
Tfx Kit

Started by rallymodeller, February 02, 2007, 11:54:25 PM

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So I said I was going to post pics of the fantastic kit anthonyp sourced me --an original 1965-issue Revell TFX.

Yeah, well.

Software problems with my crappy-assed Compact Flash reader means no pics to come for a bit. So I'll describe instead. The box top of the kit is almost exactly like this:but the box is a mailing parcel with the box art pasted to the front and "Model Builder's Club of America" printed integral with the box art.

The kit? Typical 1960's US-issue. Some flash but not too hard to deal with, doesn't seem to be any warpage, the kit was still in it's (opened) bag bit as far as I can tell with the exception of the decals all the parts are there (including instructions). Molding is not too bad, raised panel lines but they're really fine.

It has parts to build either the F-111A or B; long and short wingtips, a IRWS fin cap for the AF version and different stab tips -- with and without RWR bullet fairings and of course long and short radomes. No tailhook oddly enough but I can scrounge one from somewhere in the parts box. By mixing parts I suppose I could also do a C or an FB-111A (albeit without the fuselage plug). The intakes are (obviously given the vintage of the kit) the original-style pre-Triple-Plow small sized ones, and the only stab fairing ends are the original pre-ECM pointed ones.

Now the cool part: it has working features! The landing gear is engineered to retract as on the prototype and glory be, it seems to be mostly in scale. The ejection capsule is removable as is the radome,  the stabilators are linked together so they move as a unit, and natch the wings sweep.  No wing pylons are provided but at this scale there would be no way in hell (except perhaps photoetch...hmm) to get them to sweep in synchro with the wings. No biggie.

So what am I planning to do with this beastie? Well, I might either do it as a USN in-service example or possibly as the CAF one I posted a few weeks back in the profile section. Either way, though -- all the working features will be built as per instructions. After all, I'm no JMN and the engineers seem to have put a lot of thought into 'em...

Thanks a mill, Anthony!   :cheers:

Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part...

More into Flight Sim reskinning these days, but still what-iffing... Leading Edge 3D


No prob!

I've still got another in the stash, and I hadn't even looked at it in detail.  I seem to remember the old Revell F-111 being better engineered than most back then (the escape capsule and gear retracting I definitely remember).

I knew you'd enjoy it!

Oh, and yeah, I swiped the decals from the kit and put them into my Decal Box.  Actually, now that I think about it, I think I already used a few of them   :lol:  
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Hey Rally,

Would you mind taking a few shots of the sprue, and during construction?  I've always wanted to see what the kit looked like.  I'm especially curious about the moving bits.
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