
$1.99 WI download sale

Started by Chris707, September 05, 2006, 02:08:27 PM

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If I may, I'd like to notify the group as to a number of WI-related products that we currently have on sale:

"Speculative Warplane Designs - A History in Patents"
A must for the fans of "Luft '46" and  "What-If"! This work documents unbuilt US designs from the 1930s to the present day, using US Government patent documents.

Some of these "what ifs" are outlandish, others might well have been built had things gone differently, and some are recognizable as having influenced aircraft that did end up being built.

A sampler:

*A jet powered flying wing fighter from Bell. Also, a number of unbuilt Airacomet derivatives/alternative designs.

*A "Twin Liberator" - two B-24s on a common wing.

* A McDonnell design contemporary with and similar to the XP-67 Moonbat, except being of pusher configuration.

*Large twin and four engined flying wings from Northrop predating the XB-35.

*VTOL F-104

Almost 200 pages, with hundreds of B&W side, top, bottom, frontal, and overall drawings. Lots of potential here for scratchbuilding and kitbashing!

***Improved Ordering for the PDF Download version, which is sale priced at $1.99

Other titles with a high WI content:

$1.99 PDF download

$1.99 PDF download

$1.99 PDF download


for more information



Martin H

make the most of these books guys, they dont come any better or cheaper.

ive got the warplanes book in hard copy...cracking read well recomended.
and ive just got the PDF version of the space craft book. very quick and smooth  transaction
I always hope for the best.
experience has taught me to expect the worst.

Size (of the stash) matters.

IPMS (UK) What if? SIG Leader.
IPMS (UK) Project Cancelled SIG Member.