
Russian Raceplanes from the 30s posted on Secret Projects...

Started by jcf, August 18, 2008, 04:44:23 PM

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The first one is a new one for me and is completely nutso  ;D, the second is new and the other two are familiar.

So we have Shark, a Bitch, and a Sea Gull.  ;D, what other racers could the Glorious Worker's State have produced?


Doc Yo

HmmMMmmm. Being a CoMMieS* member my self, I can see some intriguing possibilities...given the Russian
penchant for giganticism, I wonder if they might not have tried to encourage a multi-place category in air
racing...a racing version of the Maxim Gorky, for example, or a Kalinin K-7 that lost all the gun turrets, and
gained rocket boosters in the wheel pods...or perhaps they would have gone for long range racing, say a
version of the Ant-25. ( which did exist as an injection kit, though I couldn't tell you what company its from...
I have one, but I don't read Cyrillic...)

*Colorado Modelers Militia enjoying Sci-fi. They let me in because I have a bust of Lenin in my workshop.


Love that shark ;D
The seagull reminds me of something ....... hmmmmmm ..... oh yeah
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland