
3D printing basics

Started by kerick, August 28, 2023, 08:38:55 PM

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It seems 3D printing is making quite a difference in our hobby today compared to even a few years ago. I was wondering if someone could explain what would be required today to design and print something respectable. I was hoping for an update for a guy that doesn't know much about how to do this. I've worked with AutoCad years ago but it was 2D and not suitable for this tech. Cost for equipment and software could be a problem too. I'm hoping some folks here could help out with some up to date info. If the info is already on the site please point me in the right direction. I looked and couldn't find any previous posts. Thanks in advance.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


An introduction to 3D Printing,  Joe Warner Cherrie
3D printing, sometimes known as additive manufacturing, is a relatively new entrant to the craft and making scene but has been around longer than you might think. Having first been developed in the 1980's, more recent developments in the technology and accessibility of use seemingly bringing about a true democratisation of the digital making process
The term '3D Printing' is generic and covers a host of technologies, but they are all united by building up the desired object in incremental layers rather than the more traditional moulding or milling. While generally slower than mainstream technologies, it is increasingly finding a place as part of the manufacturing toolkit, e.g., where it can produce rapid prototypes without the need for mould making, allowing truly novel and intricate shapes which can't be produced by other means, or where you need high levels of personalisation.
The technology is now seeing more applications with the utilisation of a multitude of materials, and in areas as widespread and demanding as the use of printed sintered metal alloys in critical elements of jet and rocket engines, to biological and organic materials used in the production of precisely tailored medical implants. Items such as personalised in-ear hearing aid or modern 'Invisalign' type dental braces utilise the 3D Printed process being common examples of the latter application.
Ref. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_printing

The most common technologies for craft home use 3D Printing are based on either a solid filament extruded through a heated nozzle, 'FDM.', or a liquid resin cured by ultraviolet light, 'DLP.'
-   FDM., or 'Fusion Deposition Modelling' (also known as FFF. 'Fused Filament Fabrication'), uses a solid thermoplastic material which usually comes as a spool roll of filament. The most common materials are :
PLA. (Polylactic Acid), a polyester which behaves a lot like polythene and is derived from corn-starch and is biodegradable (see also 'Vegware' biodegradable plastics)
ABS. (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) which is a synthetic polymer commonly used for making things like LEGO bricks.
The filament is heated in a print head to a semi molten state and extruded through a fine nozzle which moves over the print adding a bead of plastic as it travels.
A number of alternative plasticised organic materials which can be used as filament include, wood pulp cellulose composites, ceramic clay, seaweed bioplastic, silk polymer, mycelium fungi and even chocolate
FDM has the advantage of being relatively safe, clean and very straightforward with a typical nozzle size of 0.4mm width and layer height of 0.2mm (you can go smaller although resulting in longer print times and higher failure rates) Entry level printers are generally below £150 and are often cheaper second hand as people try them out but get frustrated with recurring failures (generally self-inflicted)
Ref. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fused_filament_fabrication

-   DLP., 'Direct' or 'Digital Light Processing' uses a liquid resin tank with a transparent base and movable build stage suspended within very close to the bottom. UV. light is shone into the tank either as an image by a projector or through an LCD. with a negative mask, which cures the resin it strikes into a solid. The chemistry is similar to acrylic nails and white tooth fillings. The build stage is lifted by a tiny increment and the process repeated. Typical materials are based on epoxy and acrylic thermosetting resin. 
A similar process, SLA. 'Stereolithography' printing utilises a similar process utilising a laser to selectively expose the liquid resin to a light source (SLA.  laser, DLP.  projector)
 DLP./SLA. printing can be potentially messy (the resins used are viscous, sticky materials) and requires far more awareness of safe use of the material. The clean-up of completed prints needs rinse cycles, (in IPA. 'Isopropyl Alcohol' solvent or water depending on resin type) and further UV. curing. (UVA. Curing booth or sunlight) The resolution for even a cheap (less than £150) consumer printer is remarkably good with layer heights of 0.02mm and very fine parts possible.
Ref. https://formlabs.com/uk/blog/resin-3d-printer-comparison-sla-vs-dlp/
Ref. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UV_curing
Both FDM. And DLP./SLA. Printing have their place for the artist designer and desk top modeller and if you order parts from online services such as Shapeways you may see other technologies such as SLS. Selective Laser Sintering) and Polyjet which fuse powder particles together with either heat or a fine jet of glue.

You can find printable open source STL.  files online from a number of places like Thingiverse and Cults websites and many museums like the Smithsonian are scanning and making their collections available to download and use. Some sites charge for models and most have limits on things like commercial reuse. Even if you don't plan to print, downloading a .stl file can be informative as most Mac and PC computers have built in 3D viewers which allow you to examine an object from any angle.

FDM. type printing has already been utilised to print 'protein's creating foodstuffs
Ref. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_food_printing
Organic cells have also been utilised to 'print' body parts including valves and organs
Ref. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organ_printing

... As for the future ... who knows ?  A further democratisation of the technology through open access platforms and home printing ? or perhaps looking slightly further ahead one could postulate 'Omni replicators', printing almost anything using molecular reservoirs ? or imagine a doctor or pharmacist sending over a file to a 'home printer hub' to produce required medicines at point of use at low cost

Some useful/interesting resources ...
Ref. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_scanning

There are also local FabLab or Makerspace's to see/try these out for yourself :

compiled with assistance from Alistair Reid (Gannet 3D Models) & Paul Boyle (PB Models)

... 'i reject your reality and substitute my own !'

IPMS.UK. 'Project Cancelled' Special Interest Group Co-co'ordinator (see also our Project Cancelled FB.group page)
IPMS.UK. 'TSR-2 SIG.' IPMS.UK. 'What-if SIG.' (TSR.2 Research Group, Finnoscandia & WW.2.5 FB. groups)


The main question now for myself is how often would I use this and would it be worth the cost. The possibilities are endless.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Quote from: TsrJoe on August 29, 2023, 01:51:55 AMYou can find printable open source STL.  files online from a number of places like Thingiverse and Cults websites and many museums like the Smithsonian are scanning and making their collections available to download and use. Some sites charge for models and most have limits on things like commercial reuse. Even if you don't plan to print, downloading a .stl file can be informative as most Mac and PC computers have built in 3D viewers which allow you to examine an object from any angle.

NASA as well.  I was looking for a 3d model of the Voyager probe (as Voyager VI, as a minor plot point in my Ranma/Star Trek crossover dumpster fire), and saw multiple STL files for printing up and assembling a scalable model of Voyager.
The F-106- 26 December 1956 to 8 August 1988
Gone But Not Forgotten

QuoteOh are you from Wales ?? Do you know a fella named Jonah ?? He used to live in whales for a while.
— Groucho Marx

My dA page: Scooternjng


Quote from: kerick on August 29, 2023, 08:34:43 AMThanks!
The main question now for myself is how often would I use this and would it be worth the cost. The possibilities are endless.

A few years ago I explored 3D printing a bit, and I had the same question. My solution was to not buy a printer.  I used a commercial printing service (Shapeways) instead. You upload your drawing, they print it on professional machines in a variety of materials. When I started doing this, resin printing was not available in the hobby market, all you could get was filament printers which didn't have the resolution you want for scale models. But Shapeways had $100,000 resin printers and could make parts with a resolution of 0.1 mm. Things have changes now, and you can get very good resolution from a hobby printer. Still, outsourcing the print allows you to explore, without committing to huge cost immediately.

There's a bunch of 3D CAD programs suitable for printing, including free options (Blender, FreeCAD). This is where the learning curve will be.


Entry level printers are quite cheap for both resin and FDM. I have just replaced my first 3D FDM Printer after 7 Years of use, technology has marched on a bit. Still on the FDM Printer as I have other contacts who have resin printers. What I tend to use the printer for is mostly simple stuff, like handy modelling aids, turret ring adaptors and the like. Stuff that does not need too much super detail or fidelity.

Printing is super easy, load up a design, press go.  The designing and creation of the files is where the magic is.
Using the included 3D Design tool with Windows 10, 3D Builder I have been able to do simple stuff like these gadgets
Airbrush holder and Dremel Collet holder

So even a nuffie like me with zero training can knock up something and print it.

Explore first and create designs, there will be somebody out there who will print it for you.


Thanks everyone! I will keep this info handy and see what happens.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Did you have anything in particular you wanted to model? A simple design or model is a good way to start, especially if you're new to the 3D CAD program you're using. My first 3D model was the C-57D saucer from Forbidden Planet. It's a simple shape but with a few sections that were just enough of a challenge.


Quote from: frank2056 on August 30, 2023, 09:54:59 AMDid you have anything in particular you wanted to model? A simple design or model is a good way to start, especially if you're new to the 3D CAD program you're using. My first 3D model was the C-57D saucer from Forbidden Planet. It's a simple shape but with a few sections that were just enough of a challenge.

Nothing in particular at this point but that could change in a minute if something inspires me.
I've been working off and on with my Ian McQue inspired project. Some of the shapes and some equipment could be built up with 3D printing. Last I heard Industrial Mechanica website was not selling resin kits anymore and was only selling the print files for their products.
I believe there are sellers out there with files of things you can print yourself. One member of my club made a model of a very early submarine I believe he printed himself. Did very well with it at a couple of shows.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


You can always download Blender or FreeCAD, pun through some beginner's tutorials, then jump in and try to make a simple object.


Quote from: frank2056 on August 30, 2023, 12:36:36 PMYou can always download Blender or FreeCAD, pun through some beginner's tutorials, then jump in and try to make a simple object.

I may do just that. It won't be soon as my world is crazy right now. All I do is go to appointments.
BTW, Industria Mechcanika has folded everything into his original website; https://fichtenfoo.net/blog/
Lots of cool stuff there to download and print.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise

Rick Lowe

There are a plethora of things out there available for FREE downloading - check out Thingiverse, 123free3d, to name but two sites.

Have fun!  ;)  :thumbsup:


Been having a looksie at 3D printers here in NZ and I'll admit prices are everywhere ..from. $144nz from temu to over 45K for a industrial ones ...Anycubic is a brand name I've heard alot of from model vids on youi tube..Nerd Forge is a big fav of mine with the models they build are amazing..wargaming sorts of buildings and it's hugely entertaining..they use..Martina and her boyfriend Hansi ..3D printing here and there...well worth watching .
I'll admit...there is temptation.
Oh seems that resin printers are better for super fine detail work like figures but these days filament printing might be as good.
Annoyingly a good one is out of my price range as I've seen many files I'd like to get and print and not cost a bloody fortune 😀
If it aint broke ,,fix it until it is .
Over kill is often very understated .
I know the voices in my head ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas.
Theres few of lifes problems that can't be solved with the proper application of a high explosive projectile .

Rick Lowe

The fella I go to recommends Prusa brand filament printers - the library he works at is upgrading to them.
The prints still come out 'stepped', but are ok for most things.

I would go with resin prints if doing figures or car bodies, anything where you need a smooth finish (clear resin would be better, thinking of the windows).
Having said that, you could go for a cheap filament print and spend some time with filler and sand paper.

Your choice, this is only my opinion.


With what we play with in our hobby Rick i think resin would be the way to go ...everything we do is fine details and the smaller the build the better the detail needs to be ,,yeah i think resin would be best .
Theres alot of figures out there ive seen that i would love to paint and the detail on em is amazing to say the least and the price for the files is nothing really ,,but then that comes into the quality of the printer used and ill bet its not a cheap one ,,or super expensive for that matter ....you never know what youll find when it comes to printing and might even find someone who does resin figures who'll make em for me ,,that would be cool  :thumbsup:
If it aint broke ,,fix it until it is .
Over kill is often very understated .
I know the voices in my head ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas.
Theres few of lifes problems that can't be solved with the proper application of a high explosive projectile .