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Homemade Decals

Started by John Howling Mouse, February 08, 2004, 12:44:41 PM

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I use the corner of the tissue to drink up excess surface water, no pressure is needed just a steady hand and light touch.

Nick B)  


I use kitchen towel as its more absorbant and less fiberous although i suppose some lint free cloths would be ideal.


John Howling Mouse

Arg, Gronk™ here no use soft pretty things.

Gronk use visegrips---make sure deecal pressed into plastic until wing breaks.

That way, all rivets show.  Big cracks show too.


Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


lol, still if its any consolation, that desert camo looks *awesome*  :wub:  
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May

John Howling Mouse

Well, I've been working with these Testors decals for awhile now and I report the following:

a. Each sheet appears to have its own, individual quirks.  There seems to be a real quality control issue here since using the exact same techniques and keeping all possible variables constant results in varying degrees of success each time.

b. I would strongly suggest the use of MicroScale's Decal film.  Without it, the decal's survival rate is a complete guess.  Some of mine have simply disintegrated in the water, others could not even be pulled off the decal sheet.

c. Overall, these sheets appear to be more or less a hit-or-miss affair.

My very first test attempt worked fine (and without MicroScale Decal film) and, yet, the very next attempt, using a decal from the same sheet as the first, fell apart the second it hit the water (same size decal, same lukewarm temperature water, too).

I'll still try to use these in order to make my own designs (beats cost of all other options) but always with the understanding that some will work and some, inexplicably, will not.  It's kind of like owning a Dodge product: sometimes she starts, sometimes....anngghhhhh, not so much.
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.