
NWSM Show at the MoF in Seattle. Feb 16 -17, 2008...

Started by jcf, January 14, 2008, 11:24:21 AM

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Its coming up to the annual February show of Northwest Scale Modelers Show at the Museum of Flight in Seattle, WA, USA.

The dates are Sat. & Sun., Feb. 16 & 17, 2008 10am-5pm, the special theme is Model Madness... in other words What-Ifs, Modelfy, Flights of Fancy, Hypotheticals, Sci-Fi etcetera. :wub: :wub:

The show will be organized by modeler and the motto for the show is "No Model Left Behind".

I am doing the name placards for each modeler again this year, so if any of you semi-local folks (Oregon to British Columbia) want to bring some stuff to exhibit PM or email me your name and I'll add you to the list.
BTW we understand that the folks who travel to the show may not be able to have their stuff on display for both days and that is OK, we commonly get the Vancouver-IPMS bunch down for Saturday only. ;D

Jim Goodall will be giving a presentation:
Saturday, Feb. 16, 2008, 3pm
"Renowned aviation historian, author and airplane restorer, Jim Goodall, will talk about the "Blackbird" family of airplanes from their secret origin with the CIA to their retirement as the world's fastest jet. He will also give an update on the restoration of the Museum's DeHavilland Comet 4C jet airliner, of which he is Project Manager." (blurb from the MoF site)



Sounds like fun.  Wish I was a little closer.
Too early in the year for me to make a road trip, especially as I am trying to go to my first East Coast Nats this year.
Make sure to take lots of pics.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies