
New and improved! Wulf pics

Started by matrixone, July 08, 2005, 07:41:11 AM

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Don't lie to us. We all know you used a time machine to go back to 1945 and took pictures of a real luftwaffe airfield. :wub:  
"How about this for a headline for tomorrows paper? French fries." ~~ James French, d. 1966 Executed in electric chair in Oklahoma.


Thanks Sisko and gooberliberation!

Two years ago I passed on the Revell Ho 229 kit thinking it was just a PM reboxing, it was much later that I learned it was an all new kit.

The good thing is Revell kits of the Ho 229, BV P194, and Ar 555 will likely be released in a year or two.

I have seen pictures of the DML Ho 229 Nightfighter that were built by other modelers and it looks great!
There has been some discussion about how some areas of that don't fit that well and I have been reluctant to give it a try up until now, I figure if other people can build it so can I!

That would be so cool to go back in time to 1945...if I had good quality color pics of all those late war German a/c sitting on the airfields after the war ended I could sell them and become VERY WEALTHY! :D



QuoteI need more Hortens.
:o You can never have enough! "I have enough Hortens", if ever said, would be a contradiction in terms!

"Will likely be released in a year or two..." Does this mean Revell are actually going to rerelease the Luft 46 planes? IS THERE A GOD? I THINK SO! :D  :D  :wub:  But, if this is just speculation, please say - I hate having my hopes and dreams squashed.


I have not heard anything about Revell bringing back any of their Luft'46 kits anytime soon, I am just hoping they will!
Sure would be nice to get another Ar 555 and BV P194 though.



It seems weird because from all reports the luft46 line was very profitable for revell.

Mind you some of the other luftwaffe kits that they have produced like the junkers 290 the BV222 and He177 have been greatly appreciated.

For me the re-issue I would like to see the most from revell is the Ta-183. They did one in 1/72 and the quality was to their usual standard.

For that scale it would be the best because while the PM is good it is pretty basic.  
Get this Cheese to sick bay!


I never knew for sure the Revell Ta 183 was a different mold than the PM offering, now I really want one of those things!
Can't wait for Revell to release that kit again.

Not only is the PM Ta 183 kit basic the fuselage halves are slightly different sizes which makes for some less than fun putty and sanding work.




That PM Ta 154 was one of, no change that, IT WAS THE WORST FITTING KIT I EVER BUILT. In no way should anybody get that kit and shame on Revell for re-boxing that turd.
The PM Ta 183 fit together like a Tamiya kit compared with their Ta 154.



I've never had a PM kit that went together with anything less than a sense of being caught in a nightmare, but I do buy them for the spare parts (and the floats, of course) since they are sooooo cheap !


For the price of the PM Ta 183 kit it is not a bad kit at all, but the last one I built had the two fuselage halves slightly different in size from each other making putty and sanding a ''have to''.
I have the Me P1111 kit and have not built that one yet, should be an easy build due to the low parts count. The wheel wells have a strange grid molded into them which is rather silly looking.

The only part of the PM Ta 154 that looked O.K. was the nose wheel and strut, everything else is not worth saving.
