Miles Fighters

Started by Old Paul, June 05, 2019, 11:44:17 AM

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Old Paul

The M.20 has a lot going for it, but is a little late. Really need a Kestrel/Master spin-off to get into production in time. And I prefer the wing of the earlier 'planes - whatever it's aerodynamics, the M.20 wing looks a bit like a plank.

I don't know how well equipped the Master was operationally - I assume  :rolleyes: suitable radio, oxygen, etc? Would the weight of armour, additional guns be offset against the loss of the instructor and seating?

For power, you need around 1100-1200hp. I like the idea of a Taurus, but the Twin Wasp is probably a better fit for Commonwealth production.

The aim would be for roughly an equivalent to the later MkI Hurricane - 325-330mph, 6 x .303's - available particularly in India and Australia from late 1940-mid 1941. Possibly earlier from Canada and perhaps navalised as a Gladiator replacement? Does that sound feasible or am I clutching at straws?

PS - The original photo was a quick chop and paste, but I like how it turned out!


For an inline engine fighter, revert to the nose radiator installation of the M.9 Kestrel, the unofficial Master prototype.

The later form of the installation would probably be the most straightforward to model.