
Small Combatants - Fast Attack Craft and PT Boats

Started by GTX, January 04, 2008, 06:44:20 PM

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The curved sheer of the Flower Class is a result of being based on the whale-catcher Southern Pride, the Flowers
are basically a stretched whale-catcher. The four cylinder, triple-expansion engine and cylindrical boilers also carried over.
The Castle class were a further development of the Flower and retained the same machinery, and while longer and heavier
were faster than the Flowers.

The drawings are of the early type Flower (later vessels had a lengthened forecastle) and a profile of a Castle.
Info from:
Selected Papers on British Warship Design in World War II
from the Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects
by R Baker, W J Holt, J Lenaghan, A J Sims and A W Watson
Originally published 1947
Conway Maritime Press/Naval Institute Press 1983



That might help...hm, looks like I have a lot to do.  Anyone got more art of the Flower-class, preferably really hires?  Blueprints especially, so I can start laying out areas.  I imagine I can fit a four-diesel pack in place of the old engine room and aft boiler room.  What to do with the midships one, fuel bunkerage?  Just cargo storage?  Extra crew berthing?  I did want to put a pair of boarding teams aboard, for police/rescue work as well as capture work.  Perhaps something like a SEAL platoon in size, 15-20 people in addition to standard complement.  It'd make it tight onboard, I guess, but adding in extra berth in the old boiler room might well be doable.

Daryl J.

I've often wanted to take Airfix E-boat, put a flat top on the front 3/4 of it, add a catapult, and then put Porco Rosso's Savoia aboard to give him a bit more range.   :party: :party: :party:


You colud extend the sides of the superstructure to the edge of the hull like they did with the Captain class conversions to carry landing craft


Quote from: Daryl J. on April 02, 2011, 08:25:15 AM
I've often wanted to take Airfix E-boat, put a flat top on the front 3/4 of it, replace it with a catapult and put Porco Rosso's Savoia on it to give him a bit more range.   :party: :party: :party:
okay I have got to see what this would look like. :D


Here are sections through the engine room, boiler room and fore end.
Same source as the other drawings.

PM your email address and I'll send you hi-res versions of the drawings I've posted.
Any format preference?

Also, I may have some more Flower dwgs, I'll have a look through my files (paper and electronic).