%20sqn/20170509_195336_zpscdsory93.jpg.html)
85's signature hexagon.....
85sqn! Hell yes :thumbsup:
I may just have to borrow/steal your idea............... ;D
Nice! Tricky, but nice! :thumbsup:
I like that. Well done that man! ;D
I've always been perpetually planning to do a silver early mark of Supermarine Swift with a similar tail in black and yellow (63 squadron?) so it's nice to see how this has worked for some-one....I was planning to cheat and see if the black and yellow markings from the 1/48th scale Academy Hunter F.6 could be used
Very nice and great pics showing how to achieve this pattern. I will nick this idea for future use.
now that is, clever and elegant :thumbsup: as as other have said, very nickable. thank you.
:bow: :bow: :drink: :cheers: :party: :lol:
Bra-vo!!! Very impressive work and a real eyecatcher!
Glad I could help! :thumbsup: