quicky casting shapes, especially wings

Started by sagallacci, March 24, 2008, 09:23:38 PM

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Not keen on carving a set of wings for a major conversion or scratch build? One way to short-cut the process is to make a quicky mold of the airfoil shape in drafting film with formers made of balsa or foam core. After making the formers and leading and trailing edges, hit the film with spray glue and lay it into the shape. This only works for simple straight/tapered shapes, however. Once you are happy that the film has taken the right shape, add dams at each end. Then whip up a batch of urethain resin, ideally a fast kicking type, just enough to coat the surface, sloshing the stuff back and forth until it kicks. Don't let it settle very thick at any point, least the thick part shrink and pull a curve into the overall shape. Once it is cured, if it feels firm enough, then you've got a thin shell wing. If not, add a hard strip of wood as a wing spar and slosh in a second coat.