
How to make a B-1R?

Started by SebastianP, March 10, 2006, 09:15:19 AM

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Thats a real shame. Was looking forward to the `fighter` version although I think you would have to scratch build the hardpoints for this one. Saying that, you might of had to scratch build the Air to Air missiles themselves as I`m sure they were ALRAAM`s and not AMRAAM`s?
74 `Tiger` Sqn Association Webmaster

Tiger, Tiger!


I'm viewing this kit as a practice run for the B-1R construction right now, so I know how the stock kit builds. I've never actually finished anything involving major scratchbuilding, other than an update I once made for the Gripen in 1/72 that added the full set of countermeasures dispensers that were missing in the kit. The bottom half of the kit requires some major surgery just to bring it to B-1B standards, since it has one long bomb bay rather than two short ones up front, and it's not even full depth. I've thought of getting a 1/48 B-1B to use use as a fighter instead, which would be easier, but that requires finding one, and the space for it. (I've owned one, it's huuuge). It would also require me to buy an awful lot of extra kits just to get the weapons for it...




How about a different sort of B-1R as in R fo Recon...take standard B-1B and pack the weapon bays with cameras etc.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


It was a while back, but I did a UCAV version of the B-1 that began as a B-1R build.  My problem was a lost canopy.  It was the 1/144 Dragon kit, which IMHO is pretty OK.


Many moons ago I did the B-1B in 1/48.  Now if you want a big hunk of plastic to work on, that would make a great, and fairly straightforward B-1R.  You just wouldn't have anywhere to put it when you get it done.

Don't give up the idea, man.  Some of my better builds were ones I'd given up on and returned to later.  Anything can be accomplished with sheet styrene, sandpaper and a putty-fu. :thumbsup: