The Spratly Islands, 2015

Started by grayman, July 10, 2007, 01:17:31 AM

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Thanks rafa
Much oblieged
This site really does need a dictionary for us oldun`s
H-O-G = Head Out of Gestalt-hands on autopilot
WORK! The curse of the drinking class.
"Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life."
(Ralph Waldo Emerson )


Eddie M.

Having been up close to the Perry class as escort for our BG, I must say that is a very striking scheme. I love it! Bravo Zulu! :salute:
Here is the Perry showing off for some VIPs in the late 80s
Look behind you!



I think the paintjob is great, the size of the pattern works quite well.

Very cool idea for a build and very well executed!  :thumbsup:  
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


QuoteBeen playing around with pixalated paintjobs myself and this might help.
Hi Gary, thanks for the good advice - your build looks great!

I had considered using decal film printed with a pattern, but set the idea aside (even if FFGs are quite slab-sided). In the end I settled for 2mm tape, cut into square and rectangular shapes, with each swath of camo running at different directions. In all, around four coats of paint.

I have to say that my preference is armour modeling, so the FFG has been a detour. All of my naval knowledge comes from Larry Bond/Tom Clancy books. Apologies for the acronyms :( I've been working in government for too long.

Rafa, the VLS was a scratchbuild from evergreen pavement sheet. I figured that since the Mark 13 launcher carried 36 rounds, then a replacement VLS would have to sit above the deck to give an equal or greater capacity, rather like that of the English Broadsword and Duke classes.

Eddy, love the stern shot of 7. Very nice  :D  
Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open -- General Sir Michael Dewar.


OMG, who knew that a digital seacamo, can look so good on a frigate.
treuly an excellent job there m8  :wub:

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Howard of Effingham

:thumbsup:  :salute:  :bow:

this is one GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD model!  
Keeper of George the Cat.

Eddie M.


Eddy, love the stern shot of 7. Very nice  :D
After futher review, I must correct myself. That is the Rodney M. Davis, FFG-60 My bust. Sorry. :wacko:
Look behind you!


Superb cammo Grayman B)  B)  B)  

Glenn Gilbertson


Very nicely done with the digi camo.  I've gotten some good results using the "tiny pieces of tape" method, so I can really appreciate your efforts and the results speak for themselves.  

The Corps is a department of the Navy? Yeah, the Men's department.