
1/350 scale CVN-90 USS United States Stealth Aircraft Carrier

Started by seadude, May 23, 2023, 06:38:45 AM

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To me it sounds as if you have or are thinking how you are going to paint it very well. You are going to have to use lots of masking tape and some other material such as saran wrap, plastic bags or sheets of paper to reduce the amount of tape actually stuck to surfaces you don't want covered in the colour you are using.
Long smooth and steady movement of the spray can from one side to the other will be the best way to spray large areas. A similar method for the markings on the deck should work as well.
I hope that helps as I am no expert, I just have a little experience and knowledge.

My Ability to Imagine is only exceeded by my Imagined Abilities

Gondor's Modelling Rule Number Three: Everything will fit perfectly untill you apply glue...

I know it's in a book I have around here somewhere....


Would it be easier to paint the white and yellow first, then mask off the stripes and then paint the grey? It might be six in one hand and half a dozen in the other.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Quote from: kerick on Yesterday at 06:17:23 AMWould it be easier to paint the white and yellow first, then mask off the stripes and then paint the grey? It might be six in one hand and half a dozen in the other.

I'm not sure how I'm going to paint the flight deck.
I was thinking of spray painting the entire deck gray, then masking the white and yellow line areas.
Is the gray spray paint I selected too dark? I'm not sure.
There's a model contest this coming weekend in Madison. Maybe I can ask some modelers there for some advice on what to do.
I may also take my carrier in to my local model club meeting in April and see what members have to say.
Modeling isn't just about how good the gluing or painting, etc. looks. It's also about how creative and imaginative you can be with a subject.
My modeling philosophy is: Don't build what everyone else has done. Build instead what nobody has seen or done before.


Paint the deck white, run strips of tape for the stripes, spray the grey and then remove the tape. Presto white stripes, go back and tape off for the yellow areas and use a brush to apply the yellow.
Seal the edges of the tape used for the stripes with a little bit of brushed on clear varnish, acrylic or other - it doesn't matter, to limit, or hopefully prevent, paint creeping under the tape.

BTW the Vallejo spray cans are identical to MTN Montana spray cans meaning that it's likely that MTN produces the paint for Vallejo.
The Montana 94 series cans also cost less, especially through their direct outlet Spray Planet.
MTN Spray Planet


Just thinking about it and it would be far easier to get a perfect stripe by painting the white or yellow first. Then you mask the stripe with one strip of masking tape and no worries about parallel lines on the stripes. If you paint the white first the yellow will come out better with probably just one coat.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise