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Started by Doc Yo, November 06, 2009, 08:29:45 AM

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Doc Yo

Beardmore Inflexible, that is...a magnificent machine, very ahead of its times in some respects, but
handicapped by a dearth of power. I ran across a reference to it in 'The World's Worst Aircraft', and a
Google search turned up the following-

Beardmore Inflexible

There are a pair of video links at the top of the page. The one on the right is the better 'in-flight' imagery,
while the one on the left has a few more stills, including a period silent newsreel section, and the poster
( "bomberguy") has a variety of excellent videos posted-including the Caproni Stipa, and the Abrams Explorer!

A bit further down the page, the comments section of the VIrtual aircraft museum entry has an interesting
footnote by the son of a man who actually worked on the Inflexible.

EDIT: Does anybody know, offhand, of plan views fro this beast?

(image source: wikipedia/via user name Drilnoth
Wikipedia entry for the Beardmore Inflexible

***cleaned up google html and added link and image for the subject aircraft***jjf