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Similar To A.m.s... But Also Different !

Started by Ian the Kiwi Herder, March 05, 2007, 08:01:36 AM

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QuoteMaybe if you pull something out of the stash and do a 24 hour build ?  That always seems to help.
Yes 24h without stop :wub:  
Will die without understanding this world.


QuoteMaybe if you pull something out of the stash and do a 24 hour build ?  That always seems to help.
no good if you cant even get yourself to cut parts off the sprues :lol:  ;)  

Ian the Kiwi Herder

QuoteMaybe if you pull something out of the stash and do a 24 hour build ?  That always seems to help.
no good if you cant even get yourself to cut parts off the sprues :lol:  ;)
And that's EXACTLY where I am  :(  !

"When the Carpet Monster tells you it's full....
....it's time to tidy the workbench"

Confuscious (maybe)


I definately know this feeling, it's no secret that I can't finish a kit, or often even start one!  I seem to be getting somewhere recently, I'm progressing with my Secret Santa Build (if slowly) & I've started my Falklands Build.

For me it's very much linked to depression.  I've been coping with it for around the last seven to eight years & I've just been through one of my worst bouts.  Although I haven't gone through anything really drastic like Zac & others here (although there have been some very dark times), it's been with me constantly, (very) rarely feeling better than 'fine' over the last eight years, maybe longer.  It doesn't just affect modelling, it's my whole life, I've lost a job through it, I've wanted to study for a degree & learn how to fly but there's no way I could cope & I'm currently on my second month of sick leave from work (fortunately these guys are very understanding, apart form one individual I could mention, suprisngly (or not), a Doctor).

I heard someone mention that depression is the wrong name for it.  I fully agree.  Too many people think that your just down in the dumps & that you can 'snap out of it'.  I've been trying to for eight years.  It's manifested itself in phyisical ways, at the moment I sleep solidly for around 12 hours, anything less & I am totally worn out although wether this is the illness or the side effects of the anti-depressants is hard to tell (both can induce extreme tiredness!).

It seems things are finally starting to move on, my current bad bout is starting to lift & my GP's (Oh yeah, can never see the same one twice at our practice) have finally (they should have done when it was obvious the symptoms where not going away) decided to refer me to the Community Psychiatic Unit.  Trouble is, you tell people your going to a psychiatric Unit & they smile politley then finish the conversation very quickly!

I wanted to try to get modelling done while I was off work, but I'm only just getting past the phase where thinking about it & then not doing it drives my deeper.  Hopefully I get a kit finished before I get back, I promise I'll post some pics soon!  No need to feel sorry for me guys as I feel like I'm finally getting moving forward! :)

Simon. :cheers:  
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


This is why I don't bother with computer games. Never have, never will.

To me, the styrene is the king, the be-all and end-all, the ultimate goal.

I'm preoccupied almost all the time thinking about working on and completing my current project, and starting on the next. That's why I buy kits in the first place.

I never get into AMS, CBA or any other 'syndrome'. Free time is model time, plain and simple.

I wonder if it's due to the fact that there are too many kits on the go at one time? Could it be due to lack of focus? If so, then buckle down to it!

Hell, I even have a production schedule in my head! I don't stick to it always, but I do like having it in there.

The only thing that gets in the way of modelling is sleep and golf. Golf is a lot like modelling, actually: an exercise in futility that's so fun you can't stop!

All I can say is "FOCUS!".


QuoteThe only thing that gets in the way of modelling is sleep and golf.
Let me guess: no time for sex
Will die without understanding this world.


QuoteMaybe if you pull something out of the stash and do a 24 hour build ?  That always seems to help.
no good if you cant even get yourself to cut parts off the sprues :lol:  ;)
And that's EXACTLY where I am  :(  !

Go play computer ian, go play computer 24/7 and you will be bored to hell and experience modelling itch, and cant do anything but model ;)  


Read a book.
Get inspiration.
Try a Revell Star Wars kit....they're virtually click together and need almost no clean up.
The transparances are painted too....well, the frames are!
Have fun.
Or just have a rest.
There's nothing wrong with a rest, so long as it doesn't last too long.

You could always take up Rocky Horror?
Go to:


we're in the first 10 photos.
Inspirational?? :lol:  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


You just need to go up to the lab,
      and see what's on the...

   Depression can really be depressing...it goes round and round. Eventually, hopefully, a click occurs and you go soaring out of it.  The big thing to remember is that we all share in it, and are there for you too.

  For hobby lulls, I've always found switching topics always helps...build a car, or as Radish suggested, a starwars thingy...make it simple and fast, and to hell with the end product...if you get too wrapped up in every build being perfect, it gets intimidating.

  The late winter is the hardest time for most of us...work is slow ( I am barely making ends meet ), the days are short, and cold.  But, it is getting better...soon it will be great !


I know what you mean Ian, I've been there quite often when I'm busy at work (and I havn't got a little one to help tire me out).

I've found that just making myself go and do a small modelling job, paint a couple of tyres or something that should take no time gives me the impetus I need and next thing I know I've been at my desk for a couple of hours  :rolleyes:

Helps that I brush paint I know - can't face all the fiddling with an airbrush - pick up a paint brush, open a jar and off you go  :)

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Cheers Greg, I think I'll take your advice.  I've just picked up a HobbyBoss kit, should be a quick job even for me!  I've got a simple idea for the P-40 GB, I think I really do need to finish a kit!
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.