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2008 Whiffies Voting is now Closed

Started by philp, February 16, 2009, 12:23:49 AM

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The Academy wishes to thank all the members who took time to cast their ballots in the First Annual Whiffies Awards.  The votes have been captured and the winners will be announced during the Ceremony on Sunday, February 22nd.

The writers are working furiously on new jokes for the presenter to use (anyone with a whiff related joke they would like to submit by PM will be graciously accepted) and the awards are being created as we speak.

Tune in to your favorite Internet Forum next week.
Phil Peterson
Mini-Master of Ceremonies
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


Just make jokes at the expense of the JMN, that should do it.

Eg: A JMN walked into a bar... and it hurt him!
or: A Whiffer and a JMN are debating whether it is possible to reach a pack of twigletts four meters away if you half the distance you move for each step. The JMN says it is impossible because you will eventually be moving in nano-metric distances and effectively come to an effective halt. The whiffer takes a pull of his beer, then takes a huge two-meter leap, a one meter stride, a half meter mince, and a quarter meter shuffle, then leans over, grabs the twiglets and tucks in saying "Bloody near enough's good enough!"
(this joke was originally about Mathamaticians and Engineers)
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Good stuff PW, but now, everybody has read them and I can't use them  :banghead:
Oh, wait, no one reads my threads anyway, I am probably good :thumbsup:
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


I read your threads... oh wait, that's a self defeating argument since I came up with he jokes.
I'll try to come up with more and email you.
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.