
future DDR-NVA eqiupment question

Started by Spey_Phantom, April 13, 2013, 12:22:16 PM

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as part of my "WW3: Rise of the Dragon" storybuild (currently on hiatus following DPRK tensions) i am planning, in a later stage of the story, to include some parts of East Germany (in an alternate reality where the DDR still existed).

as part of the DDR-NVA LSK (East German Air Force) i already got a 1/144 IL-76 in line for a repaint, and i got a Sukhoi Su-47 in the planning stages (as a MIG-23 replacement). i might even get a 1/72 Mi-28 Havoc as a replacement for the Mi-24 Hind.
somewhere on the attic, i also have an airfix 1/72 E-100 shnellboat, witch im planning to scale-o-rama to a 1/144 Volksmarine warship.

this is about all i have at the moment, but i would like to add more, like a replacement for the MIG-21. the MIG-29/35 would have been an obvious choise, but since the LSK already used them, that doesnt count as a what-if.
i was also thinking Yak-130, but that would be to light (might be concidered as a L-39 replacement)

that why im asking this question: What Hardware would East-German military forces possess, somewhere in 2023/25?
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Are we assuming an ongoing Soviet Union, or just a permanently divided Germany? Is this DDR an EU member state? Or part of an alternate Soviet/FSU economic bloc (Poland, Ukraine, DDR, Baltic states, Romania etc) with the old NATO/Soviet confrontation still apparent? All will mean different options.

The obvious choices are late-model Flankers, Fullbacks, maybe some of the production version of the PAK-FA, whatever that is eventually designated. Or a MiG MFI? More interesting would be some Chinese hardware - FC-1s, J-10s, etc. Particularly attractive to a possibly cash-strapped FSU bloc that can't afford top-end Russian kit? Or maybe a future "advanced" MiG - they haven't produced anything along the same lines as the PAK-FA, so perhaps in due course they will reveal a "light" counterpart to Sukhoi's monster. that would fit nicely as the MiG-21 replacement.
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<


hmm, Chinese hardware could be concidered  :-\

forgot to mention, the story would mention an ongoing Soviet Union (where it never collapsed).

i was also thinking of equiping the Volksmarine with a few Ka-60 Kasatka's or Ka-29 Helix helicopters (as an Mi-14 replacement), would have been more shipworthy then the Mi-8  :mellow:
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


If bailed out by the FGR banks as nearly happened in real life how about Typhoons on the basis of an intergrated air defence system. Thats why Austria got them. might not work if still a satelite of the USSR though. Su-30's?


If the USSR continues and is still essentially the occupying/controlling power of the DDR, the DDR would continue to get less capable equipment than the USSR.  The USSR basically never fully trusted the DDR and was always afraid that it would either face a resurgent Germany (again) or that it may need to intervene there as it had in the past and in other Warsaw Pact nations (Hungary/Czechoslovakia).  This view contended with the view that the DDR _was_ the frontline state in the NATO-Warsaw Pact confrontation.  This meant that it got the best of the second-rate equipment and in large numbers whereas the other Warsaw Pact nations didn't.   Essentially, the USSR wanted a strong DDR but not that strong that it could not defeat it, itself if it needed to.

So, whatever you give to the DDR, you should make sure that the USSR has something nearly twice as good.
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ok, so for DDR-NVA LSK equipment i currently was thinking:

-IL-76 (to replace AN-26)
-AN-148 (to replace AN-2)
-Su-47 Firkin (to replace MIG-23 and MIG-29 in air defence role, with limited BVR capability and less stealth)
-MIG-29MD (4.75 generation derivative of the MIG-29, with a large delta wing (like the F-16XL), reduced RCS and internal weapons capability. replaces MIG-21)
-MIG-SCAT (UCAV, replaces Su-22 in LSK and Volksmarine service)
-Mi-28 Havoc (replaces Mi-24)
-Mi-171 (replace older Mi-8's)
-Ka-60K Kasatka (naval derivative of the Kamov Ka-60, replaces Mi-14)

note that most of it wont be a 1 for 1 repacement, in case of the fighters and transport aircraft, it would be a 1 for 2 replacement.
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


I know the MiG SCAT would probably make more sense, but I can't get too thrilled with UCAVs.  How about the Yak 41 to replace the Su-22s?
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