
Rule 1 - Always read the label

Started by Bungle, November 30, 2010, 02:29:06 AM

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It comes to us all at some time old age, senility or just straightforward stupidity. Saw a few items on Evil bay last week and decided to have a last minute bid and surprised myself in winning them. Shame I didn't actually take the time to read the auction... it's not my scale !   :banghead: :banghead:

So ladies and gentlemen of Whatifland does anyone want to treat themselves to an early Xmas present ? The kit is still factory sealed and its virtue intact.

The kit in question is the Wespe Resin 1/48 Phanomen Granit 1500AFlak 30Mm - I have attached a picture off the Web, the kit, of course, is unmade.

Now the interesting bit.... it's yours for £12.50 including postage in the UK, £15.00 elsewhere including the US.

According to http://www.modelenium.co.uk/models/Phanomen-Granit-1500AFlak-30Mm--WES48023.aspx the RRP is £54.50 !!  and it's sold out !

I will admit there is an extra few pence in my price over what I paid for it to cover packing but I don't really want to profit too much from this (Probably only going to spend it on PR_Kit's stack sale anyway). So first come, first served. If there is no interest then its back on the bay.


"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five." - Julius Henry Marx (Groucho)