
Rare Aircraft

Started by puddingwrestler, January 19, 2009, 09:36:35 PM

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Just found this while nosing around on the Secret Projects forum - there are some very interesting pics, and I've even got the beginings of an idea for a project from some of them!
Rare Aircraft - United States

Right, now I'm off to scroung around the rest of the site and see what I can see.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Good one PW I saved several for future use :wub:
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


If you want to get at the rest of the site - here it is. http://rareaircraf1.greyfalcon.us/index.html
Or just click the 'index' link at the bottom of the page. Sorry, I found the US page first, got excited and posted just that link. There are plenty more pages covering just about every one who was involved in WW2.
I particularly liked this page on Luftwaffe decoy planes - that'd be rather an interesting little porject, possibly even a GB! If you have a look on the Japanese section, there are a few pics of a Zero decoy made from straw! It'd be hard to model, but it looks quite cool. Hmmm... I live in the country... I could get some straw... I have a big backyard... I don't like where this is going. :lol:
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Just note that there are some errors on those pages.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Quote from: GTX on January 24, 2009, 11:12:54 AM
Just note that there are some errors on those pages.



Yeah, let's not even mention the rest of the greyfalcon site...


I'm not so interested in historical accuracy and accuracy of designations, I'm more interested in perusing pictures of odd looking planes for ideas. And yes, the less said about the rest of the site the better...
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.