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MA-1 1/48

Started by ujik, February 10, 2010, 10:55:42 AM

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Hi all, here is a model colleague Haskoun

History of type MA-1 started in summer 2015.In this time, Europe was decimated by war which started after financial crisis which was followed by pandemy of swine flu.War was short but very devastating and after it, only small known things remains from states as we know them now and Europe was transformed to scrapyard of military vehicles.

Survivors of this war lived in several small communities and they earns their living from agriculture and manufacturing of industrial goods which they exchange for food.In addition to this communities was born predatory gangs which worked too but only on repairs of various wrecks of military vehicles.They not only repair it but they plundered museums and use for they raid elementary piston aircrafts and armored vehicles from second world war.During plundering of museums and wrecks, they dismantle many of them and from combinations of some parts they create many interesting fighters and armor vehicles.

This fighter was one of the fighters build by defenders of agricultural community in territory of former city Svitavy.Community was rare attacked by unfortunately, eastwards of Svitavy was formed gang named Moravian National Guard under command of Václav Kocourek who want to realize his great dream and point of his live – occupy of Prague.He work on in since nineties of 20th century when he bought in many barns a garages where he conceal military vehicles withdrawed from memorials and simultaneously he solicited volunteers for it's army.In 2015 he thinks that time has coming and his army starts it's crusade to the west.We must say that army of Moravian National Guard was really impressive.Twenty armors of various type, one chopper (it wasn't used for combat), two piston fighters, one agricultural plane Z-37 "Bumblebee", three training jet planes Aero L-39ZA and one jet fighter MiG-21 consist one of the most powerful army on Earth.Fortunatelly, Kocourek want's to occupy Prague by armored train and build of this monster followed by slow advance throught destroyed rail network give to endangered communities time for preparing defence.

Community in Svitavy use for construction of MA-1airframe from MiG-15 fighter founded in barn of mr.Drtina which father got it from traffic playground and forgot for it.As engine was used prop-jet Progress D-27 from wreck of An-70 plane and the rest of equipment and armament was used from wreck of crashed F-16 fighter which was shooted down during war and fly throught the roof of cow shed and it's nose felt to the big pile of manure and thanks by it, it was nearly undamaged.Pilot of F-16, Rossinol Lahvicek survived crash unharmed and was only licked off by dairycow.

Manoeuvring ability of new plane was really good and it's engine was thanks by prop-fan very economic and powerful.Main armament consisted from two barreled cannon GSh-23 calibre 23mm.External racks was armed by everything which members of community could find, so armament scale was very large.In agricultural season was plane used for fertilisate pulverization of community agricultural land.

On 18.5.2016, during routine reconnaissance flight, plane found armored train of Moravian National Guard in railway station Moravská Třebová where it was filled by supplies.Unfortunatelly, plane was on this day used as agricultural so pilot of MA-1 attack train by cannon attack and in the end, he properly fertilise it.During return, he warned by it's radio station community in Česká Třebová which immediately cut train superstructure between community and actual position of train.On airstrip was MA-1 rearmed for combat and send back against train. During this flight, MA-1 enter to combat with enemy MiG-21 but faster enemy jet fighter deserted from combat and ad least, MA-1 shooted down only enemy Z-37, one of L-39 and destroys one of enemy armors.

In dawn of next day starts decisive battle between Svitavy-Třebová alliance and Moravian National Guard.This battle was written to the anals for its process and above all, for it's end.Detailed description of this battle was content of next part of this story but for now, I'll give you a clue because in the end of this battle was uttered sentence "I can feck to the Prague...!"

Now some words about this model.It was produced by unknown, most likely garage producer which must be very poor because photoetched parts weren't etched and decals weren't printed.Similary, modeller must mould mouldings for yourself and I think that this famous plane merited better processing of the kit with negative panel lines and better control of basic proportions.Kit is longer for 0,5mm and wing is shorter for 0,2mm and it's swept was endgier for 1,1 degree.Wheels are moulded as if they were inflated for 0,2kPa more and there is notoriously known that this was impossible.
Out of spite this, building is easygoing because mould marks weren't in surface and you haven'n to filled them but you must filled every others.I can recommend this kit to everyone who can suffer large mentally and physical detriment...


That is really cool :thumbsup:
I would some of these in 1/72nd scale thats for sure
Excellent stuff!!!

The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!


"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.

Ed S

Great concept.  Good looking model.


We don't just embrace insanity here.  We feel it up, french kiss it and then buy it a drink.


Holy crap, THAT is truely awsome!!!!  I love the sharks mouth!!!
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Quote from: Ed S on February 10, 2010, 12:03:32 PM
Great concept.  Good looking model.


Absolutely agreed! :wub: :wub: :thumbsup:
Will die without understanding this world.


Great model! :bow: And fantastic paint job, too!

Quote from: ujik on February 10, 2010, 10:55:42 AM
<...> Pilot of F-16, Rossinol Lahvicek survived crash unharmed and was only licked off by dairycow. <...>

That must be the funniest sentence in a backstory I've ever read. Just imagine the sight!

Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?



I just wet myself.  That's f'ing cool!!!