
What's on the workbench!

Started by McColm, January 11, 2012, 02:51:10 AM

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Quote from: Rheged on December 21, 2024, 02:07:31 AMI'm pleased to read that you seem to be getting back to full capabilities after a period of "considerable uncertainty".   Keep on keeping on this way............and the compliments of the season to you!
Seasonal greetings to everyone, I have to admit that the tech is a bit baffling for me to understand at first. I have to break it down into easy to follow steps. I can get the CCTV cameras up and  clear the door alarms but it's not the recommended or official way facilities wants me to do it. I've even found where they have hidden the online games. My fitness is returning with all those stairs I need to climb.


Monday 23rd December 2024

I woke up in the early hours of the morning and checked out the reviews for the 1/72 Mach2 DC-9, an aircraft that I have seen in a photo with the Coca-Cola and FIFA livery. Alternatively there's a photo in the book 'Nimrod's Genesis ' of the proposed P-9D derived from the McDonnell Douglas MD-91 airliner which would have been an updated DC-9 with a pair of propfan engines.
Whilst researching I came across a company called Air Graphics which provide aftermarket upgrade sets in resin or are 3D printed. So if you choose the VC10 then there's the landing gear and wheels sets for you. They also conversion sets at reasonable prices in 1/72.
I'd probably take the kitbash route buying the Mach2 kits as the donor model to create a new stash.
 The weekend saw the battle of the car parking space at several large retail shopping centres close to where I live, all this for one day of the year when the shops are closed, and yet my local Sainsburys store was virtually empty when I did my shopping. Yes I know I'm single and don't have to feed anyone else but me. Growing up in a large family through the tough times we always seem to have managed and no one ever went hungry, ending up on New year's eve with the neighbours down the street with a good old knees up around the piano.
 Those days seem to have faded, people seem to be in their own little boxes not concerned about their neighbours just themselves. Community spirit or is that just a name of a cocktail?

I get to try out my new ironing board, it's the simple things in life that get me excited 😊


Tuesday 24th December 2024

I made a chicken stew which I will eat over my four night shifts starting tonight, Stoneleigh Retail Park is doing a brisk trade in the last minute presents .The car park has been full since 9am this morning.
I on the other hand have been constructing a Hornby concrete foot bridge using a secondhand kit, I glued the underside and widened the holes for the banisters.
I have double checked my two Uber car bookings for tomorrow as there's no public transport running in the London area but it seems odd that there will be two security officers on the day shift on Christmas day plus boxing day even though the office will be shut. Most companies just have a day officer, the only exceptions have been on the construction site at the Southbank and at the old BBC Television Centre White City. Well the management know what they are doing 🙄.
I'll soon find out when I arrive at work this evening.
I arrived at work at 5:30pm, all the staff and cleaners had gone home they are due back on the 27th, 30th and 31st December then from the 2nd January 2025 onwards business as usual.
No individual chocolate boxes just one for the security team to share. Just sitting in reception munching through the leftovers. Oxford Street is still busy but the traffic at the moment is very light but I bet around closing time of the local pubs and bars it will all change.

It's Christmas day here in London and very peaceful at 2AM in the morning.
Further research on Coca-Cola branded die-cast products in the Corgi range has the van, truck and aviation covered.
There's a few aftermarket companies that sell the decals in 1/64 scale so a repainted Midland Blue Pullman could be the next project for 2025 or I could spray them with grey primer now that I have the Hornby Hogwarts Castle locomotive.
Another controller will be needed as I have only got one good one that works.
The Dunstan Station building needs a new roof, I can use roof tile paper for this  and add some detailing.


Wednesday 25th December 2024

I'm really impressed with Uber Rides, I had my first drive in a hybrid which collected me from work and took me on a scenic tour of South London. Why the GPS system didn't use the same one that the buses take is beyond my comprehension. The second car was an EV and apart from the road noise it extremely quiet. Once again I didn't have a great deal of sleep,  kept been woken up by family or friends wishing me a merry Christmas. Dry but chilly sort of day.
So now it's boxing day and the traffic has increased, still a lot of people walking in the Westend of London and a few shops open yesterday in the evening.
 Thoughts have turned to my new stash, the DC-3 Dakota. A couple of kits representing the Dart and turboprop versions.  So a Dart powered Avro Shackleton
Although I have plenty of photos of projects that I started but never finished so a few will be reborn.


Sounds like a nice couple of days. Merry Christmas my friend.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Quote from: McColm on December 25, 2024, 04:54:09 PMWednesday 25th December 2024

 kept been woken up by family or friends wishing me a merry Christmas.

Better than the alternative  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Thursday 26th December 2024

Boxing day or the feast of Saint Stephens and I had to take the bus home as Bond Street Underground Station wasn't open, still locked at 6:15AM in the morning. Oxford Street has started with the sales although the streets aren't packed with tourists, they still get in your way or stop all of a sudden. The night shift is starting to drag. I have eaten all the grapes and can't eat anymore Belgian chocolate. Last shift of 2024 tomorrow and I get to play with my Hogwarts Express train set, I know that I should be working on the 1/72 BAC Sledge FRA-1 but I have run out of materials to finish it. Just waiting for payment in January.
Greenwich Market seems to be the place to check out the bargains as I have been watching a few YouTube videos, looks like a stall that sells secondhand toys could be worth a look.
A few bits of maintenance and I will be gathering a few tools over the months, in theory if I stick to the four on shift pattern I can have seven holidays next year as I get 28 days off as leave.
I think that I will use the pieces from the bunk bed to make the baseboard for my model railway layout, it will have an upper tier as I'm considering using the Ravensburger 3d kit of Hogwarts Castle probably in a figure of eight configuration with the Dunstan Station as the other model kit is a starting to fall apart. It will be used on the TT scale layout and restored.
A clothes rack might be a better solution until I can fit a light in the cloakroom as I intend to use it as a walk-in wardrobe. Next new item will be a hoover with curtains to follow.


Friday 27th December 2024

This is my last night shift of the year, on reflection I am surprised that I'm back at work. To be honest I thought early spring of 2025 and not November 2024.I think that four nights is enough, the last shift is really tiring meaning that my first day off is spent sleeping that's if I'm not interrupted as the second day is playing catch up sleepwise.
Hopefully I will get into a routine and my body can recover in a day. Taking a packed lunch has really helped which means having a snack at lunchtime and a snooze in the afternoon before getting ready for work.


Saturday 28th December 2024

The Royal Borough of Greenwich has informed me that I need to pay my council tax for February and March of 2025. I can still claim the 25% discount for a single male, I know it had to happen so I will make the necessary arrangements.
It's a day spent in bed after I did a bit of food shopping, I forgot to buy a loaf of bread but I can get around this by substituting a baked potato. Sainsburys Local has stopped selling the four packs opting for the twin pack and charging the same price. They have rearranged the shelves, just when I was getting used to the layout.


Monday 30th December 2024

I'm going to need longer platforms to accommodate the Hogwarts Express, the main through station will keep the Hornby parts, the other stations can be made to extend under bridges or cuttings.
Hogsmeade now has its own signal box, I found a name board in the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets set and glued it in place. The London Road Station set over-roof has been glued so the girders don't fall off every time I move them. I think a third roof will be needed along with an extra subway R495 piece.
 At the present time I have pulled the 1/72 BAC Sledge FRA-1 out from the Polar GB as I don't think that I will finish it on time, however it will be worked on as soon as I aquire sufficient days to qualify for a holiday 1&1/2 days per month maximum 28 days holiday per year. If my calculations are correct four rest days after four nights book the four days off, take the other four days then return to work after 12 days.
 My cooking skills are getting better without using the air fryer, not as good as Captain Canada but a vast improvement.

The year seems to have gone very fast since July, I have accomplished most of my goals and 2025 will be challenging but rewarding. A new list is being drawn up and I won't feel as tired as before.


Tuesday 31st December 2024

Further research has uncovered that the Coca-Cola Group has wrapped quite a few trains and locomotives in their liveries especially in Germany which are represented in ho gauge using older stock and having lightning in the coaches/carriages but not directional using DC power. This has changed with DCC 21 pin sockets.
The disagreement during the 1930s-1940s in Europe led to Fanta the orange drink being created by the Coca-Cola Group, Adolf was a fan but the ingredients ran out so alternative soft drinks were sort as alcohol was banned unless you had the next day off during the conflict. Fanta was used in cooking as there was a shortage of sugar and so was Coca-Cola over in Britain which was boosted by our American friends.
I've seen a few recipes on YouTube using Coca-Cola and I hope to track down a recipe book so I too can have a go.
I double checked to see if I was working throughout January and was told that the shift hasn't changed, in fact when the security officer comes back from sick leave he will working on my rest days, I know I've now got a permanent site (subject to change, the management might change their minds). Still got to gain the trust of my coworkers and the facilities management team.
Well with Christmas over I wonder how much chocolate will be left out for my indulgence over the Easter holidays, what do you mean I have to share it with the cleaners!
It appears that Britain might get an extra bank holiday in May, something to do with the ending of WW2 in Europe and Japan whilst "the oops we forgot about the ones still fighting in the East " will have to wait until 2026 for a decision.
Closer to home is the new order from Spain for extra/new European Typhoons,  I still haven't seen the conformal fuel tanks fitted to the latest batch but there must be concerns by the Royal Air Force on how long they can remain in front line service. The Tempest seems years away from the first flying prototype. Unlike the Hawk I can't see the RAF asking the French to lend them some of their Rafales to replace the older ones. Could be an interesting whiff. So could a Tonka with the Eurofighter wings.

Problems regarding the Boeing V-22 Osprey have grounded the American fleet once more, I have kitbashed a few ideas of my own as alternatives, looks like the Airfix Rotodyne will be needed along with a few helicopter kits.


Wednesday 1st January 2025

I have been watching the New Year's Day Parade on YouTube, a few years ago I was actually there seeing it live and no it wasn't raining. Its supposed to be a celebration of all the London Boroughs but naturally our American friends have brought over a selection of marching bands, other countries have joined in encouraging more seating around the Westminster area. It's a free event.

Wishes for a good or better year go out to everyone, I've turned a corner and although I'm not 100% recovered it seems that I am getting better or fitter.
I've been doing a bit of sanding on the BAC Sledge FRA-1, I might stick with the black paint scheme seems suitable for the Blackbird which it's based on..
Once I get some power tools then I can put up some shelves and start on my model railway layout. The layout will evolve over a period of time. This will create storage and naturally gives me an excuse to fill it.


A few years ago Madame K and I spent NYE in centr London.

NYD morning heading down to breakfast I found myself squashed into a corner of a lift (elevator to some) by a bunch of cheerleaders about to head out to the parade.

Following a mooch around a drizzly London and heading back to our room I found myself squashed into the corner of a lift by a bunch of damp cheerleaders heading back to their rooms to get warm and dry.

Worse ways to see in the new year, I guess!
What If? & Secret Project SIG member.
On the go: Beaumaris/Battle/Bronco/Barracuda/F-105(UK)/Flatning/Hellcat IV/Hunter PR11/Ice Cream Tank/JP T4/Jumo MiG-15/P1103 (early)/P1127/P1154-ish/Phantom FG1/I-153/Sea Hawk T7/Spitfire XII/Spitfire Tr18/Twin Otter/FrankenCOIN/Frankenfighter/Zero


Quote from: kitbasher on January 01, 2025, 07:08:50 AMNYD morning heading down to breakfast I found myself squashed into a corner of a lift (elevator to some) by a bunch of cheerleaders about to head out to the parade.

How terrible for you Dave, but someone had to do it I suppose.  ;D  ;)
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Quote from: PR19_Kit on January 01, 2025, 08:41:09 AM
Quote from: kitbasher on January 01, 2025, 07:08:50 AMNYD morning heading down to breakfast I found myself squashed into a corner of a lift (elevator to some) by a bunch of cheerleaders about to head out to the parade.

How terrible for you Dave, but someone had to do it I suppose.  ;D  ;)


Quote from: kitbasher on January 01, 2025, 07:08:50 AMWorse ways to see in the new year, I guess!
The terms 'HGV' and 'con funk' come time mind
The F-106- 26 December 1956 to 8 August 1988
Gone But Not Forgotten

QuoteOh are you from Wales ?? Do you know a fella named Jonah ?? He used to live in whales for a while.
— Groucho Marx

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