Huma Ju-288 - Not Impressed!

Started by sideshowbob9, February 16, 2010, 09:23:58 AM

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My first draft of this post would probably have got me banned! This kit is .... flawed. That's the kindest way I can put it.

The fuselage for once went ok but the wings are pure cr*p! Not only do the wing halves not physically match up to each other but the undercarriage structure cannot physically fit in the bays without being distorted!

With a LOT of work, I've gotten to the stage where I'm almost happy with everything but I still have one main undercarriage distorted to one side. I'm stumped at how to correct it without tearing the wing apart! Anyone have any suggestions, short of going gear up?

More than anything else, it helps to have a rant and get it all off my chest!


I had a similar rant about enamel paint not so long ago... the guys here were supportive instead of funny about it... In fact most of them agreed with me...


Can we have a photo of the offending part?  Then we can give you our best ideas for a remedy.
  Alternatively, make it into an Ekranoplan!


It gets worse! The forward fuse. is twisted slightly compared to the rear fuse.! I give up!   :banghead:

I've also made a Huma Me-209 and that was a nice little kit so Huma aren't all bad but this kit is a dog!  :rolleyes:

My remedy was to bend the landing gear strut so it at least appears to be protruding from the centre of the bay. If you look inside the bay though, the landing gear cross-members are blatantly compressed. The gear is also canted outboard a bit but since the cant is consistent on both sides, I think I'll just let it go.

Basically, I won't let anyone in the know within about 5 metres of the model!  ;D

I'm alot calmer than yesterday but it was nice to let off some steam!

QuoteAlternatively, make it into an Ekranoplan!

I could but the props would get a little wet!  :thumbsup:

QuoteI had a similar rant about enamel paint not so long ago...

Don't get me started...  ;D