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Started by NARSES2, June 02, 2023, 06:45:17 AM

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This will be for your finished builds
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


This is an example of the Douglas Sea Dakota MR.2A which flew as part of No.206 Squadron based at RAF St.Mawgan. The aircraft took part in the D-day landings and still wears the stripes with pride. This aircraft also saw service in the Korean and Malaysian conflicts undertaking roles in the maritime surveillance, anti-ship,  anti-submarine and pathfinder missions. As the Sea Dakota isn't fitted with a weapons bay two torpedoes and a bomb rack as used on the Shorts Sunderland. The two wingtip fuel tanks increased the range to 2,000Nm with an endurance of 6 hours. The AN/APS-20 radar not only provides a weather radar but a surface picture,  subsurface and Airborne Early Warning.. Equipment updates kept this aircraft flying in the maritime role, handling to 11 Group Air Defence until it was replaced by the Avro Shackleton AEW.2.


(from Hawker-Siddeley/BAe 146) Denddeley DD-1146 & 2146: see

[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


I present to you the Kaiser Fleetwings FK-1, better known as the Royal Navy's Corsair Mk. V; aircraft '145/JR (TF632)' of the 805 Naval Air Squadron; Royal Naval Air Station Eglinton (Northern Ireland), summer 1948.

More here:


1949..The FAA finds itself in a bit of a annoying situation..with the Hawker Sea Fury doing a splendid job it had come to the attention of the Admiralty that a new figther /bomber is needed ..a single seater/twin engined aircraft with ground attack capability was what was needed.
De Havilland and Hawker put forward design  proposals and the De Havilland was chosen.
Shortly after the contracts were signed a conflict erupted in the Asian of Korea.
The USA was one of the first countries to help fight the communist north but shortly discovering they needed alot more forces to help with this conflict.
The UN got into the conflict shortly afterwards and the call went out to all UN countries for help.
Britain being one of those countries answered the call and immediately started organizing its forces into which would be the first to go and next and so on.
The RAF started to ready for the air battles over Korea which it knew they were going to get involved in .
The FAA of course got its aircraft ready with loading of stores and aircraft on to the Royal Navies aircraft carriers.
Six months later ..the war or police action as it was officially called  even though the men and women on the ground called it for what it was..a was not going well for the UN .
The air forces were losing aircraft at an alarming rates..the US had lost nearly 62 % of its aircraft with the British very close behind the British air forces were screaming for replacement aircraft..both the RAF and FAA were in dire need and with De Havillands aircraft (later called the Hornet) still a long way off the FAA looked towards the massive manufacturing power of the US.
Still longing for a twin engined figther Grumman was approached with the plan to purchase the Tigercat but without the US made R-2800 radials as it was planned from the beginning to fit Griffons so engine standardization would in place.
The British would supply the engines to Grumman who would fit them so the aircraft could be tested by Grummans test pilots and if everything went to plan production aircraft would be loaded on to light aircraft carriers for delivery to Japan .
With the new engine being slightly down of HP (50hp Griffon 65) but being more aerodynamic the planes performance was slightly faster and 175kgs lighter.

DSCF4298 by Phill Harrison, on Flickr
DSCF4308 by Phill Harrison, on Flickr
DSCF4310 by Phill Harrison, on Flickr

Link to the build....

Back story to follow shortly ,,not got a huge amount of time at the mo..doctors visit .
If it aint broke ,,fix it until it is .
Over kill is often very understated .
I know the voices in my head ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas.
Theres few of lifes problems that can't be solved with the proper application of a high explosive projectile .


Jaguar 100 Flying Jet

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"My grandad fought in WW1 and used to make Mosquito wings in WW2"


#2 for gthis GB, a 1:72 Douglas P-70C 'Nighthawk'; 's/n 44-2547' a.k.a. 'Eileen', United States Army Air Force (USAAF) 422nd Night Fighter Squadron; Podington (Bedfordshire, UK), July, 1944.

More here:


Me Bf 110 Night Fighter Jet Floatplane

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& in English  ;D .....

Dear Willy
I need, as a matter of urgency, a fast floatplane fighter to protect my precious Tirpitz from those nasty RAF bombers.
Please see to it at once, maybe you can upgrade some of those many obsolete 110's you already have in stock.

With German Greetings  AH

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Build thread...with more photos
"My grandad fought in WW1 and used to make Mosquito wings in WW2"


Here she is guys in all her glory ...the P-89 Ultra Lighting ..
DSCF4353 by Phill Harrison, on Flickr
DSCF4352 by Phill Harrison, on Flickr
DSCF4359 by Phill Harrison, on Flickr

Back story to follow ,,still havent thought of it yet  ;D

The second world War was a time of great innovation and progress in the building of war machines.
Germany was always always a head of the crowd when it came to aircraft for most of the war and with the introduction of high altitude..high speed very long range bombers such as the Junkers EF101 and the  Messerschmitt Me 296 ..previously known as the P 08.01 before it entered's was becoming a problem for the Allies as the aircraft needed for this simply didn't exist fighters could reach the 50.000 +ft some of the new German bombers could now reach and with the US main land now in range it became urgent to the point of almost being funny with the way the aircraft manufacturers were running around like a beheaded chicken.
To save time it was thought of upgrading a preexisting air frame and this was tried with in some cases disadvantageous potential aircraft was the P-89 Lighting..later called the Ultra .
Equipped with 2  R-2800-57R 2650hp engines and with the introduction of a new water/methanol injection system horsepower measurements of over 3000hp could be achieved but for short periods of time only .
Armament was also considered and again many ideas were tried from fitting test aircraft with quad 37mm automatic cannons..missing the fact that with the size of the guns and feed systems very little ammunition could be carried.
Some even tried 40mm and bigger .
Lockheed discided to stick with a simple but highly effective gun layout.
With 4 .50cals in each wing and 3 .50cals in the nose plus the later addition of 2 20mm cannon this was enough power to bring down anything flying .
Later to be modified again into the  2 seat..radar equipped night figther nick named the Night Lighting the skies now were being cleared at an alarming rate which which concerned the Germans greatly..the Allies on the other hand didn't have any problems with that at all .
If it aint broke ,,fix it until it is .
Over kill is often very understated .
I know the voices in my head ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas.
Theres few of lifes problems that can't be solved with the proper application of a high explosive projectile .


Here's #3 from my side, a 1:144 McDonnell Douglas MD-71, operated by Ozark Air Lines during in the mid-Eighties.

More here:  :lol:


Chieftain Mk 9 (T) - Berlin Brigade 1991

Engine Deck difference between standard Chieftain (right) and turbine Chieftain

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Pagani-Benz Huayra 605

The Pagani Huayra re-engined with a Daimler Benz 605 V-12 engine of 1800hp

Model: Airfix 1/43 Pagani Huayra with CMK 1/48 DG605 engine

The model was OK to build only I had trouble with the fit of the upper body to the chassis. Made a nice change though from all the aircraft I usually build.

Reality is an illusion caused by an alcohol deficiency


Where's the build thread? I'll complain to the moderators......................................ah.................
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Avro Stockport (Alias The Vital 1st V-Bomber)

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"My grandad fought in WW1 and used to make Mosquito wings in WW2"


Wellington Jet Floatplane

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Build thread...with more photos
"My grandad fought in WW1 and used to make Mosquito wings in WW2"