EF-2000 Typhoon Rebuild

Started by mchoo2005, May 04, 2010, 05:44:09 PM

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Apologies for the lack of update... Been spending more time researching different color schemes that I may end up using for this bird. I did put in a bit more work into this kit, just haven't got the chance to take pics and update the thread.

I think I have decided on a color scheme:
- Top: Semi Gloss Black (Tamiya X-18)
- Bottom: Gunze FS36270
- "Hot rod"-style flame pattern on side fuselage, near jet exhaust
- Flash/lightning on vert stab
- Might also add some flame patterns on wings

A few things that I've done thus far:
- More puttying and sanding, especially on the refueling probe cavity
- Sprayed jet exhaust with gun metal, then masked
- Sprayed bottom fuselage with Gunze FS36270
- Sprayed AMRAAM and Sidewinder missiles with Gunze FS36375

I know... I know... no pics = useless post. Will upload a few later tonight. I promise!


As promised... here are some update pics...

I need to repaint the tip on the left-most AMRAAM.... I painted the white tips by brush, since I could not be bothered masking and airbrushing for this particular project. After all, this is supposed to be "distraction" for my main project  ;D

I know... there hasn't been that much significant progress. I've been... distracted by life in general, my main F-16 Aggressor project, as well as this other crazy idea that all of a sudden popped up in my head (see this thread: http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,28704.0.html)


Don't feel too bad dude, I've got a stack of half-started projects sitting on my workbench because I got "side-tracked" ;)

Looks awsome so far, can't wait to see 'er all dolled up!
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.

Ian the Kiwi Herder

Making good, steady progress. Keep it coming.

"When the Carpet Monster tells you it's full....
....it's time to tidy the workbench"

Confuscious (maybe)


Airbrushed Tamiya Semi Gloss Black (X-18) over the whole top part of the aircraft.

The tricky part now starts..... Back to pencil and paper to create mask for the hot rod style flame pattern...  :blink:


Howdy all! Apologies for the lack of update lately. Yes, I've been busy with life and all that, but rest assured that I haven't fully neglected this project (nor my main one for that matter!).

I've reinstalled the canards... no easy feat, considering they were literally broken!  :banghead: I had to use Tamiya Basic Putty and Milliput, plus lots of sanding afterwards.

The right hand canard was fairly painless... just a bit of Tamiya Cement and a bit of Tamiya Putty, left overnight while propped up so that the canard was somewhat perpendicular to the fuselage.

The left hand canard was a different story. Tried a couple of times with same mixture of Tamiya Cement and Putty, but it kept falling off. In the end, I decided to glue it as best I could with Tamiya Cement, then strengthen with Milliput. It did the trick!  :thumbsup:

Now, I've also painted some pretty cool pattern on top, but I wouldn't show you guys until this project is fully completed!   ;D


I'M FINISHED!!!  :party:

Considering the original state of this kit, I'm VERY HAPPY how well this rebuild project turned out!   :thumbsup:

Initially, I was hoping that I could salvage the canopy, but no matter how much I polished the inside with the Tamiya Polishing Compound (Finishing), I simply could not remove the cement marks on the inside of the canopy. So, I decided to spray the outside with a mixture of Tamiya Smoke (X-19) and Mr Metal Color Stainless (213), at about 50:50 ratio.

Side-by-side with a crazy F-16 project that I did previously...

BTW... I've just had another thought.... I might spray "clear metallic" overcoat over this model.... Let's see if I feel like doing that next weekend...  ;D


Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.