
See Vee CVA-01 Furious

Started by roughneck06, October 11, 2009, 03:18:02 PM

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I was able a few years ago to obtain one of my " Holy Grails" of models- HMS Furious CVA-01 from See Vee models. I fitted out her airgroups w/ F/A-18S, Buccaneers and SHARS ( hey it's my CVA : ) ) The other Grails to be obtained is a USN VSS, USN CVV, Aussie DDL, RN Escort cruiser circa 1961-62, M8 Buford AGS- anyone know where they might be had/created??????

I am considering selling my See Vee CVA-01....... anyone interested or have any idea what i might be able to get for it in an auction????? I really hate selling it but these are hard times in Michigan : (


I'm not able to say anything on the price it is worth, but you might want to post a photo of it if some people are to judge the value of it :)

Hope you won't have to sell it though