
Fugazi Airworks begin jet production! NOW w/PICS

Started by JoeRugby, June 11, 2008, 07:21:50 PM

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The Board of Directors after realizing that the success with the sport plane line begun by the Fugazi Bs.1  http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,19398.0.html had run it's course and needing to satisfy stock holders have commited completely to the lucrative line of military aviation.

The first being the an Interdiction/Strike Aircraft....

That's it for the back story.  Hemmingway I am not...No photos cause there really is nothing to take pics of yet, but here is the plan...

1/72 scale F/A 18 Hornet and Matchbox F101 Voodoo.  Going to use the outer Hornet wings and the center of the Hornet fuselage with the bulk of the 101 body.  Looking at reworking the intake and exhausts on the 101 into something completely different.  I am leaning towards keeping the single tail configuration...any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...

15 June 2008 Update...

Little forum faux pas in that I did not add photos...here they are...

I have the fuselage from the Hornet cut and just placed on the Voodoo, the forward wheel well is being cleaned up to be added to the Voodoo airframe.  Trying to figure out which nose cone to use, Hornet or 101?  Suggestions?

This is going to stay as a single tail but the stabilators will be dropped to middle range.

Also trying to figure out a name for this beasty...again since I am a newby your suggestions would be helpful...