On the scrounge again ( plus something to sell)

Started by Bungle, September 24, 2010, 07:59:13 AM

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Hi Fellow Iffers,

I am on the scrounge for some Romanian WWII decals, the yellow crosses out lined in light blue. I seem to recall that the Frog Blenheim used to have a few and the Heller PZL Karas also had some on its sheet. Couldn't find any on the 'net and I'm trying to do an ARR Bloch 210 (err can't think why other than I saw a picture of one and its been plagueing me ever since). So if anyone has any spare please let me know what you want in return (First born son obvious candidate, wife - no I may need to keep you on my side). I'm in the UK and willing to pay postage etc.

My tastes have changed - I'm now into pre-wwII (strange how that happens). Got enough to keep me going but always open to more suggestions if anyone has any multiple winged craft they want to get rid of (especially vacuforms).

But as I look at my current stash I see I have a few items I'll never get around to making (and with the limitation on space they are too big anyway).

So if anyone is interested I have in 1/72nd scale the following.....

Airfix BAe Nimrod MR2P (Sorry Chrisnord - this is the one I swapped with you) It is missing the refuelling probe. £20.00 + postage
Mach 2 North American B-45 Tornado - mint - £25.00 + postage
Hasegawa Lockheed P2V-7 Neptune - A bit of paint work and the wings halves glued together hence £12.50 + postage
Fujimi Grumman E-2C Hawkeye + a vacuform fuselage to make the C-2A Greyhound ! No box - £12.50 + postage

Postage in the UK would be £3.50 for the Nimrod/Tornado/Neptune and the Grumman would be £2.75. Postage anywhere else would be more (I'll send you a quote !).

Payment would be either paypal, hot steaming cash, cheque, postal orders or iou written on the front of nubile and willing females (preferably human). Hang on What If......



I'm certain I've some in the transfer bank. PM me your address and I'll sort them out

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


The 1/72 Matchbox Messerschmitt 109 kit had Romanian markings as well, and I still have the sheet. If this is the scale you need, PM me your address and I'll ship them out to you.

Wolf Clan, Mohawk Nation, Keeper of the Eastern Door


Hya Andy,
I have an Airfix DH Tiger moth in 1/72nd scale if you want it, no use to me.
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!



Single seat Tiger Moth fighter with a radial engine...... thought I'd stopped doing What If's.



Howard of Effingham

Keeper of George the Cat.


I'll take the Neptune off your hands and if the Nimrod is still not sold that to?
Where abouts do you live?


Hi Bungle,

I have one set of the crosses, 4Xlarge crosses (16mm) 2X small crosses (10mm) and two fin flashes. No idea which kit they are from.
If you want them, PM me your address.

Alle kunst ist umsunst wenn ein engel auf das zundloch brunzt!!

Sic biscuitus disintegratum!

Cats are not real. 
They are just physical manifestations of collisions between enigma & conundrum particles.

Any aircraft can be improved by giving it a SHARKMOUTH!


Thanks Jaybee.....

..... but I'm sorted (and a big thank you to all other offers). Actually purchased (gasp!) a 1/48th scale kit just for the decals and they are perfect. Sold the kit on ebay so they only ended up costing me just over £1.  ;D

Mind you getting them to stick to the corrugated sides of the Bloch is a @#??!!#



Quote from: McColm on October 17, 2010, 06:06:41 AM
I'll take the Neptune off your hands and if the Nimrod is still not sold that to?
Where abouts do you live?

I'm in sunny Sussex - call it £35 for the two kits including postage and they are yours.



Thanks, do you want my new address? and where/who do I mail the Postal Order to?


I have many Rumanian decals--the ones of an 8-point cross. I don't have the roundels. If you are interested, PM me with sizes. As I recall the Bloch 210 is a large aircraft. I may not have big enough ones, but let me know.
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


Quote from: McColm on October 17, 2010, 08:57:04 AM
Thanks, do you want my new address? and where/who do I mail the Postal Order to?

PM on its way.


Quote from: sequoiaranger on October 17, 2010, 10:12:28 AM
I have many Rumanian decals--the ones of an 8-point cross. I don't have the roundels. If you are interested, PM me with sizes. As I recall the Bloch 210 is a large aircraft. I may not have big enough ones, but let me know.

Hi there and thank you but I have got the decals I require. Used 1/48th scale ones for the Blochs big wings.
