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For all you Herk fans....HERKY CANNONBALL!

Started by Sentinel Chicken, March 08, 2008, 08:08:52 PM

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Sentinel Chicken

enjoy this little ditty called "Herky Cannonball" written several years ago by a C-130 pilot by the name of Brian Haggerty who is doing thesinging in a YouTube video from it looks like the 1980s or so.

Here are the lyrics:

She flies pretty good on two engines,
On three it's not even a chore,
And some of the old heads have told me,
They have seen her flying on four.

This song is about an airplane, that C-130 E
I know that noisy fuzzy bunny will be the death of me.
We fly for General Ryan, and Bellville airlines too.
So listen and we'll tell you all the things that we go through.

Listen to the jingle, the rumble and the roar,
As she staggers through the heavens like nothing you've seen before,
Shes painted green, shes ugly, she's known quite well by all,
That four engined strato-pig called the Herky Cannonball.

Our wifes call at the squadron, each day when we're away,
They ask whoever answers "What is their ETA",
The squadron aways tells them well it seems that we've lost track,
They'll be going to Kimhay just as soon as they get back.

repeat chorus

We left Clark for Kadena, a typoon to avoid,
Her name was Kim, she was meaner than all the Huks we laid,
We waited for the crew bus, we thought we would rot in hell.
It finally came when the big Mac pukes were safe in their hotels.

repeat chorus

From Kadena to Okwang Ju with a load of rolling stock,
Got almost to Orabhu, when the man in charge of chocks,
Said, Pilot, turn this mother and turn it mighty fast,
I got 40 puking jyreens and an H cart pissing gas.

repeat chorus

The Ego jet flies higher, and faster than the Herc,
The fighter pukes get flight pay, but they never have to work,
We hold so they can take off, we hold so they can land,
They make alot of noise, but they haven't got a band.

repeat chorus

Well Kim Hay ALCE baju this is POGO 06
I'm tooling around the pattern and I'm waiting for the pits,
I'm number 5 in traffic and I'm 13 touch and goes.
Please get those mothers moving cause the chow pits about to close.

repeat chorus

We came out of Chu Lai one dark and stormy night,
Had two engines feathered, the end was soon in sight,
We called up command post, we didn't have long to fly,
They said we're on our coffee break, in the meantime please stand by.

repeat chorus

Well here's to Col Horton, may his wing forever stand,
He flies antique airplanes to every foreign land,
Australia to Korea, we haul their bloody trash,
And we know speed's not everything, when you got alot of class.

repeat chorus

Link to the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=batLVtumizU
