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Magic Sculpt, Has Anyone Given It A Try?

Started by Daryl J., April 14, 2007, 10:11:02 AM

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Daryl J.

This product is great!  It can be purchased in small lots of 5 pounds up to 500 pounds or better.  It sticks to plastic, wood, and metal.

But, does it shrink?  

I've got a whiff project that's going to take some time and don't want even to start it if the putty is going to lift due to shrinkage..........

Daryl J.


Magic-Sculp and the other two-part epoxies do not shrink like solvent based glazing putties.
They 'harden' through a chemical process rather than 'drying' via solvent evaporation.

Two-part epoxy putties are very stable and durable, there is no limit to thickness of application and, very handily, they can be smoothed with a damp finger.

Cheers, jon

david sMiGielski

I use it pretty regularly instead of Miliput. Never had any issues with shrinking.
How did the country lose its way...when did we stop rooting for the man with a flame-thrower or an acid-spraying gun of some kind?

Daryl J.

Thanks for the info.    Maquette's R-100 Airship has sags between the ribs that are some 1/8" deep and detract terribly from the kit.   I didn't want to fill in the sags with something such as Bondo or 3M's Acryl Blue due to the thickness of the fill and the flexibility of the plastic.  I'm glad to know that it is a true hardening rather than an offgassing of volitile compounds.

Daryl J.


Daryl, from what I've heard Magic Sculpt and Ave's are almost identicle in properties, if so, you should love it. Ave's is great but I haven't tried the Majic Sculpt yet...let us know how you like it when you get a feel for it.

Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.