
Started by Geoff_B, January 30, 2007, 04:45:04 AM

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"Son, your ego is writing checks your body cant cash"


Shas B)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Doubleplusgood !     :rolleyes:  


Quotea fanfic continuation of a 1980s British SF series.
What's this?
Will die without understanding this world.

Brian da Basher

I think many over-reacted to the intention of this topic. One thing I think worth mentioning is the fact that many folks on the board work in different mediums. While most of us work with styrene kits and some with resin, there are a few talents that work with such diverse mediums as cardboard (Yum!), wood and home-casting. One must take into account the medium used as some are more difficult to work with than others. I'm not sure as a modeller who only mangles styrene kits that my criticisms would be very helpful to someone who works in cardboard or paper. Now if we could encourage those who work in diverse mediums to offer helpful hints to others who work in those same materials, I think this would be beneficial.

Brian da Basher


Basque, basque?

Damned cold in Nottingham last Saturday night, I can tell you. Sub-zero :(
But I had my boa to keep me warm :lol:  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


Ok I read the first page and the last therefore I grasped the meaty bits.

I have to say I agree. Give critque in a constructive way and help the person grow as a model builder.  
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


I have read the whole thread and am interested at how it has unfolded.  It seems that sometimes the term "criticism" is (wrongly, in my opinion)perceived to be a negative activity.
I know that as a psychologist I would never have got through my training (many years ago) without constructive criticism. For example it was really useful to have peers or tutors say "perhaps you might have thought about it this way"-or done it that way etc. Without the invitation to think about my work or to look at why I do what I do when I do it-then I would not have developed. I think it is the same for most human activities, including modelling. The important thing for me is to to ask myself "why am I offering this praise or constructive criticism at this time?". I am happy to receive comments about every model I post-as long as they are offered in a positive spirit.
Having said all this, most of us like some praise too.......



To my eye, the biggest problem is that some don't know the difference between "Criticism" and "Critiquing". Critiquing can strike a balance between praise and instruction. When teaching someone how to autocross, I generally go to the critique end of the scale. point out what you liked, and also what the person could have done better -- while at the same time offering options on how to get better.

To wit:

Criticism: Holy crap, that model sucks. It's totally the wrong colour, there are huge seam gaps everywhere, and you didn't remove any of the flash. You suck."

Critique: Nice effort there. But if I may, a better colour match for that particular subject might be {x}. Humbrol makes it as colour number (XX), and if you need more reference it can be found here. Love the paint scheme though, it's right on track. I also notice that there are some pretty wide gaps in the wing fit. Not surprising -- that kit is a bit of a bear to work with. But when I built it, here's what I did to close those puppies up. It might also be helpful to sand the edges of the parts to get rid of some of that flash. It's an old mold, and starting to leak a little. I whish (y) company would do something about that.

Any of us modelers here know that there are places where we could use a little help in our craft. I myself hate doing cockpits and tend to rush through them. I also know that my paint could use a little work. But since I'm pretty open to suggestion, I have no problem with constructive criticism as long as you are not beng intentionally hurtful. And there is the key. We here are a community. And as such, we should help each other get better at what brought us here in the first place.

That said, I really like the idea of putting a blurb in any post showing works in progress stating that it it open to critiquing. As a matter of fact, I think I'll start doing that.  

Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part...

More into Flight Sim reskinning these days, but still what-iffing... Leading Edge 3D


Hi Rallymodeller,  In the UK the phrase "constructive criticism" is used in the same way as "critiquing"  is in North America. So I think we are saying much the same thing....
