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Free Hungary!!!

Started by Son of Damian, October 23, 2006, 04:30:49 AM

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Son of Damian

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. So what better time is there to discuss the What-if potential of this event.

The uprising started as a student demonstration in centeral Budapest. A group of students had tried to enter the Radio Budapest buidling but were caught by the State Security Police (AVH). When the demonstrators out side demanded the release of the students they were fired apon by the AVH. Hungarian soldier sent to releave the AVH sided with the crowd. It was from here that things went down hill. Reacting to the AVH's provocation mass protests broke out, communist symbols were destroyed and military depots siezed.

On the 25th after further provocations by the AVH fighting broke out between the Hungarian resistance, Soviet tanks and troops sent into Budapest, and the AVH. As fighting broke out revolutionary councils sprung up nation wide turning the event into a full fledged national revolt. The government fell and a new one was created on the 27th which got rid of the AVH and stated its intentions to withdraw from the Warsaw pact, and for Hungary to become a neutral multiparty social democracy.

But starting on the 1st of November 17 Russian division started crossing Hungarys borders, arriving outside Budapest on the 4th. By the 10th the last pockets of resistance had surrendored. There was little reaction by the western powers during most of the Hungarian Uprising do to the on going Suez Crisis which divereted most of Canada's, French, American, and British attention.

To read more about the Hungarian Revolution go here.

But what if the Soviets hadn't intervened (initially Khrushchev was against intervention), what would Hungary look like today?

For one thing it wouldn't be another former Warsaw Pact nation with a depressed economy thanks to years of communism. The US and other western nations would probably provide economic support until Hungary was back on its feet (which probably wouldn't have taken long). Today Hungary would probably have a strong economy and be a nice tourist destination.

Its rather unlikely that Hungary would have joined NATO as this would have really PO'ed the Soviets, a major reason for Soviet intervention was a fear that a capitalist Hungary would allow capitalism and democracy to seep into the Soviet Union and its satelittes in eastern Europe.    

Hungary would have probably been more militant than other neutrals like Austria given the fact that Hungary is almost surrounded by communist countries, most of which were Soviet satelittes. If Hungary was more western leaning than F-86's, F-104's, F-16's, Mirages, Lightnings, and Tornados are possible. But if Hungary was a more stringent neutral than Tunnans, Drakens, Viggens, and Gripens are more likely. Interestingly Hungary is currently leasing several Gripens.
"They stand in the unbroken line of patriots who have dared to die that freedom might live, and grow, and increase its blessings. Freedom lives, and through it, they live–
in a way that humbles the undertakings of most men."

- Franklin D. Roosevelt


difficult situation for such a country, surrounded by communist countries as you noticed. but well, it's the occasion of building a powerful Army, backed by nuclear forces from GB and USA.
Hungarian Air Force : Lightning for QRA, Phantoms or Arrow for long range CAP, TSR-2 for nuclear strike. On the soil, British Canberra /Buccs  loaded with Red Beards, F-84F /F-100/ F-101 with Mk7s. Big bases on Hungarian soil, the country is in first line if a Soviet attack occur. RB-57s, U-2s overflies starting from there. skimishes at the frontier, barbwires, minefields...
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.


Hungarian Tomcats anyone?

:wub:  :wub:  


Hungarian Harriers, if not only because it rolls off the tongue!  Conscious of the fact that it was surrounded on all sides & it's airfields were vunerable to strike, the Hungarian government decided that a flexible armed forces was the best option.  The ability of Harrier to operate from virtually anywhere was deemed vital.  TSR2 & Viggen also fit into this scenario because their short field capability.

As for political alignment, Albania, although Communist, split from the Warsaw pact & alligned itself with China after the fracar between Russia & China.  Hungary maybe did the same, rather than ally with NATO which would have caused serious ructions.  This might have been enough to keep the big bear off it's back & may have allowed a less agressive stance?
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.

Iranian F-14A

Hungarian Longbow-A nice compliment to /replacement for the Hinds.Obviously,in the '70s-'80s timeframe,a AH-1G or AH-1F would have been better.

Hungarian Harrier GR.Mk3

The Harrier is armed with AIM-9G Sidewinders,which the UK would have supplied with the Harriers.
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever-1984
Current projects:
OH-58F Kiowa Warrior
S-70C Civilian Hawk
HAL Light Combat Helicopter
S-64 Skycrane Firefighter

Son of Damian

Yugoslavia was communist though not aligned with Moscow, and still bought planes and such from the Soviets. I could see Hungary buying some Russians weapons because they were better than there western equivalents (i.e. artillery, Russian artillery had longer ranges than most western counterparts) or just to make the Russians happy. Also I would imagine that the Hungarians would try and produce as much of there own weapons as possible, whether these be licensed produced or of indigenous design.

Hungary's military would probably be similar to Switzerland or Israel with a year or two of compulsary service and a vast pool of reservists. The threat of the Soviets during the cold war would probably have lead to a large and well funded (and trained) army, but afterwards it would have been down sized considerably like most European nations after the cold war.  
"They stand in the unbroken line of patriots who have dared to die that freedom might live, and grow, and increase its blessings. Freedom lives, and through it, they live–
in a way that humbles the undertakings of most men."

- Franklin D. Roosevelt

Runway ? ...

Nice timing Iranian F-14A.
I put down a Harrier Gr3 painted up like that last night and I've been doing my darnedest to resist putting red stars on it (I think it wants them really).
Cool alternative. Cheers  :)  


Nice profiles F-14A!  I like the Harrier especially, & the Apache's cool too!

I think mixing of Western & Soviet weapons systems may have been very limited.  It didn't happen often, with a few exceptions such as India.  Mixing of Soviet & Chinese weapons was more likely, buying from NATO would give out a serious signal that wouldn't be looked on favourably in Moscow.  French weapons may have been a possibility with their non(ish)-allignment to NATO & their lack of fussiness of who they dealt with.
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.

Iranian F-14A

An earlier Hungarian gunship,the SA-342L Gazelle.
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever-1984
Current projects:
OH-58F Kiowa Warrior
S-70C Civilian Hawk
HAL Light Combat Helicopter
S-64 Skycrane Firefighter


Nice 'nose' art F-14A!  Hmm, French aircraft, how about  Hungarian Mirages or Transalls?  Ouragans, Mysteres or Magisters in the early days? Maybe you could have a French V/STOVL aircraft in service, given more impetus by an impending Hungarian order?
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.

Son of Damian

QuoteI think mixing of Western & Soviet weapons systems may have been very limited. It didn't happen often, with a few exceptions such as India.

Finland does it to, they have a history of splitting there military purchases between East and West.

They currently operate T-55, T-72, and Leopard 2 tanks; there standard assault rifle is a half-baked copy of the AK-47 (and its one of the best versions of the AK); and they have operated a mix of aircraft Folland Gnats, BAe Hawk trainers,SaaB Drakens, Mig-21s, and F-18s.
"They stand in the unbroken line of patriots who have dared to die that freedom might live, and grow, and increase its blessings. Freedom lives, and through it, they live–
in a way that humbles the undertakings of most men."

- Franklin D. Roosevelt

Sentinel Chicken

I seem to remmber seeing pictures of Finnish Hawks carrying R-60 "Aphid" AAMs on the wing pylons......there'd be a wacky whiff, mixing Russian weapons and Western aircraft or vice versa.  


QuoteI seem to remmber seeing pictures of Finnish Hawks carrying R-60 "Aphid" AAMs on the wing pylons......there'd be a wacky whiff, mixing Russian weapons and Western aircraft or vice versa.
You remember well, according to Air vector, Finnish Hawks had R-60 AAM...  
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.

Iranian F-14A

QuoteI seem to remmber seeing pictures of Finnish Hawks carrying R-60 "Aphid" AAMs on the wing pylons......there'd be a wacky whiff, mixing Russian weapons and Western aircraft or vice versa.
A little off topic,but Yugoslavia did it with their Gazelles fitted with Soviet AT-3 Sagger and SA-7 Grail missiles as well.
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever-1984
Current projects:
OH-58F Kiowa Warrior
S-70C Civilian Hawk
HAL Light Combat Helicopter
S-64 Skycrane Firefighter

Family Guy

Nice profiles :wub:

well the idea of france is cool...(imagine...hungarian rafales with this nice camo :wub:  :wub: )

but if hungary doesn't wants to choose a side then they should form their armed forces of neutral weapon systems

saab's viggen and sk-60

pilatus pc-7 pc-6

bofors strv-103

oerlikon guns

weapons from finland :lol: ...well eah...potential those little pik-20 gliders for school

think about