
Boeing Sonic Cruiser

Started by Archibald, May 11, 2007, 02:07:59 PM

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Superbe! Magnifique! :wub:  :thumbsup:

Its plastic like the 787 :lol:  


Despite the harsh sun hammering the tarmac of Riyad air base, Abdul-Raman Al Saadi smiled while walking to its armed F-5 Tiger. Four "dummy" sidewinders hanged below the wings of its jet. "Dummy AIM-9,I'm not sure sure they all are inert" he thought while looking at its personal mecanician, which smiled and nodded when he saw the young pilot.

He had started to elaborate the plan 2 years ago, after its younger brother had been decapited for such a ridiculous crime - after drinking a glass of alcohol for the first time of its life, he had publicaly stated how corrupted King Saoud was. This had costed him its left hand.
Things must have stopped there, but the judge was a cousin from king Saoud, so the young man was finally sentenced  to death penalty, and its head was cut with a sabre.
So Abdul had decided that great Satan must pay, and on this day, 16th May 2008, Great Satan would fall from the sky, killed by the sword of Allah!

Well, the sword was not what he wanted first, but Tornado, Typhoon and Eagle were way too precious for the damned regime, and pilots personal lives were carefully checked and monitored before they enter the cockpit.
That was less the case for young pilots - which could be "teached" or withdraw from the training course, depending from their intentions toward the regime- and their instructors, considered as the elite of the RSAF, and a consequence less prone to betray the regime. "Well, that's my intention, to say the least".

He climbed into its cockpit, closed the canopy, and started its flight as "agressor" of a pair of F-15. "I'm going to be the agressor, but certainly not of these F-15" he smiled below its oxygen mask.
The F-5 took off and climbed rapidly, disapearing over the hot desert.

He exactly knew were the F-15 were, but also the direction from which Satan will came to violate once again sacred soild of Saudi Arabia. When he reached half of its flight plan, a remote, desertical part of the Arabian desert, he started quietly the first part of its plan. He pushed the control and climbed down to 10 ft above the desert, were no one would find a mach 0.95, diminutive Tiger II. He flew in the direction of the Red Sea, onto a precise flight path. He didn't need its radar to guide him, for months he had thought about its flight plan, to the point he could have made this interception with its eyes shut.
"Now I'm behind him, it's time to climb" he mumbled to himslef. He started its climb to 35 000 ft, and checked the dark sky, looking for its target -
"There it is!! Allah Akbar" he shouted while arming its guns and AIM-9.

Lt Curtiss Maning was a happy man. For the first time of  his life, he was at the controls of the most precious aircraft in the world, an this aircraft was precious simply because of the nature of one of its passenger. The VC-42A was also precious in the sense that he cut flight time about 5 hours for such a travel.
Curtiss watched outside and he didn't imediately relaised what he saw - a rocket trailing a puff of smoke was moving away from Air force 2.
"It looks like an AIM-9... OH MY GOD" he imediately realised what happened, as an anxious voice thundered on its ears "Ryiand Air base to AF2 we've lost contact with one of our F-5 tiger you're in great danger!!!"
He imediately gone at full throttle, the two GE-91 turbofans thundered and the
VC-42A accelerated  to mach 1.1 and climbed rapidly - 40 000, 45 000, 50 000 ft.

Abdul was furious - its first AIM-9 had missed, and the target was not what he had expected, it was not a bloody 747, its was a Sonic Cruiser, VC-42A Air Force 2!!
Even worst, the target now climbed rapidly and accelerated to  a speed nearly equal to its fighter.
Distance started to rose between the presidential aircraft and its fighter opponent
Abdul fired its three remaining AIM-9 toward its target, but vertcial distance was now too much and they missed. no way of killing it with guns, and suddendly... its fuel alarm ranned, then its engine shut down, he stayed on its aircraft until he impacted the desert flour, its last thinking being "better stay here than ejecting, this wouldn't change anything"...

King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.