F-111 ASR Idea

Started by Cobra, June 22, 2010, 01:04:39 AM

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Hey Guys, Tell Me what You think of This:What If the USAF,RAF,Etc. Used the F-111 as the Basis for an Air Sea Rescue(ASR) platform? the way the Plane is Set-up, i thought it might Work for the Role of a Fast Response ASR Plane. What Say You? thanks for Looking.Dan


It could be done - you could use drop-able ASR Kits similar to those already used.

Technically though it wouldn't be SAR (Search And Rescue) but SASS (Search And Survivor Supply) - which is the term the RAAF AP-3Cs use - as you can't actually land to rescue the people.

This could be done in the F-111 GB Comrade.


Comrade Gregorski (Commissar of all F-111 GB things)

All hail the God of Frustration!!!

Silver Fox

No reason this couldn't be a 'weapons' loadout on an otherwise tactical F-111. SKAD packs (Survival Kit, Air Droppable) to deploy if required and flare pods for illumination.

Of course... the USCG HF-111 would be very colourful. :)


Interesting idea, though I think it would work best as Silver Fox and GTX said - a payload a "vanilla" F-111 could carry. A bit expensive otherwise!

Interestingly enough, I've been reading recently about the RAF's ops in Aden and Yemen in the 60s - apparently they knocked together a survival pack that consisted of a rifle and ammunition, water and other supplies, packed inside a modified drop tank. This was carried on Hunters and could be dropped to a downed pilot if it was not possible to reach him immediately. Something similar would definitely work for your idea - a drop tank shape, with high-vis markings, stencils, and a parachute fairing at the back?
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