avatar_Keith Diamond

Hoping To Get Back To My Models Soon

Started by Keith Diamond, January 24, 2007, 03:34:19 PM

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Keith Diamond

All of the models in production went to the backburner, and then production was eventually stalled last October when I started back at school.  I finished my undergrad at Clemson back in May, so I thought my stay in Sumter would only be temporary, so I had everything I owned in Clemson, and everything I owned in Sumter suddenly thrown into one room.  It was basically a mess.  Well, I started school again in October, and because of that, it became clear that I was not leaving here until Dec '07 at the earliest.  So since October I've been concentrating on school, and after I finished my first term in December, I decided to reorganize my entire room (box to box, drawer to drawer).  Well, I finally am 99% done and I even made a new modeling set up for myself.

Same old chair, but this time, instead of sitting on the floor and using the chair as a work desk, I brought in a foldable table and a plastic organizer.  As you can see, the top of the organizer has my frequently used tools.  The small drawers at the top stores all of my paint.  The next two drawers have the rest of my supplies, and the bottom drawer is my spare parts bin.

Hopefully I'll be picking up the cement and paint brushes again next week!

Now, I had 7 models in production towards the end of last year.  All of them are listed in my signature here and at ARC.  I think I"m going to focus on half of them at a time so I'll knock some out quickly, then focus on the rest.  After which, I'll start on some new projects pictured here.

I plan working on 4 Academy F-16s.  3 of which, will be Whifs.  I'll have a USPS F-16A, a Phil AF F-16A and a CAF F-16CG Block 42.  The USPS Viper will be similar to my previous attempt with the Revell kit.  Phil AF Viper will have a ROKAF inspired scheme and Blue Diamond markings.  The Canuckistani Viper will be every Canadian Armed Forces and Viper fan's wet dream.  Not only will it be a Block 42 complete with LANTIRN pods, it will have 2 GBU-24s and 4 AIM-120s.  And it'll be sporting that snow Viper scheme I posted a while back.

Below the Academy Vipers you can see my in progress S-3B, F-15A and Phil AF F-4J (which I'm in the process of rescribing)

Also, I'll be working on 5 Academy F-15 kits.  3 of which will be Whifs.  One will be a USPS F-15B (surprise surprise) complete with CFTs and carrying somewhere between 12-14 travel pods.  The other two Whif jets will be CAF Eagles.  One a single seat CF-155A and the other a Strike Eagle.  I'm not sure what the designation should be though since I plan on putting GE F-110 engines on it.  

Below the F-15s, you can see some in progress Vipers from a while back, and my in progress IDF and Phil AF Hawgs, F-16C Satelite Killer and a P-40B.
Man, we should have cloned twenties. Jackson wouldn't have given a poo-poo.


Okay man, you're STRANGE!  You're just weird.  That workbench and storage shelves are just TOO neat and tidy and organized.  That's unnatural :)  I thought there was a law that to build models you couldn't work in a space bigger than 2x2", and that the rest had to be covered in tools, decals, instruction sheets, boxes, paints, photos, dust, spider webs, etc.


"My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over." - Gerald R. Ford, 9 Aug 1974


Lookin good Keith hope to see you back to modeling soon ;)
"Panzer" :ar: Arrrrr!
Chris"PanzerWulff"Gray "The Whiffing Fool"
Self proclaimed "GODZILLA Junkie"!


QuoteI thought there was a law that to build models you couldn't work in a space bigger than 2x2", and that the rest had to be covered in tools, decals, instruction sheets, boxes, paints, photos, dust, spider webs, etc.

and teacups with mould growing in them, but i cleaned up my bench the other day and found three half eaten bags of Twiglets so that was cool.

I think Keith is just doing one of those tidy up for the camera things lets see wot it looks like in two weeks :lol:

I invite all and any criticism, except about Eric The Dog, it's not his fault he's stupid

Leigh's Models

Keith Diamond

QuoteI think Keith is just doing one of those tidy up for the camera things lets see wot it looks like in two weeks :lol:
well I was thinking it'll look more like a disaster area after only day #1 whenI start back :wacko: Us modelers can't stay tidy too long...  
Man, we should have cloned twenties. Jackson wouldn't have given a poo-poo.


Keith, good to hear the assembly line is going back into action, Hope you still remember how everything works  :lol:  
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.

Captain Canada

QuoteOkay man, you're STRANGE!
I'll say...he even stores his paints on their sides !



Nice looking setup, KD. Looks like you suffer from the same affliction as most of us. To many half-starts and never finishing !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

Keith Diamond

QuoteNice looking setup, KD. Looks like you suffer from the same affliction as most of us. To many half-starts and never finishing !

Yeah, I admit, something usually happens to stop work on my models, or I have temporary ADD and start on something else... :dum:  
Man, we should have cloned twenties. Jackson wouldn't have given a poo-poo.


"We can resolve this over tea and fisticuffs!!!"

Keith Diamond

QuoteDude you have a girly bed  :lol:
ah poo-poo, you noticed my bed. :dum:  Notice how in my picture I cut off the very top of the modeling tools on the plastic shelf?  That's becuase I didn't want too much of my bed showing.  It's actually a bed made in the Philippines with detailed carvings all over it.  Carvings on the head, foot and on all 8 drawers on the side.  My brother has one just like it, and my sister's have a bed similar, but larger, and with a canopy.  
Man, we should have cloned twenties. Jackson wouldn't have given a poo-poo.

Howard of Effingham

i have been doing the same sorta thing keith here in coventry. you arrangement
and reasons for it are very good.  ^_^

however, just for me i have found and it makes for easier modelling to have the
vast bulk of the stash in another room. makes it easier to concentrate methinks.

good luck with the studies.

Keeper of George the Cat.

Keith Diamond

ah, thanks for the compliments!  Unfortunately I have to keep my stash in my room since I'm going to school near my home, so I'm back living with my parents.  It was a mess for a long time since everything I owned in Sumter and Clemson were suddenly thrown together in one room.
Man, we should have cloned twenties. Jackson wouldn't have given a poo-poo.