

Started by Hobbes, May 08, 2008, 01:13:29 PM

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According to the 'illustrated guide to modern airborne missiles', there has been at least a mock-up with 3 ASRAAM mounted on a pylon originally meant for one Sidewinder. I've never seen this arrangement, but it could be useful.

Does anyone know more?


IIRC, it was mooted as a possible weapon for carriage on the outboard pylons of the Tornado F2 (the F3 being not even a glint in the eye of the chap in the Air Staff responsible for dealing with aircraft designations), and there was a drawing in Salamander's Modern Air Combat to show this. The book dates from the mid-80s.

As far as I'm aware, it remained a mock-up, since the RAF saw no reason to activate the F2/3's outboard pylons until rather later in its career, and the ASRAAM was, of course, rather heavily delayed. By the time ASRAAM was ready for service entry, the original idea of enhancing the combat persistence of the F3 (giving it a total of four BVR weapons and ten WVR missile shots plus gun) to tackle the legions of Soviet bombers coming into the UK ADZ was rather outdated...


Quote from: Hobbes on May 09, 2008, 12:28:03 AM
Oh yes, Modern Air Combat . The local library used to have that book. I'll have to see if I can find a copy.

I'll save you the trouble:

Item No.2.

Just as interesting would be item No.6 - the Kormoran ASM - on a F.2!!!


All hail the God of Frustration!!!