I frankly don't if this is the right thing to do

Started by tahsin, October 18, 2010, 02:16:59 AM

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but a thread where I had a snappy answer seems to have been removed . Apologies is in order in the first place and if may I , would like to offer a more balanced answer .

I feel you are too heavily scripted . I'd advice concentrating more on free play . Relevance to thread is you have a strong premise , but people  are likely to feel that they have no need to bother . I wouldn't be the only one to come up with the HMS Eagle .But other whiffers can see there has been lots of spadework with this and they would feel why should they chime in , say to  provide the close relationship with the US in the 1940s through full support of Washington in the troubles of your Whiff Nation with Ecuador , as real life Peru gained territory in the Amazones . You need a mirror , and the disclaimer is way below ,  to US .

I'll play along the lines as I presume them to be . You need an US aircraft company ,  with no US Goverment interference , of whatsoever . Here is my way of doing it . First , your Whiff Nation goes to war , in the Great one . Let's say London has less confidence in Washington and has gone on to start troubles in Peru to have something of  a support base ;  Chile gains Peru and has to repay the debt in blood . An unpopular war , Europe of trenches is miserable for the troops , while the officers , true to the form of the period have it real good in Paris and various castles around . Then comes the Kaiserschlacht ; disillusioned,  the troops run away , stealing the bicycles of the British reinforcements , a huge scandal in country . ( This is taken from real life Portugese , who have proved their valour in various conflicts in the last millenia , if and when they believe in what they are fighting for .)   We need an aircraft company and now we will have its future CEO . A young pilot , from Peru , as he has to be to avoid being sucked into powerplays from early on , finds a whole Sturm battalion in close order in open an open field and goes down to work , saving the day and becoming a hero as he is the only thing bright for the Whiff Nation . Unlikely but we are whiffing .

As superdetail is required for this scenario , things have to come close to real life . Now that Chileans are the masters , Peruvians are to be kept in check . A Chilean war hero gets a medal and will become , in 5 or 10 years , the governor of a  province . A Peruvian war hero gets a medal and shunted into sidelines .

After the armistice , we are marrying him  immediately to a local girl , of Native South American stock. The guy will never apologise for his wife and the awkward silences caused by her will keep him level headed in the years when the idealism of the youth gets replaced by a certain pragmatism of accepting the world as it is . Macho defines the culture he has grown in , but we need him to be open minded and capable of cooperating with anybody if need be . Who says he won't be involved with the La-5 ? Whiffing , ain't we ?

HMS Eagle has been turned over to Chile as is , and the necessary accommodation between the two halves of the Whiff Nation within strictures makes the carrier a carrot . It is useless in the eyes of the admirals so the ship goes to airforce,  which is generally composed of Peruvians . While the Army and the Navy are reserved for the "Masters" . So we have just overcome the foremost problem against a unified air command , that of politics . Nobody in his right mind would give away political clout , meaning no Navy would ever give a 30 000 ton capital ship , a carrier to landlubbers . Well apparently the Imperial Japanese Army had one in addition to its fleet of submarines but even that must be a modest affair , suitable only for aircraft transport . And yes , the ship will be rebuilt .

Our boy goes to sea - as it makes sense the unified air command to mold itself for carrier duty as it is always said to be harder , if one can operate from a carrier , land bases should be piece of cake . Fighter type single engine pilots must be preferably naval rated , I would guess . Returning to the guy , he is the posterchild of half a nation and respected across the now defunct border . He can rise on his own merit and he is quite fit for it . Now a Germanic surname will do wonders to be respected in the El Norte , meaning the CONUS , so the guy is a descendant of German emigrees . His cousins running away from the misery of the defeated of Germany also arrive in country and one of them has flown wing to Boelcke . Commissioned , he brings the latest in Luftstreitkrafte thinking among them the notion of a Top Gun . Now the profilers of this forum can paint any WW1 aircraft in the colours of the Whiff air force , if they wish to do so . With Red White Red  . Since the first volunteers were divided roughly between the French and British air services and even the Americans went to war with Red Blue White , the air service of the Whiff Nation sticks with its roundel , maybe understandably as all the influential Peruvians were sort of expelled to the Airforce after its formation in 1916 . Forum members are of course wellcome to think otherwise in any of the above or below as they please . This is just my angle . Though as all the glory of Peruvians is through the airforce , they feed it , to the extent of buying one or two examples of any possible war relic so that the boys can tear the skies in preparation for wars they might never fight in . There is no money shortage for this airforce .

One thing I have forgotten to mention is that the guy was training in Germany to become an engineer before the war . So he has respect , political  support (of the Peruvian half) , experience ( of flight and war ) knowledge ( from the solid German training ) and a passport to tour the world ,  to keep the whiff airforce abreast of things . At first to the cash strapped companies of early 20s he is just a full wallet or a chequebook . As time goes by his keen sense of what will work and what will not makes lots of friends for him in the design offices around  the world . Generally sunburned in the open cockpits of the day , he is kinda swarthy and will be wellcomed anywhere as the Gypsy engineer . The real life usage means those American engineers who moved  from company to company and were somewhat responsible for the growth of American aviation industry .

The Whiff design office works en Negro , if this is the correct translation of in black . There is a continious effort of seemingly unimportant prototypes , though the windtunnels , research and practical experience move the company to the forefront , if not the leading position .  This way we are not scaring US as a contender for the domination of the Westen Hemisphere , and there are lots of purchases and licence building of foreign designs that keeps eveybody happy . Though with rising tensions a single major type might be allowed to slip through . I personally would make this an A6M . Lightness translates into airfield performance including on the Cochrane ,  steep climbing saves lives in the most of the country as careless pilots might suddenly find mountains jumping out of the mist right in front of them and any map of the country  will show long range would be an advantage even in peacetime . Though we are not falling into the trap the Japanese fell , the guy has trained realistically and has a view of what confused dogfights will do against dogfighters , so the A6M is already morphing into an 1500 hp aircraft with smaller wings for less drag , though keeping the exact fuel capacity and this is not the Lavochkin already mentioned . There are already enough models acvailable to portray the transformation .  So depending on the wish the guy and the design team he leads will be available to offer an hand to Allies even before the Whiff Nation joins the war ( as US but not US aspect has already chosen the side )   or to take best advantage of the 1945 looting of the German knowhow .

What this means so far is that the entire gamut of world aircraft of up to 1939 can be allowed to be in the colours of the Whiff Nation , in addition to what you intend to work on or other posters might want to add . Free play check , whatever specific demand you want , probably check as far as I can see .

My view , unsupported by any sort of evidence , is that this is a personal study of what is eating American aerospace industry . You are after an idealized environment to see what went wrong between the moon and the 21st century . One of the things that might let it down , in case there is anything to my view , some team that moves with no misteps , always right - never wrong  has to be 10 years ahead of the industry , across the board  .  Only been there done that notion allows being prepared , foresighted forearmed . But then the team would not be American , a tautology if you will . Despite what certain sites might say about dimensionally jumping around US goverment objects , there are no aliens in Groom Lake .  Even when Lee Begin was given access to the seemingly entire work of everybody in the black as he was really dying he didn't see anything of the sort , it was just a joke as people were asking what the other guy in the next cubicle was upto . US is veeeery away from travelling to stars ...

Easy money is the bane of any industry . You might ask the root causes of the underperforming , if this is what you are looking for and just to repeat for the umpteenth time without any evidence from me , to proffessionals . They will charge you two millions for a 5 month study , delivered 3 months late and you will learn new acronyms and words printed on such good quality paper that you will regret the trees while wiping the windows with it . A personal study of such kinds is of course then fair . But might also fall short . Professionals will still not talk , justifiably . Let's take an extreme example about something you seem to like . Certain nutcases have already put it forward that the F-14 prototype would not have crashed in its second flight had contractual obligations had not forced an early and "short" maiden  . Whiffers can offer whatever they think . Proffessionals can not , they have to think about their retirement . Especially if they have ever wondered  about what sort of Congressional investigations and stop work until further notice orders would have arisen if Apollo 13 had not made it back to Earth , considering Apollo 1 knocked NA flat out . It was hard on Lowell I hear , but he wasn't the only one happy that he got his sorry backside home . And even when Roy Grumman commanded enough loyalty from his workforce to avoid the industrial actions , it still took the Shah of Iran to save the Tomcat . Else the Grumman 303 would have been the forum banner .

But too much delving into such stuff will be turning off various contributors . That might get one or two or more to "fear" they will cross you at one point and you will smack them with a two inch thick file stamped Galactic top secret . Doubt good for you .

As such , some fun might have been fun , if I can have the temerity to say so . The defender here was itself a kitbash of the TIE Fighter which originated from Soviet spacecraft in the late 70s  . What we in Turkey call the Siberian Ball is of course the one man sphere from the Vostok , if I am not mistaken about Russian classes ; the solar panels were transformed into a different shape yet still remained solar panels and the rest of the hull the cylinders were made into the TIE Bombers . Now imagine you have a need to inspect the satellites up and an absolute requirement  to destroy Commies' or Gringos' evil doing in case it is vital for the security of the Whiff Nation or if if you merely want a fight . You would have a silo and a pilot suitably dressed and placed into the ball sitting on top the missile , countdown and off he/she goes . Imagine two elbows on the arms that will be pipes somewhat like the letter S that carry the triple wings ( one of the elbows is  the  gimbal that rotates the panel assembly around once deployed ) at deployment time you have a 90 degree move from each of the elbows and you have 3 rectangular shaped radar antennas deployed from the hold they were stowed behind the ball , hopefully for a 360 by 360 coverage . Do your business , which might include machine gunning the hostile satellite , loose the radar sets ,  turn the ball around and enter atmosphere behind your ablative shield on the side that was backside . Americans would have their peculiar cone shaped  oneman space cruisers , Russians would have their RCR armed shuttlet , but you would look way cooler . In whiffland looks kill .  TIE variety might have gimballed sets from lengthened arms but that way is way too unimaginable to fit in a limited diameter booster .

This has been a xenophobic Turkish forum staple for about 8 years , right after the Darkness Falls where the Mil Mi-24 thingy struck the people hard . There has been a promise of a totally divergent view on TIE fighters , but we will see .

So we ended up with space hegemony of the Whiff Nation , right out of the bat .  This is not the throwing of a gauntlet , this thread has a nice premise which can be enlarged to cover anything that I have so far seen in this site  . And we didn't stray out of the elementary table yet .

PS for any LucasArts employee that might come across this . Now we hear Jar Jar returns in 2012 , this time in 3D .  We really would like new riddles , enough to fill a 2nd Crosssections book . Not that we have finished the first  ;) .


And while it is really awkward to reply to one's own post , if there is any particular need to influence the Axis developments during the war , one might also take advantage of the Lucy spy ring and make it a two way street , instead of a British relay station for Ultra messages  . Besides this would allow any one interested in this idea to influence postwar avaition industry for two decades as it appears rightly or wrongly "captured" Germans dominated for the scene  . A secret German collusion with the swarthy guy might allow to choose the finest , train them if you will and watch silently as they rise in the West or East (until 1954 or so) . As such some sinister moves are indeed possible , and the inevitable Star Wars connection would make the guy Darth Swarthy  :wacko: ...