
L-39c Flemish Albatros

Started by Spey_Phantom, November 03, 2007, 04:25:06 AM

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ive been working on this model till i got the insperation and motivation to build and coninue with my other models (AN-124, MI-4, P-26; SU-22,...)

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from the Alt. armed forces news thread  B)

QuoteFlemish light attack aircraft selected, L-39 wins

Brugge 02.11.2007:  after 6 months of evaluating, comparing and flight testing of various light aircraft, the Flemish gouverment has finnaly made a desision on the winner of the light attack/advanced trainer aircraft purchase. the winner is the ex-ukraine L-39C, witch will be upgraded by Aero Vodoshody to full NATO standard, similar to the L-159. such upgrades include a full glass cockpit, NATO Weapons capability, the fitting of new Rolls-Royce Adour Mk.951 turbofan engines and a brand new GPS navigation capability.

the contract is noted to be worth arround $150 million, that includes 4 aircraft, weapons, spare parts and full support. the deliveries are to commence in the 1st quarter of 2008.

the light attack aircraft program was intended to provide the Flemish Air Command with a new aircraft for light attack & training duties, making the typhoons available for air defence. the L-39 faced competition of the M-311, M-346, Hawk 129, Alpha jet NG and the L-159A/B.

The Model:
model is a 1/72 KM L-39, build straight from the box, the pilot figs are from my spare figures box. the armament is 2 mk82 and a pair of rocket pods with each 7 rockets, all from the italeri NATO weapons pack.
the centerline 20mm gun pod is from an old revell F-15D kit (had in in the spares for 8 years now, and finaly found a use for it)
the decals are custom made  B)

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Nice!  Those custom decals are great!
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Brian da Basher

Love those Flemmish markings, Nil! That's a fine looking whiff!

If you need more pilot figures, let me know.

Brian da Basher


Looks pretty swanky. Nice one.  :thumbsup:  


Beautiful plane in wonderful markings :thumbsup:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :thumbsup:  
Will die without understanding this world.


Very nice effort there Nils. It would look great flying in formation with mine!

Stackridge: Rhubarb Thrashers of the World Unite


Aero L-39 is a nice design, no matter the markings :wub:  :thumbsup:
Will die without understanding this world.