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The Black Ghost

Started by philp, September 19, 2010, 06:16:06 PM

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Kapitänleutnant Horst Uphoff had a problem.  U-84, a Type VIIB had been having another successful voyage hunting in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean until being ordered to return home owing to the uncertain supply situation following the sinking of the supply boat U-459.  However, they had taken some rudder damage and had pulled into secret cove to work on repairs.  Captain Uphoff sent a message back to U-boat Command his location and that he would wait until a new supply boat could arrive to help with repairs.  Unfortunately, the message never made it through and later, it was assumed the U-84 had been lost to American aircraft.
His crew may have been stuck on this little tropical island for the rest of their lives if it hadn't been for Tom Jones, a down on his luck smuggler whom just happened to pick the same cove to hide from the local Federales. 
Since the war was now over, Jones and Uphoff decided to take advantage of the situation and do a little Privateering.  Jones used his connections to get fuel and supplies for the sub and after some makeshift repairs, a new coat of black paint and a skull and crossbones added to the sail, the Black Ghost was now in the Pirate business. 
Since sunken ships don't pay that well (and their was a limited supply of torpedos, the Ghost used it's stealthy approach to surprise it's targets.  Usually a few rounds from the 20mm were enough to get the ship to heave to but every now and then a well placed 88mm round was the final convincer.
The Happy Time had returned.

Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


This is the Hobby Boss 1/700 scale DKM U-boat Type VII B.  While it cost the same as their easy 72nd scale aircraft, there is a lot less plastic in the box.  The hull is split top and bottom and looks close enough to the waterline for me so a very quick build it was.

The sub is so small I did not have much luck with the Jolly Roger on the sail but it will have to do.  I may try this again with a larger sub kit, maybe a 72nd?
Also my first attempt at a seascape and it definitely needs more work.  I bought some Water Scenics but ran out of time to use it.  May do some practice on this later but for now, it is my 3rd finished Whiff and my first GB entry on time.

Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies