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Aichi D3A-1 Val

Started by Daryl J., August 11, 2006, 08:53:10 PM

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Daryl J.

Put it on floats, silver dope, red tail with a smaller, matching underbelly vert. stabilizer to offset the floats.    Observation duties.

Put it in Spanish markings, natural metal overall with the white rudder/black X, and on the wings---white tips, black roundels with the white X.

Hang an inline engine on it, reduce the cockpit to two crew and make it a razorback.

Have a matching He-70 to either of the above schemes (or He-112 V6).

Daryl J.

Brian da Basher

1. Send Brian the SPATS!!! :wub:

2. Finnish, Russian or Swedish Skiplane dive bomber

3. Floatplane torpedo bomber or search & rescue

4. Floatplane firebomber

5. Civilain advertising plane flying a banner

6. Send Brian the SPATS!!! :wub:

I love spats! :wub:

Brian da Basher

P.S. I really like the inline engined, razor-back idea. I have a fondness for turning radial engined birds into inlines & vice-versa.


Open cockpit, black heavily "worn and weathered", the odd head, hand, limb in rotting green, stuck through the surfaces, fully crowded cockpit....Zombie-crewed Orkenwaffe dive bomber.

As per kit, but as a pre-war USN with yellow wingtops.

With floats and Finnish, Italian or German or French.

Add a rotor, cut the wings down, rig it and have it as an auto-gyro.

Clip the wings to just outboard of the u/c and add flapping Bat wings...paint as appropriate in either Black for the Bat Plane, or in some evil scheme for an Orkenwaffe OrniVal.

Clip the wings, add a pair of large tailwheels, remove the prop, have one armed Knights that say "Ni" driving it, and it becomes a .....


Car-Ni-Val :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


At first reading (title), I thought this was a question: what to do? and I came to see if someone had answered: a Zwilling Val. :D  ^_^
This was a misunderstanding, as your project is fine in itself. So I posted the Val-Val on the twin-tail forum, see:
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]