
1/350 scale CVN-90 USS United States Stealth Aircraft Carrier

Started by seadude, May 23, 2023, 06:38:45 AM

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It's getting there. I just wish I knew where "there" was.  :unsure:
As I said before, the yellow TAMIYA masking tape indicates where the black boot stripe is on the carrier hull.
The picture I took below is a bit crooked, but only because of my poor photography skills and shaking hands.
The yellow line is the top of the black boot stripe. The red line is the bottom of the black boot stripe.
Compare my bulbous bow on my model and the yellow taped black boot stripe to the real pics of the Ford carrier further below.
It looks like too much of the top of my bulbous bow part will be in the "black boot stripe zone" if you get my meaning.
There's not that much of the bulbous bow on the real Ford carrier that is painted black on top.
Anyway, I placed my Tamiya tape exactly where it needed to go. The bulbous bow part was also placed exactly where it needed to go.
It's not exactly perfect, but then, the bulbous bow part was not designed to fit the Tamiya Enterprise carrier model.
It was intended more for the Trumpeter Nimitz carrier model so modelers could build the later CVN-76-77 Nimitz carriers that have the new bulbous bow shape. The older Nimitz carriers before CVN-76 don't have the revised bulbous bow.

Modeling isn't just about how good the gluing or painting, etc. looks. It's also about how creative and imaginative you can be with a subject.
My modeling philosophy is: Don't build what everyone else has done. Build instead what nobody has seen or done before.


Been passively following this, on and off.

Time to get out there and say... well done  :thumbsup: This is really coming together.


Remember it's a Whiff, the bulbous bow is just right if you say it is!
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Quote from: Steel Penguin on January 27, 2025, 05:47:19 AMlooks like its going in the right direction to me.  :thumbsup:
please keep at it, im enjoying the build, ( and making notes for when i tack a ship my self)

I'm interested in seeing what you come up with. ;)

Quote from: buzzbomb on January 27, 2025, 12:49:58 PMBeen passively following this, on and off.

Time to get out there and say... well done  :thumbsup: This is really coming together.

Keep following. ;)  I'm just trying to do the best I can.
Modeling isn't just about how good the gluing or painting, etc. looks. It's also about how creative and imaginative you can be with a subject.
My modeling philosophy is: Don't build what everyone else has done. Build instead what nobody has seen or done before.


Quote from: PR19_Kit on January 27, 2025, 01:07:05 PMRemember it's a Whiff, the bulbous bow is just right if you say it is!

Well then, Damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead!  :drink:
Modeling isn't just about how good the gluing or painting, etc. looks. It's also about how creative and imaginative you can be with a subject.
My modeling philosophy is: Don't build what everyone else has done. Build instead what nobody has seen or done before.

Old Wombat

Quote from: seadude on January 27, 2025, 12:48:50 PMIt's getting there. I just wish I knew where "there" was.  :unsure:

Well, that's normal around here! ;D

Quote from: seadude on January 27, 2025, 01:12:32 PM
Quote from: PR19_Kit on January 27, 2025, 01:07:05 PMRemember it's a Whiff, the bulbous bow is just right if you say it is!

Well then, Damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead!  :drink:

That's the spirit! :thumbsup:
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Well, I think I've gotten the puttying and sanding of the bulbous bow on the front of my carrier model to the point where I've gone as far as I can go on it to the best of my ability. It's not perfect, but it'll have to do. You'd have to take a magnifying glass or stand really close to see any errors..........of which I have no doubt there will be some. :(
The better "side" from what I can tell is probably the port side of the ship. This is the side of the ship I'll be showing the most anyway whenever I take this model to any future contests..........unless I have to show the starboard side for a different reason. I'll finish adding the rest of the TAMIYA yellow masking tape to the bulbous bow tomorrow or Friday.

Modeling isn't just about how good the gluing or painting, etc. looks. It's also about how creative and imaginative you can be with a subject.
My modeling philosophy is: Don't build what everyone else has done. Build instead what nobody has seen or done before.


So what's next to do on this model?
I'm not really sure yet, but I may start laying down the flight deck edge "bumpers" (for lack of a better word). As you can see in the below pics, these "white rails or bumpers" along the flight deck edge act as a sort of guardrail or bumper to help prevent deck vehicles and/or aircraft from rolling along the flight deck and going overboard.
These white guardrails run along most (but not all) of the circumference of the flight deck edge. So I'll have to study pictures of where to put and not put pieces of guardrail down. There are some breaks in the white guardrails where ordnance jettison ramps overhang the flight deck edge as you can see in one of the pics below.
Eventually when it gets time to paint the flight deck later in Spring this year, I'll also need to paint colored marks (Green, Red, Purple, etc.) on the white guardrail to indicate where water, firefighting foam, fuel, etc. hose reels are located along the catwalks around the entire circumference of the flight deck.
What size should these guardrails be? I'm not sure yet, but I was thinking of using 2 mm x 2 mm square styrene strip. But don't quote me on that.
I'm also not sure which will be better or easier to do: Lay down the styrene strip for the guardrails, mask it, then paint the flight deck. Or paint the flight deck first, then add the white guardrails down.  :-\   Decisions, decisions.

Modeling isn't just about how good the gluing or painting, etc. looks. It's also about how creative and imaginative you can be with a subject.
My modeling philosophy is: Don't build what everyone else has done. Build instead what nobody has seen or done before.

Captain Canada

Paint the deck first, then lay down the bumpers. It will be alot easier to paint the colours on them when they are not glued down.
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Quote from: Captain Canada on January 29, 2025, 04:21:16 PMPaint the deck first, then lay down the bumpers. It will be alot easier to paint the colours on them when they are not glued down.

You may be right. Though I'll give it some thought.
Anyway, as I said in my last post further above, I was thinking of using 2 mm x 2 mm square styrene strip for the guardrails. But that was just a guess. After going through bags of various styrene strip, rod, tube, etc. at home, I finally found the size I'll end up using which will be 1 mm x 1 mm square styrene strip.
The TAMIYA Enterprise carrier actually has the guardrails molded on the flight deck edge circumference. But they are really skinny and probably in the size range (I'm guessing) of 0.5 mm x 0.5 mm. That to me is just a bit too hard to work on when painting something that skinny. I need something more "thicker" which is why I'm going with 1 mm x 1 mm square styrene strip.
Modeling isn't just about how good the gluing or painting, etc. looks. It's also about how creative and imaginative you can be with a subject.
My modeling philosophy is: Don't build what everyone else has done. Build instead what nobody has seen or done before.


Those "bumpers" look pretty chunky in the pics so the 1m x 1m sounds good. And definitely add after painting.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


There's really not much more I can do on this carrier right now till Spring gets here with warmer weather so I can spray paint the flight deck.
Everything pretty much (or almost) hinges on that.
Though some small bits I can/need to add are extra spots/platforms for NULKA decoy launchers. A pic below gives possible locations for Nulka launchers as well as Mk.53 SRBOC launchers, and also Mk.38 25mm chain guns for my model. All are resin parts from Veteran Models.
I only have six Nulka launchers to work with. 3 for the starboard side and 3 for the port side.
I have 8 pieces of Mk.53 SRBOC launchers. But it's possible I may only use four instead. If I use the other four and where I'd put them, I have no idea yet.  :-\
And I've got four Mk.38 25mm chain guns. The locations and addition of the chain guns was explained on another page in this thread long ago. You'll have to search for it.
Other than that stuff, I could work on the flight deck vehicles and the aircraft till Spring gets here. But to be honest, I don't want to. At least not yet. I just don't have the enthusiasm or motivation right now to work on 2 dozen deck vehicles and nearly 75 aircraft.
The other thing I could do is finish painting the hull gray and add the blue anti-fouling coat to the lower hull. That will be hand brush painted.




Modeling isn't just about how good the gluing or painting, etc. looks. It's also about how creative and imaginative you can be with a subject.
My modeling philosophy is: Don't build what everyone else has done. Build instead what nobody has seen or done before.


Just a bit of "backstory" I guess you could say on various details I'm adding to my model. ;)
For starters, I'll be adding six NULKA decoy launchers to my model. 3 on the starboard side and 3 on the port side. Now the pictures below give a rough approximation of where these launchers are located on Nimitz class aircraft carriers. There's usually 2 grouped together on a platform on the starboard side, plus another single one on a platform behind the island superstructure. And there's one located on the port aft side near the LSO and weapon sponson areas, and another one next to the RAM launcher on the port bow weapon sponson. If there is a third one on the port side, I don't know where it's located yet. Gerald Ford class carriers don't seem to have these decoy launchers fitted from all of my searching. But that's not going to stop me from adding them to my model anyway.

The next item I will add to my model is the SLQ-59 ECM unit. This is a new system that is being fitted to Nimitz carriers, Arleigh Burke destroyers, and a few other ships. But from what little I've heard or read, the system is mainly being implemented on ships in the Pacific region of operations. Whether that changes to also include Atlantic or other area ships, I don't know. The below pictures show the approximate positions where this system is being added to various Nimitz carriers. These will be the same positions I'll use on my model.

The next item I wanted to add, but nobody makes unfortuneately, is the SLQ-32(v)6 ECM system. It is angular and shown in a red circle on an Arleigh Burke destroyer in a pic below. This is a new system as well that is being installed on various US Navy ships. Additional pictures below show where older SLQ-32 ECM units are located on an aircraft carrier. Generally one on the starboard side attached to the island superstructure, and one on the port side at the end of the angled runway. If I had the SLQ-32(v)6 parts, I would have put them in similar locations. But since my model is a what if future advanced carrier similar to the Gerald Ford class, then there's no need for those SLQ-32 units as the Ford class does not carry them. So where exactly does the Ford class have it's ECM? A picture further below shows panels circled in red atop the large mast on the Ford's island superstructure. There are four of them, positioned at 45 degree angles to cover all sides/arcs. This most likely is where the Ford class carriers have their ECM units. Another picture further below that shows my model island superstructure shows red arrows pointing to white squares on the large mast. These smaller white squares (There are 4 around the mast.) represent the ECM panels/antennas similar to what the mast on the Gerald Ford carriers have.

Modeling isn't just about how good the gluing or painting, etc. looks. It's also about how creative and imaginative you can be with a subject.
My modeling philosophy is: Don't build what everyone else has done. Build instead what nobody has seen or done before.


Continuing from Post #'s 371 and 372 which were further above:

Modeling isn't just about how good the gluing or painting, etc. looks. It's also about how creative and imaginative you can be with a subject.
My modeling philosophy is: Don't build what everyone else has done. Build instead what nobody has seen or done before.


With all those extra brackets and platforms won't the ship end up LESS stealthy than the Ford was in the first place?
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)
