
Bungle saying Hi for the first time.

Started by Bungle, November 13, 2008, 04:53:56 AM

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>I'm hoping that, with your kind reassurance, it won't matter if I put the wrong squadron markings on a Jaguar because I've misplaced the originals. Can i just imagine 'What if it flew in that squadron' .....?<

One of the VERY BEST things about "what-it modelling", and kinda what attracted me to the hobby, is that there ain't NOTHING "wrong" here. No Joyless Modeling Nazi (JMN) can tell you/us that the color, equipment placement, or marking is "wrong". It's "right" because that is where YOU/US put it. Simple as that. So enjoy pleasing yourself (not in THAT way, but...maybe that way also) and letting us in on it, too.

>I will also apologise that arthritis means I do not go into super detailing and the paint work looks more like a load of Pollock than a Rembrant. So if you don't mind me plagerising your ideas, stealing your thunder and insulting the noble art of modelling, perhaps you'll let me sit in the corner and whimper contentedly.<

You'll have to elbow your way into the corner past the rest of us.
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


Welcome aboard, bungle!  Beautiful Arrow, Sweet Sea Fury.  Your paintwork's good, man!

I'll back the Honourary Canadian nomination, speaking from my hole in the wall in Smiths Falls, Ontario!

I haven't seen any insults to modeling, The paint looks good, Ideas are meant to be shared, and whimpering in the corner, we've got meds for that, though you probably have some of your own having gone through enough sports injuries and surgery.

Death to the JMNs!  Kryptons on a Tigershark shall be sexy!  Or something else!
Putty-fu, Scratch-jutsu and Bash-chi, the sacred martial arts of the What-If. Mastering them, is Ancient Chinese Secret.

Just your friendly neighbourhood Mad Scientist and Ship-whiffer.

Overkill? Nah, it's Insurance.  So are the 20" guns.


Quote from: Bungle on November 13, 2008, 04:53:56 AMperhaps you'll let me sit in the corner and whimper contentedly./quote]

Nah, we do things differently, so our room is oval. In other words, there are no corners :thumbsup: :banghead:

This improvement was implemented because far too many whiffer migrated into the corners, whenever JHM & Co. posted some in-progress stuff. This caused severe shortages of Vodka, beer (not budweiser) and twiglets, needed to lure the whiffers out of the corners :cheers: :drink: :party: :bow:

I love you modeling Bungle! :thumbsup:

Brian da Basher

Yet more proof that few things spice up an aircraft like maple leaves! Welcome to the asylum, Bungle! If there's anything I can do to make your sentence visit more enjoyable, let me know.
Brian da Basher

P.S. Building an aircraft with maple leafs, a T-tail and spats is called "Hitting the Trifecta" around here.


P.S. Building an aircraft with maple leafs, a T-tail and spats is called "Hitting the Trifecta" around here.

Or confirming your lunacy ...


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Hi Bungle,

"I'm hoping that, with your kind reassurance, it won't matter if I put the wrong squadron markings on a Jaguar "

On this site you`ll be encouraged to do just that. Welcome to Builders Bedlam, a place I`ve found as cozy as my slippers (I`m also a 50+ wrinkle). Just watch out for the Canadians and their twiglet fights and enjoy their stories of the beer.
So welcome, settle down and enjoy
H-O-G = Head Out of Gestalt-hands on autopilot
WORK! The curse of the drinking class.
"Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life."
(Ralph Waldo Emerson )

John Howling Mouse

Two Canadian subjects in the initial intro?!  Yes, yes, I also back the honorary Canadian status.  You've come to the right place, Bungle.  Consider this your new modeling home on the 'net.  The lo-viz Fury just looks soooooo perfect!

And Brian da Basher is quite right: T-Tails, SPATS! and maple leafs will lift you to modeling demigod status.

Now, time for you to post some more (please)...
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Thank you all for very big warm welcome, I guess I may be very happy here. Mind you now I have the Canadians on my side I reckon I've got it made !

A big nod must go towards sequoiaranger, the reason for my tenuous first post was because of the very people he calls the "Joyless Modeling Nazi (JMN)". My friend, I have encounter these very people in the flesh. Two years in to my return to modelling I entered a local modelling competiton with the entry below (strangely a What if). The kit was a Revell Dornier Do335 which I 'converted' to a four seater airliner following an article on t'internet. I used the decals from the Italeri JU-86 kit and that was my BIG mistake. I think torn to shreds best described what the JMN anorak brigade did to me. Where would the fuel tank go ? The Do335 was not produced until 1945 and Lufthansa did not use that colour scheme after 1940....... (silent scream).

The model no longer exists.... I don't think it actually made it home ! Hopefully now I can say What If Dornier produced a fast short haul air transport.........

"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five." - Julius Henry Marx (Groucho)


Ah, JMN's - I had a chilled welcome from them over at J-Aircraft when I went looking for colours for my Shinden project.  Hate the bastards.

As to "where would the fuel tank go?" you could have replied with "In the wings!"  Or similar thoughts.  Put a half size fuel tank under the cargo compartment, install extra tanks in the wings, put drop tanks under the wings, there ya go.  That oughta shut the bastards up.

JMN's are annoying, it's true, but they Do have their uses - Research monkeys!  All you have to do is know how to ask the right questions, and you can get their little rivet-counting brains to perfectly good use finding all the precious little details you might want to have.  Frees up more time for enjoyable things, like, say, banging the wife, chugging a beer, enjoying eggs, back bacon and waffles in a sandwich, or other such things.  You just have to know how to phrase yourself, and how to direct their attention.  That, and avoid showing near the ones you're using for research, so they're left blissfully ignorant.  At least, with the true blood-and-bone rivet counters - There ARE some JMNs that can appreciate a work of well-researched and conceptualized whiffery.
Putty-fu, Scratch-jutsu and Bash-chi, the sacred martial arts of the What-If. Mastering them, is Ancient Chinese Secret.

Just your friendly neighbourhood Mad Scientist and Ship-whiffer.

Overkill? Nah, it's Insurance.  So are the 20" guns.